My v4.5 Diary


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Moooki has mail! uh oh a robber... Updating soon so hold yuor horses or ponies!


Sorry guys, I made a mistake. I thought they would die because with my own eyeballs in my v1 I saw my Hanatchi die... But they are buying a cottage in tamatown. They left so soon!!! Boo hoo. But I named Mooki's child Sushi and the other Sue. They'll have to get married from the matchmaker, unfortuanatly...

Sushi: Weally? Our names sushi-sue?

Sue: cooly-wooly....

Ok, I'm going to visit them at tamatown! See ya!



Logged in...


Visiting parents...

Sushi: Daddy's a couch?

Is shocked by a couch being the dad...


Comes back in...

Forest Patchi...

Sushi: Kutchi Pashi!

No, no. Its Kutchipatchi.





Watching LOVE...

Sushi: That baby is dumb...he got fatty...

Watching FEAR...

Sushi: SHE got fatty too...

Going to Mall...

Logging out...



I had to wake Sushi up to do all this, so I'll put her back to sleep.

Sushi: Why was Daddy a couch?

I don't know. tama town is weird.


Oops, sorry I can't! Now shes awake!!! I might aswell wake the other one too.

P.S. Thanks to mangomade2tango for the names! Updating soon.

Sushi is sleeping. I managed to get Sue (soooo stubborn, ain't she) to acctually talk to all you fans:

Sue: Hi...

Sue, say how are you?

Sue: Good.

No! Ask, "How are you?"


Hmm... How are you? (say it now!!!)

Sue: Good.

:furawatchi: Never Mind.

Sue can't write and neither can Sushi. So I'll update real soon when Sushi and Sue evolve!

Hi! Sushi evolved into what looks like a Kutchipatchi with no arms or legs. Oh yeah, PLEASE click the link in my siggy. Sushi is sleeping. I'm assuming Sue will evolve soon. Remember, these names were created thanks to mangomade2tango! I'll update soon.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Sushi is (YAY MY FIRST URA!!!) an Ura Young Memetchi and Sue is a Ringotchi. I'll update soon!!!

Sushi and Sue are taking a bath!!

Sushi: These bubbles are fun!

Yes they are

Sue: You didn't, like, give ME some bubble bath!!!

Well I didn't know you wanted some...

Sushi: I'm cuter so she lik-

Sue: GRAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sushi: es me better!! haw haw!!!

GET OUT!! *drains bath*

Sushi: hey look! sue made a mess in the tub!

eewww suuueee!!!

Sue: *grasps sushi in an arm lock and brings her to the ground*

Sushi: For an apple you sure are strong!!!

Sue: *screams and slaps sushi*

Sushi: NO MORE MISS NICE GIRL! *gets up quickly and punches sue in the stomach*

Now, girls...

Sushi and Sue: *fighting* EEP! OWW! YIKES! YOU!!!

Uhh... I'll *CRASH!!!* ...update soon BYE!!! oh yeah don't forget to click some links in my siggy!

ha ha! Sushi told me something funny.what a show off...

Sushi: Can I show off my items? They're cool enough to, right?

Me: Uhh... ok? But I don't think this is a "richest person contest"...

Sushi: ooh great idea!

Me: No!! not that way! i didn't meant that!
Well, she wants to tell all of her items... and her money...

Sushi: Thanks Grandma!

Me: NO!!! I'm your step-mom!!!

Sushi: Oh... well here's the list:

Points: 7020

Items: umbrella, pen, !! (clone), cell phone, cd3, action figure, cd2, mirror, make up, sun glasses, and wig.

Me: awesome...

Have you noticed I started talking using "Me:"? Its because I think its confusing to tell whether I'm talking to them or to you! Oh yeah it took 5 minutes to break them up. I think Sushi gets the braggyness from her father and the weirdoness from her mother.

Sue: HA HA!!

Me: You too, Sue!

Sue: darn...

Sushi: whateva, I totally need a peticure...

Me: go ahead, take as much time as you want...

My thoughts: forever, forever, forever PLEASE!!!

Sushi: <_< uh ok...

My thoughts: darn shes gettin onto me!!!

