~ Nintendo 3DS ~


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Man. It is a bit on the pricey side.

Yeah, and at least it---PAHAHAHA! Sorry, I just saw Mimitchi fall from the ceiling of the blue tama on the web page. XD Ok, as I was saying, at least we can be sure it'll be cheaper in NA or EU than in Japan, 'cause it always is. I'm even willing to be happy with it being at $250 at this point. Although I'm steeling myself for...$280 max (assuming that the JP price conversion is around $300). Sound about right?

I'm trying to sell my Wii stuff for $200 (Wii+2 controller sets with motion + and Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort, and DDR3). Was priced at $250, but no one was biting. Just posted on my fb profile for that $200 price tag. No luck so far. *sigh* It'd be nice to invest in other consoles instead if I can sell my Wii. :/ I'll let GS rip me off on most games, but I will NOT accept all that stuff for just $80.

Need to fund my 3DS somehow. Bleh.

^Aw, sucks that you have to sell your wii. Couldn't you just get a job? I'm babysitting right now, and if you can find someone to babysit for, it's an easy job that pays pretty well. I make approximately $50 a week from it, depending on how often I'm needed. I have basically enough to buy the 3DS in my wallet right now, but I need it for other stuff before then, so... yeah, i'll have to pay for my band trip and then start all over. And save up for katsucon.... oh well, i can still make enough money. Or get it for Christmas, that would be preferable.

Man, I'm really excited for the 3DS. Sure, we don't have the money to get one, but I just can't wait for it to come about, because, it looks amazing.

Aw, sucks that you have to sell your wii. Couldn't you just get a job?
Too busy with school to get a job. -_- But anyway, situation's changed. I'm keeping my Wii. My dad thinks I haven't been getting enough sleep (too true) and knows that I've been trying really hard in school---also that I was fretting about having to get A's in my report card so my parents'd pay me so I could save up for my 3DS. Finally, he was just like "How much is this DS3 thing anyway?" (he rarely gets the name right XD) So I said there was no known price, but it's ranging from $250-$300. Basically, now the set-up is for me to start working on getting lights-out at about 10 pm (It was 11 pm before), and he promises to pay for half of the 3DS when it comes out. :3 He says even if I don't fall asleep until 11, at least I'm getting rest by going to bed early.

Sooo I'm trying to keep that promise so I only need to pay for half of my 3DS. :3 Whoo! Now I don't think I need to worry too much about saving. And I need to work on falling asleep sooner. Good. :)

Oh! And there's gonna be Professor Layton games on it! For all you PL fans. ^_^ I wanna get Animal Crossing, Nintendogs + Cats, and Kingdom Hearts 3D (or whatever the real title is going to be, but it's not KHIII). Oh, and Ocarina of Time. I might actually try LoZ then.

P.S. For anybody who's newly reading this topic, NO, 3DS games will not be playable on the DS. Zip. However, you can still play DS and DSi games on it (sorry, no GBA functionality, but there will be a virtual console store on the 3DS to get GB and GBC games). And 3DS games are going to be mass marketed, meaning it's not going to be like the DSi where there's only a few DSi-special games. There's going to be A LOT. The 3DS is a completely new system, and is not like a PSP 2000 to 3000 hop, or like a DS Lite to DSi jump. It's going to be like going from the GBA to the DS.

^ Oh, well that's good!

Anyway, the games I really want for 3DS are Kid Icarus: Uprising, Ocarina of Time, Kingdom Hearts, Animal Crossing, maybe Mario Kart, Meat Boy, etc. Lol, yeah I like a lot of games that are coming out for the 3DS. I'm so excited!

Oh, just thought I'd point out to all you Canadians: the 3DS is available for preorder from Game Stop now in Canada, and the price is $299 (for Canada, I imagine it will be less in the U.S.).

Oh, just thought I'd point out to all you Canadians: the 3DS is available for preorder from Game Stop now in Canada, and the price is $299 (for Canada, I imagine it will be less in the U.S.).
Just wanted to add that $299 is just an estimated price. They probably haven't received official info yet seeing as systems are pretty much always cheaper in other regions than Japan (which happens to be priced at about $299).


You can still put down $50 for your pre-order though, just saying that the total probably won't be $299.

Just wanted to add that $299 is just an estimated price. They probably haven't received official info yet seeing as systems are pretty much always cheaper in other regions than Japan (which happens to be priced at about $299).


You can still put down $50 for your pre-order though, just saying that the total probably won't be $299.
But since it's already available for pre-order, then shouldn't the price be settled? Correct me if I'm wrong.

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