No, Not really... I just understand how much of value they were to me as a kid and now. I always had them put away for the most part. Now they are next to my bed in a tupperware/plastic container that is just about needing upgrading. (Size is getting small) and that isn't where my Precure Communes are... They have a kid sized backpack held up full of that stuff. I started another bag for those since one was ... huge.
People think of them as a really childish toy... (Some are, I admit) Like a 3-7 year old would play with them... Not really. They grab, look, and then put it down.... They are lucky they are younger, they don't get me angry... just weirded out they touched it...
Now, I havent really investgated the Tandars yet... But its reminding me of a pound puppy I still have... Walk by it, it barked/whined.... Why would they have a "mean" sensor? That is weird... Anything like the "Alive" pets? They have a wolf, Leopard/Jagaur (or something) and a lion cub. I've seen a few of those in action. I wanted one but last I knew those weren't cheap either. I'm not big on scolding my Tamagotchi either. I mean, if I have to, I will but.... I don't feel good about it.