I don't have my tamas on my lanyard as I usally do. They're sleeping, and because I wake up so early it's annoying when they take a long time to wake up. I didn't bring them down, but I found Sushi's Diary and Sue's, too!


Dear Diary,

Kuro Mametchi Kuro Mametchi Kuro Mametchi!!! Ew, hes so cutey-wooty!!! I soooooo want to marry the hansomeness and helpfulness of Kuro Mametchi!!!!




Dear diary,

stupid sushi... i want to marry Kutchipatchi but she said he ate too much and was annoying and everything he said endend in "chi" but I still like him.



updating soon

Yay! Sushi and Sue woke up but didn't evolve... (click the PLEASE CLICK link in my siggy please!)

Me: So good morning

Sushi: whens christmas?

Me: uhrr.... 2 days....

Sue: why didn't we evolve?

Me: well... I don't know!

Sushi: how do you multiply a quotient?

Sue: bla bla bla?

Sushi: Blah bla?

Me: ok????

Bye bye! updating soon

I fed Sushi and Sue. Hey I found the darkest secrets of their lives!

Sushi's secret: She acctually is a tomboy very secretly at school

Sue's secret: She acctually likes Sushi as a sister and hated her overweight (97 pounds) mom

Here's some chat:

Sushi: we never have a flashback can't we have a flashback?

Sue: Yeah something that has to do with holidays

...FLASHBACK...Me: So...

Mooki: Who wants a leg...?

Lily: Pathetic! I'll take the  legs and the wings...

Lily's thoughts: It thanksgiving! Eat already!

Me and Mooki: *looks at eachother*

Mooki: Dig in! *eats the reast of the body except for a tiny particle of meat*

Me: Thanks Mooki, you're soo generous...  :D   :)
Sue: No a Christmas one!

Me: Christmas....TREE? Oh no not that....

Sushi: what? SHOW US!!!

...FLASHBACK...Mr. Tree: ...

Sushi and Sue: What is his pr-

Me: No one knows...

I just fed them and cleaned them up. They went to eachother's houses today and discussed the differences between water polo and volleyball. Sue and Sushi are on the couch talking with me.

At Sushi's house...Sue: There is no difference they're the same game!

Sushi: No! Water polo is played in the water and volleyball is usally plaqyed on land!

Sue: exactly! USUALLY! That doesn't mean always!

Sushi: who says

Sue: Step mom!

Sushi: Gee just call her mom


Sushi: yeah yeah yeah... I was right. You DID visit the crazy house

Sue: No! I promise I didn't! I'm just telli-

TV: and thats why water polo and volleyball are different.


Sushi: *blah blah blah from sue in the backround* I was right about 1 thing. I was wrong about the other. She DIDN'T go to a crazy house, but she was wrong about the sports.

Sue: *on knees, in a praying motion, in front of susshi* Hau!!! I'm sorry! I was wrong! Please forgive me! However can I repay you?

Sushi: Re...PAY? Moneeyyy??? HMMMM....


Sushi: but why over 1 thing wrong?

Sue: I want to be a Mametchi!

Sushi: .... just give me a hug and promise we'll never fight again

Sushi's thoughts: yeah like that'll happen...

Sue: *hugs* YES! I promise!
Sushi: *comes out of door eating a lollipop* What I miss?

Sue: wait... weren't....never mind...

right now they're sleeping so i'll update soon. Anyway, I have a story for Christmas.

Once upon a time, there were two princesses. One was Princess Sushi and the other was Princess Sue. One day they went in their carriage all over the beautiful garden. The Sue asked, "Why don't we have Christmas?" and Sushi thought it was silly to ask. "Why, we don't have it because of the King. Our Father NEVER lets precipitation come down. I like it, sister," she said, although she wanted snow. "Oh, because you can't have Christmas without snow," Sue replied. The next day Sue walked into Sushi's room and asked what she was doing. "I am packing to go to our father's Tea Room 10 miles from here," she said. "Can I come?" asked Sue. Sushi said, "Oh fine, pack your stuff," Within an hour they were a mile ahead of schedule. "Why does every one of our rooms have a whole castle?" Sue kept asking. "I don't know..." Sushi always relplied. They finally reached camp, and in the morning they would have to keep going. TO BE CONTINUED
P.S. Their long journey was in their own home. HAHA.

