New Angelgotchi Petition


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My name is Nash and I live in England.

I would like to think we could influence Bandai, but I doubt we will; they must need projected sales in the hundreds of thousands to warrant releasing a product.

I only we could all buy fifty...



I want angel tamagotchi NOW :kusatchi: :D :nyatchi: :( :D :D :D :rolleyes: :mimitchi: :D :D

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I want angel tamagotchi NOW can someone message bandi :kusatchi: :nazotchi: :nyatchi: :( :pochitchi: :gozarutchi: :( :( :mimitchi: :mametchi: :kuribotchi:

Name: Ribbon

Location: Australia

Comment: Wouldn't it be nice if they brought out a TMGC+C angel version??^^ It'd be super cute! :(

bruno california

i whant tamagotchi angel now some one has to message bandi :D :D :D :angry: :lol: :lol: :) :) :D :lol: :D

name, Christy

the country you live in, USA

and any comments you may have about what you would like to see in the new angelgotchi's. I would love for them to be in english, not japaniese

Name:Cheyenne Alford


they should totally bring anglegotchis' back, thet r sooooooooooooooooooooo cute!

Name: KSCountry: Canada

Comments: I've always wanted an Angelgotchi and my mom says, "No, you can't have one if it's off eBay, okay!?" I'd love to be able to see them in Wal-Mart for $25 so I can get one! No doubt my mom would say YES!!

Also, can I make a... um... petition for the P1s and P2s to come back?
:angry: :) great idea that would be cool :angry:

Name: Dorothy R.

Country: USA

Comments: To Bandai: I have just bought on on Ebay, and I must say, this is the funnest and best tama for a middle schooler, especially with my schedule. Please, produce more!

Other: This tama is awesome!

tamagotchi angels rockz i want one :( :furawatchi: :ph34r: :wacko: :furawatchi: :hitodetchi: :( :( :mametchi: :mimitchi: :D :( :gozarutchi:

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Some of you may have read a petition to bring back angelgotchi's a while ago. It was closed because we are not supposed to bump up old topics and this one had been untouched for a year until someone replied, but if we keep this one steadily going, then admin said it wouldn't be closed.
Anyways, we are trying to get Bandai to release angelgotchi's again. So please sign this, and put a link to this in your signature.

Please include your...


the country you live in,

and any comments you may have about what you would like to see in the new angelgotchi's.

Once we have a considerable amount of signatures we will send this to Bandai, and hopefully bring angelgotchi's back!
name: Joe

the country you live in: england,britan

I dont even know what an angelgotchi is! but they sound good

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Name: Ben (Piqutchi)

Country: United States

It would be certainly interesting to have a new Angelgotchi, maybe even a color version at that! :)

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