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Jun 25, 2008
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Hello! I haven't been on here for that long, but oh well. :mimitchi: I got a new Tamagotchi V5, and I thought I would share them with all of ya! :p Ok, so currentlly they are children. (typical) One female and two males.




And this is their life so far!





Hey! Snack Time you three!

*all sit down*

*hits Bella with lollipop*

Ouch! That hurt, Shane! *hits with lemon*

You all are idiotic freaks! *throws peices of food*

Must you do this everytime we eat a meal! *in mind* Gosh I wish they were Teens or adults already!

*all* Sorry!

You better be! Finish up now, then we can go to the TamaExpo!

I'm gonna buy some clothes!

*under breath* Girly, sissy, baby.

:eek: I heard that!

Don't start again, [SIZE=14pt]please![/SIZE]



Ok, let's go to the TamaExpo!

More of the Match Family coming soon!

I got their bonding to 20%! :(

It doesn't seem like some immature embassels are bonding with me.

Whatever, Izzie!

;) Can't we please get along? I bet you all will evolve soon!

Really? I wanna grow to be a Kuchipatchi when I'm an adult!

I'll be a Kizatchi!

I'll be a pretty Violetchi and I'll marry a handsome Mamecthi! *twirls*

Hope all of you turn that way. But I'll have to tell you all something before you are adults.

Like what?

If I tell you now, you won't want to become adults.

:) Ok.

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The family's now at 30% bonding and are teens!




Wow sis!

You're really pretty sis!

Awww! Thank you guys!

Thank god! They've finally matured a little!

:) No prob, Izzie.

Yes, and I've decided I don't have to be so full of myself.

Wow! They are all adults and at 100% bonding!




Yes! I am a Violetchi just as I planned! :puroperatchi:

I'm not as I planned.......

Me neither, but aren't I adorable?!

(Both Shane and Jack turn around and see Izzie) :marumimitchi: You are so gorgeous sister!

If you weren't my sister I would so marry you!

Eeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwww! Shane! You are so disgusting!

I said IF you WEREN'T my sister!


No affense, bro, but that was kinda disgusting.

Ok. I'm glad you guys are mature and are nice to eachother, but this stuff has to stop.


I also have chosen who I will keep to have marry.

I think we all know.

Yes! ME! And I'm so happy! Tomorrow morning I will get married!

Sorry guys. It will be sad when she gets married and you leave. I loved you all but you all can't stay here for me to take care of. You'll be able to go back to Tamaplanet though.

Ya, but we'll miss you!

Ya! *sniff*

Yes, I know. But on Tamaplanet you guys can start your own family.

XD I had this brilliant idea. Let's read Izzie's diary!


:eek: I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight. I'm going on the dating show, and I have three tries to find a Mametchi or something cute. I will try three times if I can't find a Mametchi, but if the last one isn't I'll take him no matter what. I wouldn't be able to take another day not having a husband. I feel too old.




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*gulp* :D I have an hour to look nice for the dating show. I'm so nervous yet so excited. I'll miss my brothers a lot, after all, they are so very nice to me now. Why do they have to leave when we finally don't bicker?! ;) Oh well.





I married to a............. I'm not sure what he was but he was handsome! I'm a Mamametchi and he's a Papapatchi. We have three kids, 2 boys and one girl. We haven't named them yet. But either one of my boys or my girl will marry with another tamagotchi on another v5. I'd like to see how it works out.




They had two boys and one girl. There bonding is up to 40% and these are their names...............

Mattaritchi~Male~Etsuko Cole Match

Tororotchi~Female~Ella Mehadi Match

Mousetchi~Male~Zack Hotaru Match

Can't type anymore today. Happy 4th! (for those of you who are americans)

Their bonding is 70% and the are teens!

Korokotchi~Male~Etsuko Cole Match

Shelltchi~Female~Ella Mehadi Match

Bakutchi~Male~Zack Hotaru Match

Hopefully, in 2 days, I'll marry!

Hmmmph. Why can't I marry. I'm the girl!

Settle down. It's just because he's going to marry Toshi, Taylor's tamagotchi.


My friend Taylor's. She's very nice and so is the Togi family.

When can we meet them?

You have, but you probably don't remember. You were barely kids. You can meet them tomorrow.

Oh. Well, that'll be cool.

What happens when he marries?

You guys go back to Tamaplanet, to have children of your own and maybe meet your uncles.

Uncles?! You mean our mom had brothers?

Yes, and they had to leave. Izzie...I mean, your mother, was very sad to see her brothers leave.

I wont' believe any of us being sad to leave eachother until I see it.

Ok. It will be soon enough.

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Wait.... Etsuko has a diary?! Well, it says Journal, but it sure looks like a diary inside! Let's read!


I'm excited, nervous, and shy all at the same time! :D :huh: :furawatchi: I'll get married to Toshi tomorrow, or whenever we're all adults. (which should be tomorrow) I hopefully will be a Mametchi, or be handsome enough to satisfy Toshi. Oh well. See ya!



Good news and Bad! Bad is that I have to wait until tomorrow for them to marry, good is they evolved into AWESOME characters!

Mametchi~Male~Etsuko Cole Match

Chantotchi~Female~Ella Mehadi Match

Kuchipatchi~Male~Zack Hakoru Match

Taylor's.................not so well.

Hukugetchi~Male~Sam ? Togi

Potetchi~Female~Toshi Sakura Toshi

Hatugotchi~Male~Jack ? Togi

The only good one is Jack out of her's. We were planning on Etsuko and Toshi to marry, but I don't think they'd look like a good couple when they become parents. So either Ella and Jack will marry to get /I think/ a Mame Family or Zack and Toshi to get /I think/ a Kuchipa Family. Even if they aren't those families, they'll be matching couples. :( Well, I can't wait till' tomorrow! Here is what my family has to say about the changes.

What?! So no matter what I can't marry?!

Sorry, Etsuko.

Yes! I might be able to marry!

So will I!

Let's dance! *Zack and Ella dance*

Oh well.

Hey! What happens if one of you get chosen for marriage? And the other doesn't? You won't be so happy then, will ya?

*stare at eachother* I know I'll marry Jack because he's the only cute member of the family.

So! It doesn't matter right now! It matters what we'll turn into! And me and Toshi would look nice together..........

Ya! Well, me and Jack would be a Mamametchi and Papamametchi!

Break it up! All of you, go to sleep. I know it is really early but you need to wake early and get a lot of sleep. You all have to do something special to see who will marry. Even Etsuko gets a chance to marry. Plus, you have to look nice to impress your man or lady. Go on now!

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