My V4.5 Log!


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Active member
Dec 28, 2007
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All right! My first log! So let me tell you guys that I am so happy to be apart of TamaTalk! Its the coolest!

Al right, to my tama. My design is the globe design with a yellow star. I currently have a girl teenager named Apple. I am going in alphabetical order. Well, Apple is a Zouritchi. She is so beautiful. I want her to be a Purimatchi so I am working in the funny skill points. She should be morphing in 2 hours or so. I will update when something happens or if she morphs.

:huh: This guy is awesome!

Apple looked at the shop and found a shovel for 200 coins. She bought it and used it. She got a snake! It made her very angry!

:unsure: This guy is awesome!

Apple got a letter from the king. He gave her 1000 points! WOO-HOO!

:furawatchi: This guy is awesome!

This is a nice log.

You know , i'll be making a log soon to.

I wan't the globe design , but I doubt i'll get it.

Continue you blog , I enjoy reading it :furawatchi:

- T-Y

Thanks Tama-Yahoo! But tonight, I totally messed up my tama and accidentally restarted it. So now I have a baby girl named CJ. I didn't see the gender type, so I chose a name that would pass for a boy and a girl. I would've done Jesse. Well anyway, CJ morphed into a tamatchi and went right to sleep. I am going to work on her skill points tomorrow.

:wub: This guy is awesome!

Well, this morning CJ was accepted into pre-school. She isn't very good. I played lots of games with her to raise her skill points. Her fortune was 2-2-2. She has an equal chance of everything! Well, I am going to an aquarium today so I may not post for a little while. I will take notes in my head of what happens to CJ.

:) This guy is awesome!

OK, I will try and remember some of the things that happen to my tama while I was at the aquarium. Ok, so CJ got a letter from the king. The king gave her 300 points! She also got a new fortune of 3-1-2. Then the king visited her again and gave her a shovel. She used the shovel, but unfortunately, a snake was her gift. Not a very good one. I am wondering when she will morph. I think she will be morphing in an hour or so. I will post when she does.

B) This guy is awesome!

Ok, I have some bizarro news! CJ went to sleep. I checked her stats. Her age was 1 year old. I woke her up by changing the time to 9:00. She was awake. A few seconds later, she turned into........ ZOURITCHI!!!!! Its so weird! I will post tomorrow when she wakes up.

:huh: This guy is awesome!

CJ woke up and got a fortune of 2-2-1. I am going to work on her spiritual points. I hope to get a UraZurytchi. I will work on her skill points right now.

:) This guy is awesome!

Well I have been playing man hole for quite a while and got CJ's skill points in spiritual to 40. I wil try and get up to 50.

:) This guy is awesome!

Well a few things just happen. First, CJ was crying so I praised her. Next, I won a gam of man hole. That raised her spiritual points to 48 points. Lastly, CJ quit preschool and now her teacher is Mr. Canvas. He gave her a baseball cap to bring to class. I am going to send her there right now. All right, CJ found the fist in the box and got 4 spiritual points! She now has 52! She should be morphing tonight! I really want a UraZukytchi. (I spelled it wrong in my other post. Oopsie!)

:) This guy is awesome!

Well, I played another game of man hole and now CJ has 60 spiritual points. Here, I am going to let her talk!

CJ: Hello! I am CJ! I have been wondering, do you guys think I'm pretty?

Well that was CJ.

UPDATE: CJ JUST GOT MAIL! ITS..... a snake! :huh:

:) This guy is awesome!

Two things just happen. One, I was playing a lot of games of man hole and I have been taking CJ to class. I am now up to 120 spiritual points. Lastly, I just got some regular mail. It was the king. He gave CJ some make up. I can't wait to use it!

:mametchi: This guy is awesome!

I just can't wait until CJ morphs! I really want a UraZukytchi with all my heart! I would be so sad if I got something else. :p Well, she should be morphing in 5 hours. I CAN'T WAIT 5 HOURS!!!!! But I will try!

:D This guy is awesome!

Unfortunately, CJ didn't morph tonight. I will try tomorrow morning!

:p This guy is awesome!


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Unfortunately, CJ didn't morph this morning. I will try later tonight. Well, CJ got her fortune of 2-2-2. The king also came 2 times. The first time, he gave her a shovel. She used it and got a snake! The second time, he gave her 200 points. I will update when something else happens to CJ.

:) This guy is awesome!

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CJ started to cry, so I praised her. She also got a letter. It had a heart. How sweet!

:mellow: This guy is awesome!

Unfortunately, CJ morphed but didn't turn into UraZukytchi. She turned into.......Shitekitchi! She kind of reminds me of myself. The glasses look like mine and I kind of yell a lot. So CJ and I are kinda like twins! I am happy that I got her!

;) This guy is awesome!

I looked at CJ's stats and she is 70 pounds!!!! I am going to play a lot of games!

;) This guy is awesome!


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