New Year gatecrashers


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"Well, it should be...why do you ask?" Zyros asked.

Zane nodded. "Yeah, good idea."

"It just seems like an obvious place." Nick shrugged.

Eleanor slid off the sofa and into her shoes, pulling Zane up. "Come on then. You can be my tour guide."

Zane laughed. He walked around, showing Eleanor all the different rooms.

Zyros frowned. "Well, it's hard to find. Not many people know about it."

"This is actually a rather big place." Eleanor smiled.

"Really? It's been common knowledge to me." Nick shrugged. "Not that I've ever been here myself. I just hung out. in my world."

Zyros didn't respond, he just continued to walk.

Zane nodded. "I really like it."

"Speaking of how big places are... how big is this village?" Eleanor asked.

Nick and Lucinda just followed.

"Oh, not that big. I doubt there's more than a thousand people." Zane told her.

For a strange reason, Zyros couldn't find Zane or sense his presence. "You know where to find him? I can't seem to find him..." Zyros told Nick.

"Sounds pretty big... but I guess that number changes all the time."

"I haven't even been told who we're looking for, but I'll take a guess." Nick said, before concentrating. "Hm. He'll probably be with Eleanor..."

Zane laughed a little. "A thousand people is actually really small. My old village had six thousand." he told Eleanor.

Zyros just nodded, letting Nick concentrate.

X"Whoa, really? My old village was tiny, really..."

Nick frowned. "Nope, nothing. Maybe they're hiding somehow..."

"I dunno, less than 6000 people?" Eleanor laughed.

"We look around for them?" Nick suggested. "Or you get in one of their minds."

"Oh, that's pretty small." Zane laughed.

Zyros nodded. "I don't think either are going to work."

"Yeah." Eleanor laughed, wrapping an arm around Zane's waist.

"How do we know they're not walking around?" Lucinda suggested, although she wasn't really talking to Nick or Zyros as she was too busy looking around at the completly new village.

"Even if they were, we should still be able to find them." Zyros told Lucinda.

Zane kissed Eleanor on the cheek. "Now what do you want to do?"

Lucinda gave a small shriek. "We have to find them! I don't care how, but we have to!"

"Hm... I dunno." Eleanor paused, thinking. "What is there to do around here?"

"Well we could go swimming..." Zane suggested.

Zyros rubbed Lucinda's shoulders. "Relax, let's take a small break. We'll find the sooner or later."

"Wow. I haven't been swimming in ages, I kinda lost interest." Eleanor laughed, pausing to pull herself closer to Zane. "With you, however... it might be fun."

Lucinda shrugged away from Zyro's hands. "No! I want to find them now! I'm bored!"

Nick glanced at Zyros. "Seriously. Just go along with her."

Zane grinned. "Hm, okay. There should be a bathing suit for you to get changed into."


Zyros frowned, and looked over at a hot spring. "Just, wait here for five minutes. Please, I think they might come to this spring."

"You think? That would be useful." Eleanor smiled. "Unless you prefer the alternative..."

Lucinda groaned loudly, flopping onto the ground, sitting cross legged with her arms folded. "Fine."

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