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Neopets or Marapets???

  • Marapets

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Neopets

    Votes: 11 100.0%
  • Other (please write them down as a reply or pm me)

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I don't like either of it much but I think neopets is better.

MaraPets sucks... I mean its a rip off of neopets and neopets is way cooler!

When my brither first showe dme Marapets, I loved it. I done an all-nighter on it, literally. Now, I jsut think it's a cheap crappy website.



some people say marapets are for those who joined neopets but thought it was too complicated.Neopets is so NOT!

Once on a dare, I joined marapets.I hated it!I think MARAPETS is even more confusing!!and their pet designs may have even been copied from neopets!

This was majorly bumped,

but Neopets.

I've played both for many years, I love them both so much.

But Neopets means alot more to me because I've been playing it longer and I have loads of merchandise.

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Neopets, but I like how on Marapets you can have your own character and you can dress them up as well as having a pet. BTW Marapets copyed Neopets > :) and on Marapets you earn marapoints faster which makes it more boring... :)

EEK mara? neo? PETS? see any similarities??? marapets, i wouldn't be surprised if its a SPAM! i tried to make a n account once, the pets adoption thing, the pets are so CHEESY i could name like 14 that look just like actual neopets!! they TOTALLY copied neopets "marapoops" is just a TOTALLY wanna-be neopets. i bet u cant even get paintbrushes. GO NEOPETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

no it's not!! it's sooooooooooooooo much fun
you can do so much things like explore the land (there is a good side and an evil side), get freebies, buy clothes for your avatar, post in the forums, earn marapoints, play games, do quests, play and feed your pets(you can create up to 12 pets), buy food, get furniture for your marahome, battle against other players, create your own free website, donate items, adopt pets, get minipets, visit your dead pet at the graveyard, adopt dead zombie pets from the graveyard, unlock avatars and sooooooooo many secrets, and sooooooooo much more!!
thats about just the same as neopets, but a diff form. MARAPOINTS!?!? are you KIDDING!!! NEOpoints!

................i regret saying that. nvm on that sorry, i was really immature and mean. nvm

I play on Neopets and Marapets, as well as Powerpets, Shining Stars, Club Penguin, and various other virtual pet sites.

I like Neopets best, partly because that's the first one I found, but also because it seems more interesting and fun that Marapets, and I have more friends on there than I do on Powerpets.

Marapets feels like it looked at Neopets and decided "Tombolas are popular there? So we'll have more Tombolas! Where Neopets has 1 tombola, we'll put 4 in, and that will make us more popular than Neopets because Tombolas are popular!" or "Faeries are popular? many faeries can we put in our lands? Well, we need at least one for every land, of course. AT LEAST." and "Huh, they have what, 20 lands? We can do a lot more than that."

It feels like Marapets deliberately tried to look at everything Neo did, and take it to the most extreme. But the term moderation is useful here. Not to mention, I really dislike that it costs real money to get any of the limited edition pets. My mom and I each have a lutari. She got one because she chose to get a game on her cell phone, however, I got mine by having the Pet Creation window open for three hours on Lutari Day. These are both valid ways of getting a lutari, and while the second is more difficult, it is possible and no one need spend money. On Marapets, however, a Chibs, for example, being one of the most highly valued pets, can only be received from an account upgrade.

Powerpets doesn't have most of these things...their games, while not completely new and original, aren't incredibly obvious transfers from one site to the other (Meerca Chase became Murfin Chase...they could have called it Murfin Run, or Murfin Catch, or something, rather than changing the pet name and leaving it) and they are reasonably fun. The points aren't hugely difficult to earn, but they are more helpful for that. It seems like on Marapets, items are priced very high due to how easy it is to get points. I have five million mp, and can't buy a chibs potion still. Powerpets at least has a good message behind it, and donates to shelters and other funds for real animals. The creators are fairly kind, and they definitely play on the site-one of the two creators of the site bought an item from my younger brother's shop just a couple of weeks ago.

Shining Stars is a kid's site. It's fun! I don't go on much, I have three plushies on there, and it's pretty fun just to relax.

And Club Penguin is pretty cute. I don't have a membership, so I don't go on much, but I donate every coin I get to the donation stations in December. If nothing else, I like that they donate to help people and that they let the players choose.

NEOPETS. Marapets is a cheap ripoff of Neopets. The art is terrible, especially for the pets, which are supposedly the most important part. It's boring and badly made, so I never play it anymore, but I have played it in the past.

Neopets has so many goals to achieve, whether it be earning a Gourmet Club trophy, or finally getting your hands on a Pirate Lutari potion. Overall, it's got a lot more personality, and a lot more work put into making it.

I like Neopets better. Marapets was confusing for me, but Neopets was better for me. And i have to agree, Marapets is a cheap ripoff. :p

Marapets is the dumbest thing ever! For some epic pets you need to upgrade with friggin' real money! :angry: NEOPETS RULES CAUSE YOU DON'T HAVE TO UPGRADE ACCOUNT TO ENJOY IT ALL THE WAY WOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Edit: Caps abuser here. XD

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DEFIANTLY NEO. I made an account for mara... TOTAL RIP OFF. a bunch of the pets look like neo.. neo is so moch more fun. mai fave virtual site :D

And plots too those are mai favorite ;)

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