Natural Hair Color


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I have dirty blonde hair, right now it has henna in it so it looks light brown, I wish it would get back to the natural color soon.

My hair started very blonde, started darkening as I'm not out in the sun as much. It also has a red tint some days. I've dyed it red and black on seperate occasion. I'm contiplating going platinum.

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My hair is darkish-brown with highlights(mostly on the tips).It's natural.

My hair is dark brown. Some people say it looks black.

Some of my hair strands are naturally red. You can only see them in the light, though.


My hair's black, but turns brown & red in the sun. It's normally black though.

Mines wierd,

When I was about 3 or 4 it was blonde, then it went light brown, then when I was about 10-11 it was brunette, now its light brown underneath and blonde on top.


my hair is naturally medium brown.... but now it's black with red tips ^.^
Oooohh! That sounds heaps cool! ^^

My natural hair colour is brown, but now its kinda a redish/orangie brown colour.

I plan re dying it a Light Orange/Red colour soon. :]


I was Born with Black hair, then it faded to Dark Brown (around the age of 1) Then Lighterbrown with a reddish tint. Then Reddish blonde. Then Dark blonde (age 1-3) Then Medium brown (m,y hair faded and darkend alot when i was little). Now i have it dyed Reddish Brown.

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