New Angelgotchi Petition


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Matt Or xxKuchipatchixx


Well I don' t have an angelgotchi.... YET! but I would like to see them with new characters, Because I was looking online and they had a poor selection of characters either way I'm excited to get my angelgotchi in the mail and I would love it if they made new ones.

Bring Angelgotchi's Back!!!

Name: Karina

Country: England

Comments: Plz release the angel again just how it was, but it u HAVE to change it then make an angel connection and add a few more characters. ;)

I don't think I'm sure of what I'm supposed to do... but here I go.

name: Taylor

Country: United states of America.

What I would like to see?: maybe some new shell designs, acess to connecting to the websites, like tamgotchi angel town, It could be sky themed! I mean wat. new games, and new charatcers? <3 <3

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name: Lovisa

Country: Sweden

Comments: Don't do it as big and bulky as the tama-go, and I'll be very happy :)

I hope they one day bring out the angelgotchis again, I really miss mine and I wish I knew what I did with it as a kid.

name: Heather

the country you live in: USA

and any comments you may have about what you would like to see in the new angelgotchi's: I would love to see new characters, a connection like the connections, new games maybe o and a way to pause the game.

Even if you made a proper online petition I doubt bandai would listen, the number of successful petitions online is miniscule.

An iDL Angel/Devil would go down quite nicely with tama fan though :D

I didn't intend on copying your idea, it's just I saw your topic and I thought it was a good idea, but it was closed because it was bumped up. All credit for the original idea goes to you.

I just wanted to give it another try since it didn't work out the first time.
This is actually part of the problem with ideas like this - Bandai never created a connection version of the Tamagotchi Angel, if they did create one someone could say but that was MY IDEA and possibly get the company into some hot water. I don't disagree that a connection Angelgotchi (with possibly a connection Devilgotchi compatriot) would be totally awesome!!! - but again - the Bandai thing. It's nice to see a lot of support for the older gen of Tamagotchi, but unless they try to revive them like what was done with furby, it probably won't happen.


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I'm Karina, I live in England. I'd love to help bring back the angelgotchi's!

name: Veronica

the country you live in: USA

and any comments you may have about what you would like to see in the new angelgotchi's :

I have never had an angelotchi before but it looks fun but very simple.Maybe add a little more fun to it like have a Angelic rythm (a music star but as an angelotchi instead of tammas like mametchi kutchipatchi etc.) It can also marry.I would also like to see more charcters too.Their could be tammas like lovelitchi violetchi and chametchi with wings as angels.They also could connect with other angelotchis and give each other gifts and things like that.Their can also be Melody points (money)

There could also be something called a angelicgo (a angelotchi but like a tammago.) The figurienes could have chametchi violetchi mametchi memetchi etc. But With wings.On the figurines the girls have pink wings and the boys have blue wings.It can also marry and connect.Some instruments can be ; A Harp, Angel machine (karaoke machine),Melody Tube (recorder), and a Harmony player (flute). Also their is Melody points (money)

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Name: Caylin

Country: USA

Dont take away Angelgotchis!!! I dont have one, but I plan to own one in the future!!! <:[

Name: Kyle

Country: USA

Reason: Angelgotchis are so amazing and creative and one of the best tamas. Please bring it back.

Name: George

Country: USA

Comments: The angelgotchi was so cute! It would be kawaii overload if you brought it back.

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