I agree completely. O__O
It really makes me angry when people are bullies to new members for no reason. It's like, if you were new, wouldn't you just want to feel WELCOMED instead of being called 'n00b' over and over again?
And it really makes me sad about how people judge people by the way they TYPE. Some people use txt tlk. GET OVER IT. It's the way they type, it's not your problem. If you think it's annoying just BLOCK THEM. It's that easy. If you make a big deal about how someone types, then you're just immature. ;(
Txt tlk is just an easy way to communicate, and although the majority of members on TamaTalk don't use it, it doesn't mean people should be rude to those who do.
And when people ask new people their age...oh my gosh. If the member is kind of young, one of the existing members usually comments about how they're too young to be on a chatroom and everyone joins in and eventually starts totally making fun of the new member for no reason. Yeah, that's just gross.
And if the new member claims to be over 15, no one believes them and starts making fun of them. It doesn't make sense!
And yes, some of them MAY be lying about they're age, but that's because they're insecure. How would you feel if you were new to a place, and everyone was chatting about some inside joke, and you didn't get it AND people were making fun of you at the same time? Yeah, kinda sucks, doesn't it?
And some new people spam, okay. And yes, it's annoying. But they're NEW. They probably don't know the rules. And instead of totally yelling and screaming at them, just tell them sternly to stop. It works way better, trust me.
Yeah, sorry guys ^__^; But that was my little shpeel, because this has been totally bugging me for a while. Thanks for listening.