My V4.5 Log!


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YEAH! CJ got a job! She works at the gym! I am really good at the game. I can't wait till I get my first paycheck! Here comes the money!

Anyway, I have to go back to school tomorrow. :furawatchi: . I don't want to go. I don't know if I should bring CJ with me or pause her and keep her in my room. Thats what I did with my other tamas last year.


Well, school was a cinch, as usual. Lunch was delicious, as usual. And everybody was talking about Christmas and the holiday vacation. My friend got the Wii!

Anyway, I haven't seen CJ since this morning. She is four years old and will be turning five tonight. I forgot how old your tamagotchi has to be to be visited by the matchmaker. I know its soon, I can feel it. If somebody knows, PM me.

:rolleyes: This guy is awesome!

YEAH! CJ GOT MARRIED! SHE HAD A BABY GIRL! I need to think of some names.









I think I will go with Patty. So CJ and Patty are ok. Oh! I forgot to tell you guys who CJ married. Well, she married a handsome Yasaguretchi. They fell madly in love and then had Patty! Going on to second generation. OH YEAH!

:) This guy is awesome!

A few things just happen. So when I took CJ to her job, she got her first pay check! It was 1200! She was very happy. I took her back to work and played the game. After that, I got some mail from the king. He gave me 200 coins! Later, I got another piece of mail from the king and this time he doubled what I got before! 400 coins! Later, CJ got her new fortune of 2-2-2. I wonder what I will get this time.

;) This guy is awesome!


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