My v4.5 Diary


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MARRIAGE IS SOON TO COME! ah, never mind. I'll wake them. No, thats not nice. They need to be ready. Please, if I'm wrong with the marriage age, PLEASE PM me. It would be nice. Mooki's still sleeping.


Mooki's Dream

Mooki: Here she comes!

Lily: *walking down isle* :furawatchi:

Mooki's thoughts: Oh boy.....

*Lily gets next to Mooki*

The guy getting them married: Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla.... You may now kiss the bride.


Everyone: WOOOO! YAY!

Person 1: Congrats!

Person 2: Yay!

Person 3: Good job!

Monchi: Nice work! Newly weds!!


Mooki: wed..........we.....on.....gra..........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....


Lily's Dream

Lily: Mooki you fat fool!

Mooki: WHAATT???

Lily: You ate the Christmas cookies!

Mooki: Yes I know!

Lily: Those were for the BABY!


*Lily sits up* Lily: What a nightmare....

Sorry I forgot to include Lily's diary so here it is: (P.S. She has no clue whatsever I'm doing this so don't tell!)


Dear Diary,

I had a weird dream. In the dream, Mooki-Wooki ate the cookies. But they were for a BABY! I was assuming we were married, because the dream started in the middle. The baby was a girl! I'm nervous. I'm not even sure I WANT to get married. I look ugly, and MAN do I really need plastic surgery. Don't tell!

From, Lily




Exactly 5 minutes ago I almost ruined my v3 tama. I was messing with the jpg debug because I wanted Nyatchi! SO it worked and now I have a Nyatchi sleeping with hyperspeed, too! I almost broke it though. How? Well... The little connecting cover fell off and I coulden't get it back on but I finally did! Hee hee! I just went on hyperspeed! Its pretty funny. I know how do un-debug it, so I can if I want. I should get a picture of him or a video of him going hyperspeed!


Lily: Wedding is today! I better go back to sleep!

P.S. I have to be really careful on what I press on my v3. I don't want it to go hyperspeed all the way to the next century!

Mooki is a big sleepy head. I wish he would wake up so Lily and him could get married.

Mooki up close:

Yay! I'm going to get both of them (lily and mooki)

NEW MOVIE! YAY! In japanese with no subtitles.


Hunger: 3 hearts

Happy: 3 hearts

Messes: ?

Training: 4 bars

Jobs: Happy-44, star-20,fist-36

age: 5

weight: 97 lbs (lets lose some weight, k?)

Mooki woke up and is now connecting with abby the nyatchi...

Nyatchi won the game. Poor Mooki

Mooki: Yeah yeah, whatever.

I have horrible news! Lily is sleeping! So I'm going to set the time a little later!

Aww shes STILL sleeping! well, I'll post later.

FINALLY! My tamagotchis got married! Lily had baby girls! Check back soon.

I took my family out for the first time! It snowed, so I thought they would like it.

Mooki: I'm old, and I don't want to die, and its not fair that my children get to take over this log.

ok whatever. But you and Lily have had a good long relationship.

Lily: Mooki just got a job.

Yes I know at the TV station.

Lily: Yup.

Mooki: I want to quit.


Mooki: Its boring.

Mooki, you didn't even get a single penny from it yet.

Mooki: Lets go to tama town.

I don't think the baby can come.

Mooki: Leave her with Lily

Lily: NO! I already have a cute baby girl. We agreed to take care of one of the twins! You chose that one!

Stop fighting please?

Mooki and Lily: You brat! Greedy! GRAWR!

No one litsens to me...

Mooki made a mess.

We are going on Tama Town



Logging in...

Going to Mame Town...

Going to Office...

Going to Guru Guru Town...

Going to Patchi's Forest...

Playing all arcade games...

Winning lots of Points...

Going to mall...

Bought pencil...

Bought cap...

Mooki broke his leg...

Going to hospital...

All better...

Logging out...



That was FUN!!!

Well would you look at that! Mr. Tree decided to come back!

Ok Bub time up...

Mooki: This guy is mean!

Well your fine now. Lets chek the shop.


Well, a ticket for 20,000. Too much...

Lily: I'm aaaaggggggiiiinnngggggggg.........

Mooki: Yeah well I'm not getting any younger either.

Here we go again.


Shush up you'll die anyway...


