here is the link:
my friend said it might look like its from google so i asked her for a better one so she will take another one soon
Um thats a Dalmatian(spelling?) and dalmatians come(or can) that way.
Did you mean about Bark Mode? Becuase if you do what you/r friend did everytime you check your puppies stop and run up to the screen or look at you.
Bark Mode:
Okay; my friend has a Dalmatian and she did bark mode with me I sent my Shiba Inu and I got a Dalmatian and she got a shiba inu(I think I sent a Shiba Inu)
List of puppy colors:
Chihauhua: White, Black and White, Orange and white
Yorkie: Brown, Black
Shetland Sheepdog: Brown, black, orange(?)
C.King Charles Spaniel: Black Brown
G. Sheperd: Brown(?)
Boxer:Brown and black and Orange
Shiba Inu: Orange Black White
L.Retriever:White, Black
Pembroke Welsh Corgi: Orange, Black, Brown
Toy Poddle:White Brown and black
Miniture Pincher: Brown and black
Minitrue Schnazer: Black and Gray
Dachsund: Black brown Gold
Beagle: Brown
Pug: Brown(tan) White Black
Dalmatian: White
Jack Russell: Orange?
And Nintendogs are puppies and it even tells you in the book in the case. It didn't work > : (