They're still sleeping and haven't evolved yet.

So it was the day before Christmas when they continued on. It took about 6 hours to get there. "What brings you here, my children?" he asked. "Father, we wanted to know if you could let us have precipitation." Sushi said. "Why? All of our residents are fine here, working and playing." he replied. "But SNOW! For Christmas!" Sue said. "Humbug! You don't need snow for Christmas!" said the King. "But..." "NO BUTS!" he said. So they left. The next day it was Christmas and it SNOWED! And they all...lived...happily...ever...after!
Sue evolved into a Pyonkatchi or something while I was typing and while I was typing this Sushi evolved into the ballet-angel thing... (yay!)

Sushi: We evolved! I'm... beautiful!

Sue: I'm... cute!

Sushi: Shush! I'm adoring myself here! *looks into mirror* Oh I'm so glad I don't look like dad...

Sue: I'm glad I don't look like mom...

Me: You made a promise, now don't break it...

Sue: Can we get married?

Sushi: WE???? No! I want to marry someone else, you psycho!

Sue: Ugh...not US! I mean we get married to someone else!

Me: Yes whatever. Just wait for the matchmaker...

Hi y'all fans! If you are taking the time to read this, please understand! I need help. I need you to tell me what time the matchmaker comes at what age. PLEASE! Thanks!

Here is some chat:

Sushi: Ohh! I'm just...just... I COULD MAKE A LIST ON HOW GREAT I AM!!!

Sue: oh shut your mouth


Sue: I'm ...

Sushi: NOTHING! You are an insult to my wonderful beautiful eyes!

Sue: at least I'M cute! Mother always said I had good looks!

Sushi: Lily? Our REAL mom? That old coop? She still didn't get plastic surgery, did she.

Sue: Nope

Me: You made a promise, don't break it...



Me: You can never keep a promise...

Sushi: Mr. Tree? Do you remember Mooki?

Mr. Tree: *sigh* Unfortuantaly, yes...

Me: MR. TREE!!! What are you doing here?

Mr. Tree: I don't know...


My tamagotchis are in my room now. I have no clue what they're doing, but Merry Christmas! I am sooo mad! GRAWR! My sister got a Music Star for Christmas and she doesn't even take care of her OWN! Sheesh and i wanted one. oh well i dont really care...

updating soon

Hi sorry I haven't been on. OOOPS! I kind of (i did...) forgot to take care of my tamas and I'm at y friends house. Bye


Sue... I'm so sorry... Oh Sue. Why didn't I care for you? Sue died either today or yesterday because I saw two BFFs today so I didn't get to care for you. Sushi lived. Keep checking the Tamagotchi Memorial for Sue. I'm sure she would like for you to visit her "grave". (I don't know why I said "grave")

Sushi: When will the matchmaker come?

Me: I don't know. Anyone reading this PLEASE tell me the time the matchmaker comes. Sushi is 7

Sushi: I'm lonely. I miss Sue.

Me: Huh?

Sushi: :huh: Um I mean I hope she doesn't come back... eheh


Dear Diary,

Why Sue? She was my companion of sisterhood and its all Mom's fault! She made Sue die and now I'm lonely!

From Sushi


Me: ALL MY FAULT! ARGH! I should've just checked on her but I'm having more fun on WeSki!!!

updating soon


EEP! I cheated and set the time to 6:59 and then the matchmaker came and got Sushi married to a Celebtchi! Sushi had an adorable baby boy. Yay! SO ignore the part about what times, ok? and click the siggy links! updating soon

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My Music Star (HA! i tricked my sis into giving it to me) died just like sue so i'm in a lot of pain. Sushi had a baby boy i forget his name because he's upstairs on pause. I'm in New Hampshire now.

updating soon

OH AND....

thank you so much Octo-Tama for being nice and leaving a flower at Sue's grave. I will eventually get over her dying, but thanks.

(P.S. Um... just so you know I don't cry because she dies but whenever I think of her I kind of get a little depressed. Or, I should say, sad.)

He is still on pause. I'm sorry! What do you expect! I have a lot to do. (well then, why am I even on the computer?)

updating soon