Lily's baby made a mess and then Lily made a mess and it looks funny! The bigger mess on the little one!!!!

Mooki is...doing nothing... Nothcing new in shop...

Mooki: BOARDD....booorrereeeedddd....

I know I know, stop you're babbling. We'll find something to do...


Lily and Mooki are currently on their honeymoon in Guru Guru Town so I'm taking care of the twins.

Baby1: Coo-kiiiii!

Baby2: Wes, we want coooooo-kiiii!

Ok, just be good! *gives cookie*

Baby1 and 2: YAY!

Good girls.

Baby1: Coo-kii tastes wucky...

Baby2: chowate miwk (chocolate milk)

Ok ok! *gives milk*

Baby1: eewie

Baby2: 'Pagetsii and meaties!

Ok! Here! *gives spagetti and meatballs*

Baby1: wuck...

Baby2: waffle

fine... *gives waffles*



Baby2: MAH MEEEE WAAAA! She give us suswi! (sushi)

phew... ok here *gives sushi*

Baby1: Nah we changed our minds.


Lily and Mooki are STILL on their honeymoon and I'm having trouble with the children. Stop that, Baby1! yes, you've been hearing right, I have no clue what to name them. And Mooki and Lily will be dead by the time I DO name them, so I beg you, please PM me with a name sugegstion or two! They're both girls.

Baby1: Bye bye ba ba!

No don't throw the bottle through--*CRASH* *BANG* ... :( the window...

Baby2: suh-shi! woobi


Baby1: woobiiiiii! dah dah!

No, dadee on honeymon, mmkay?

Baby2: no

yes he is

Baby1: hes not eating honey on the moon, is he?

Baby2: I don't fink so...

Wha--?? No! They're.... like on a LOOONG date, I guess...

Baby1: Nah, I'm pwetty sure that they are eating honey on the moon.

Baby2: yep yep!

:( thats it I'm calling Mooki...

*beep beep beep beep beep*

Hi, Mooki?

Mooki: *talking in the backroung* Yeah, mah?

WAIT! Are you in a casino!?

Mooki: Yeeessss...

Where's Lily?

Mooki: Playing slots...

Well, the babies are driving me nuts so get back here and help me.

Mooki: But our honey-

too bad! You've been there for a few hours now come back!

Mooki: Fine. *lily's voice in backroung*

What it sounded like Lily said: Baby... mess... all....over?

What Lily really said: The babies are making a mess all over?

Mooki: Sadly our honeymoon lasts another day so see you tomorrow. *hangs up*

NO WA--.... Man...

*looks at babies making a mess everywhere*

Baby1: *eyes gets wide and face turns red* all better!

OH NO! EEWWW... *mops up*


Mooki is sleeping. Both of them didn't die but they will one day or the next. Mooki and Lily came back really early. (P.S. there is no honeymoon on the system I'm just making it up)

Baby1: chowate...zzzzzzzzzzzzzz........

Baby2: waffa.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........

Mooki: ...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

Lily: ...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

Those boring lumps! The reason I didn't name my log Mooki's Log is becasue I knew eventually he would die and then it wouldn't be Mooki's Log anymore, would it?

I forgot to tell you the designs!!! They are wicked cool! Lily's tam's design is glow in the dark! It has a glow in the dark anntenae ball, glow in the dark buttons, and tiger stripes that glow. Mooki's tam's design is the world. The star on the anntenae is yellow and it is really cool. I don't know where I got it.... but maybe from the PC pack? I'll be back.... Yay! I found my design of v1! SOrry, but I saw it so I'm posting it:

Glow in dark what it looks like in package

Mooki's Design (LIMETED EDITION HA!)

Yay! Mooki is still sleeping...

Mooki's still sleeping...


Uh oh. The babies woke up!

Baby1: chowate taste wucky

Baby2: waffal gooooooooddddda

Baby1: wes (yes) ma'am day are!

Baby2: what up wif her?

= = '''

Baby1: I dunno.

Baby2: sweepy gotta sweepy!

Baby1: Hee hee! i tired

Monchi's thoughts: yes yes yes!!!

The babies are sleeping!

Mooki woke up! Yay! Well, hes been awake. I was just oustide in the snow.

Mooki: Yeah yeah, and you forgot me!

I know thats the whole point

Mooki: Whats that supposed to mean? Huh? grr

I doon't kniw...
