Non Tamagotchi VPets you have


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It might be worth it to try and get the little fart working again. I'll see if I can get up enough courage to give it a shot.

Take your time, don't rush in when you aren't ready... Have all your stuff you need. Lol. I changed the background in one of my musicstars. It was just a pink paper cut to size and turned the color of the background and lear screen... It was kinda funny when I sealed it back up to see it in a all pink room/area.

One could hope it was a simple fix. Careful of the sound wire on the back... That one isn't quite an easy fix if you don't have a solder.

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Thanks. I'll remember that. I'd hate for him not to be able to beep at me if he needs something. Of course I usually tend to his needs before he as to beep but better safe than sorry.

Yup. Usually I run the first generation of any tama with sound so I can figure out call times. Most of them however, its been a while since I first started them. I only play with my Tama-go and Music Stars with sound. (If any...)

I'm sorta hunting for a V-migo cat right now. I have a dog version... I'm not sure if I want another V-migo since my dog eats the batteries I put into it.... 3AAA at a time, for 3/4 days... without sound. I'm just hoping I will run into one at goodwill or something... I JUST got the V-migo dog a week before the V-migo cat came out. I was trying to wait for the Cat too... So I couldn't get another V-migo. (Since it wasn't be buying at the time, it looked the same too) It has a fairly nice greyscale screen though. Have you played with one?

Unfortunately no. This is the first I'm hearing of V-migo pets. I'd love to have the dog.

Also, I've decided against buying non dog VPets again. Mainly because I already gave away all of my nondog Vpets and I don't want to try to rebuild the collection. Also Dog VPets really are my favorite, so while the occasional NonDog VPet interests me I don't really need them. I still want to try to fix grimlock though.

Really? That has been out forever it seems. (Like 5 years...maybe?) They had one that had a connector into the TV. I didn't get that but it did look interesting. I really wish I waited on it too, because the price lowered when the cats came out too... Atleast here they did.

I know all my pets are here to stay. My Japanese ones came to me EMS, not to mention a careful packing which I paid extra for.... Those are my favorite and if people touch them... Oh do I get mad. (My Precure Commune toys) I am working on collecting all of the main stuff. I'm behind by a few now because I didn't fork over $100 a pop, without shipping for a few. I think the person offered standard airmail with no tracking... I mainly buy those and Tamagotchi now.

I know I kind of wish I'd kept all mine. That proves you're smarter than me.

The problem is I say I want to stick to dog VPets only but every time a new VPet comes out dog or not I want it.

Take those Tandar things for example. I still want one. They sound amazing from all I've read about them. They even have a way of telling if you're in front of them. My only problem is that they have three touch sensors, one of them makes no sense to me. It's on the back of the head and from what I've read the things hate it when they're touched there. So why exactly did they program it to do that? What's the purpose of putting another sensor in if all it does is upset the critter? Is there anyone out there who will plunk down $50 for a VPet only to think "You know, this pet is great. If only there was some way I could torture it"? I'd think if you hated VPets enough that you'd want to annoy them you wouldn't be willing to pay $50 for one. Of course this may just be one of my hang ups. I don't even like scolding my Tamagotchis.

No, Not really... I just understand how much of value they were to me as a kid and now. I always had them put away for the most part. Now they are next to my bed in a tupperware/plastic container that is just about needing upgrading. (Size is getting small) and that isn't where my Precure Communes are... They have a kid sized backpack held up full of that stuff. I started another bag for those since one was ... huge.

People think of them as a really childish toy... (Some are, I admit) Like a 3-7 year old would play with them... Not really. They grab, look, and then put it down.... They are lucky they are younger, they don't get me angry... just weirded out they touched it...

Now, I havent really investgated the Tandars yet... But its reminding me of a pound puppy I still have... Walk by it, it barked/whined.... Why would they have a "mean" sensor? That is weird... Anything like the "Alive" pets? They have a wolf, Leopard/Jagaur (or something) and a lion cub. I've seen a few of those in action. I wanted one but last I knew those weren't cheap either. I'm not big on scolding my Tamagotchi either. I mean, if I have to, I will but.... I don't feel good about it.

I'm not overly sorry about giving away my Furbys and most of my FurReals but I really miss my Poo-Chis. I like all VPets but the dog ones are my favorites and always will be. I found one of my old posts on a Yahoo group and it turns out I had 16 Poo-Chis at one point. I sure wish I had kept them.

I've seen the Alive Pets in toys R Us. What turned me off them was the fact that when I first encountered them I couldn't find a single one in the store whose Try Me feature worked. One's motors kept making whirring noises like it was struggling to move but there was no actual motions. I left the aisle and came back ten minutes later and it still was making those noises. It sounded sick. I wanted the Husky and the Fox Terrier and actually found a working Husky but at the time I didn't have $50. The last I checked they were all on clearance. Toys R Us probably doesn't have any left so I probably missed my chance.

I've decided not to get a Tandar, at least not for a while. When I called about preorder/payment methods they didn't really seem to have their stuff together yet. They're offering preorders on the site but I'm not sure I want to deal with ordering one when they're still trying to set stuff like phone orders and preorders up. There seems to be a higher chance of order screw ups when they're this disorganized. Plus there's a greater chance of product malfunctioning in early batches. First run Furbys were horrible about ceasing to function and the early FurReal cats had problems as well.

Oh and I think I might have the exact same kind of Pound Puppy. I think they're called Pick Me Pups.

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I was just asking about the Alive pets because I spotted a few lion cubs (I think....) in my Big Lots while looking. I was after a Husky myself. I guess a family member had one. I think at that point I think the person who bought it payed $70 for it... That was last year I think. I'm not sure. You might be able to find them at a Big Lots if you have one.... Sometimes, If you go into Burlington Coat Factory ... Um I think its just the outlet store.... They have random toys you would never have guessed they would have too. I wouldn't know if you have them or not. I find older stuff at my Burlington Coat Factory all the time, sometimes for less then adverage.

My mom really didn't want to get my second "chi" pet... I got the Poochi because it was a "must have" at the time here. Then came the cat, which I learned interacted with the Dog... Welp. I had to have it too... It wasn't as much if I remember right. Then the Birds and a few other "Chis..." I THINK came out too... That point they were like $7-$13 here based on the animal it was. I had to get the Happy Meal toys too... I still have those. Along with all the Furby ones... Same spot.

I am not much into Preordering... I really don't think I've preordered since my 2 Furby. (TRU Geffory version and my full White one)

The Toys R Us I saw the Alive pets in is about an hour away from me. I'll be in the area next Friday and I may swing by and see if they still have the Husky or Fox Terrier. Last I checked they were marked down to $35. There may be a slim chance they may have a few left.

I rarely preorder. I think I preordered one of the original FurReal cats from Amazon a few years back and a couple of XBox games from Gamestop but that's about it. I won't be preordering a Tandar because I just won't have the extra money in the next two months. I want to try to get a few more Furry Frenzies dogs and maybe if I'm lucky an alive dog with what little cash I have.

My ToysRUs isn't close either... It used to be a walking distance, but changed to a BabiesRUs... So, now we have to jump the highway to a busy part of town... Which I think is like an Half hour away... Not sure. But I rarely go there unless a Birthday comes up or its C-mas. People don't care to go there since they normally can find some of the stuff at a Walmart. I miss having one close. I could go there everyday if it was still there.

I hope you manage to get all the pets you want.

Thank you. There's probably only a slim chance of me finding an alive dog but I figure it's worth checking out just in case.

Some random stores have random pets... Ones like the Dollar store might... oviously not for a dollar... but sometimes I find weird things in them... Big Lots tends to hold on to older stuff too.

I'm trying to figure out this one fuzzy pink bear thing is... You shove a bottle in the mouth... It eats, remove it... it whines. Then after it is done eating... It says I love you or something... Its totally dorky... but I keep finding it in my room in random places. (With no battery) I took off the sticker years ago that told me what it was... It used to smell like a strawberry too I think... hey had Yellow, Purple, Green, Blue and Pink... I'm fairly certain they had a Orange one too... but not totally sure. Oh and the nose lights up... It a heart...

It Was This...

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That's kind of a wierd critter. It reminds me of a small toy I had when I was a kid called a Chubble. It just lit up and made noises when you moved in front of it. There were bigger plush versions too. They weren't any kind of animal. Just some sort of bizarre creature that looked like a Jawa from Star Wars. Even the simplest interactive toy today puts chubbles to shame.

It is... Its even weirder that I keep finding it after I put it away. Most things I put away don't come out for a while. I have so many "interactive" toys in my room... I'm surprised most of them still work. Of the ones that don't have a one use battery pak inside them....

You know that "nyan cat" everyone keeps talking about...? (I watched a piece/45seconds of it to see what poptart cat was...) well, I think its sounds like a Meow-Chi... I haven't turned on my Meowtchi in a while, but I plan to compare the sounds. I think its crazy....

I don't get why the whole Nyan cat thing is so popular. But then a lot of internet memes don't make much sense to me.

I really liked Meow-Chi.The whole Robo-Chi line was cool, but aside from Poo-Chi Meow-Chi was probably the best. The only ones I didn't really like was Petal-Chi and Baby-Chi.

I think there was a Dino-Chi too... Or atleast pretty close. I need to turn that on and record it and try to replicate the sound. I swear that is what it is. I love my Meow-chi. (Blue) I have it sitting up next to my Poo-chi. (Purple)

The Nyan cat is weird... I don't get it other then the cat being a poptart cat and it nyaning. That and its a loop video....

There was definately a dino-Chi. I think there was a T-Rex and Pterodactyl.

I've got one of my broken aibos by my keyboard. He's headless due to something stupid I did a few years back when I thought I was done with VPets. I feel terribly guilty so I'm trying to give him a bit of a life and a lot of attention. His head may be gone but his spirit's still intact and I want him to know he's still loved and how sorry I am.

You damaged an Aibo? Not one of the $2k versions I hope... I was investigating those a bit... I would have one... but they aren't cheap and without a standard job... They don't look any cheaper. They are neat looking. Could steal a head off a Tyko RoBo dog found in a garage sale.... My cousin might still have his... and his cat... But who knows what he has kept over the years... I have lists of things I wanted from him.

I would go into an art store... Find some of that super soft crayola soft dough... Try to make a head for it. The clay doesn't tend to be much and it is Air dry too... They might have a thing you can shape a head too... But it might only be a doll head... You could always shape it like that with dog ears.

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