My V3 Log


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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2007
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
Well, today I got my V3. I was pretty dang excited. I immediately cut open the packaging, removed the Tamagotchi, and removed the instructions.

I read the instructions over a bit. It was not very clear to me :furawatchi:

Fortunately, my lovely friends on TamaTalk helped me figure it all out.

My egg hatched and I got a baby boy. I named him Ivan. Ivan went through the usual things that baby Tama's go through, then evolved an hour later.

I'm not sure what he is. He's just a white blob of something, looks kind of like a white bumpy Ichigotchi.

I went to TamaTown and got Ivan lots of souveniers. I don't have a lot of points yet, but that should change as Ivan grows and learns to play more games. This is only the beginning. I'll have to see what happens from here.

I admit it. I was tired this morning and Ivan woke up before me. He had pooped and was down two hungry hearts, and one happy heart. I promptly filled them up and did not let Ivan out of my sight the rest of the day.

I had to give him a time out and a consolation today. Later, he became an Obotchi. Gotta love the pompadour :lol:

He can play two more games now. Now, I am not so bored with him ^_^

Ivan's sleeping now. We'll have to see what's in store for him tomorrow.

Well, I've been a little busy the past couple days. I had to be dragged to a ski lodge *ugh*, taken places I didn't want to go, and I was just doing other things. I tried very hard to keep an eye on Ivan, but sometimes, it wasn't so easy.

The day before yesterday and yesterday were basically the same. I gave Ivan the discipline he needed, and since yesterday, he's had a full training bar. But when my mom calls me for dinner, she doesn't want any electronics at the table. So for those two nights, Ivan fell asleep with his meters near empty and a pile of poop next to him. I felt pretty guilty. It was partly because I didn't have enough time to play games with him, so I let him get fat.

Tonight, he became an adult. He became: a Memetchi :blink:

I always thought Memetchi only appeared in female Tama's in even generations. But I must be wrong. But that Memetchi was certainly unexpected. I was just in total shock. :(

Ivan left last night. He left his baby girl in my hands this morning. I named her Lizzy. She's still a baby; I just gave her some praise. I don't want her to get fat like her father did, so I'm going to play a lot with her. Plus, it'll get me more points, which is always good.

I'm going to take better care of her than I did of Ivan. In his adult years, I neglected him a bit because I thought that he wasn't going to drop his hearts so fast. And boy, was I wrong. I starved him twice, and it was not good. But he's gone now. I don't have to worry about it anymore. All I have to do now is make it so that Lizzy grows up to be big and strong.

Lizzy first evolved into a Kuchitamatchi. Now, she's a Hikotchi. I missed cries for discipline several times today because she was on silent. I had to go to "church" and some stupid wedding. I also haven't been as diligent about her weight as I should be. I just don't have time to play games anymore. I'll work on it. It'll be like Jenny Craig for Tamagotchi's or something.

I can't get over how silly Lizzy has looked in her states of evolution. I mean, first, she looked like a decapitated Kuchipatchi. Now, she looks like the decapitated head has been placed in a rocket. Ahahahaha...OK, nobody's laughing.

But seriously, what'll be next? This? :lol: Or this? :D

I am losing it. Help me please.

I have been extremely lazy when:

1. Updating this log.

2. Taking care of my Tamagotchi!

Well, Lizzy evolved this morning. I have no clue what she it. She looks like the head of a blind Pebbles Flinstone with wings and feet. It's actually beginning to scare me. Wow...a 15-year-old kid...afraid of a toy. I don't know what to do. I don't know what she is. But I do know that it resulted from bad care. I had to take some tests at school yesterday, and as a result, all of her meters emptied. I'm so mad at myself.

So what am I going to do? Should I kill her? I mean, I'm never gonna sleep tonight. It would be easy. I'm not even feeling too well today; if I sleep the whole day maybe she'll die. Well, maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. If someone wants to tell me how to not be afraid of a toy, just PM me.

Lizzy's new form is beginning to grow on me. She's actually kind of cute. I'll take care of her, but I'm sick, and I'm not sure if I can devote my complete attention to her. My mom had the original Tamagotchi; maybe she can Tama-sit for me. She'll hate it, but she can do it.

I let all her happy hearts empty yesterday because I had to go to the hairdresser. It was an accident, mind you. Fortunately, I filled it up so she didn't have to beg. I don't know what she's doing at the moment. Probably just dancing around like she always does. Maybe I should go check on her...

Lizzy was paid a visit by the Matchmaker today while I was half-asleep. I was competent enough to say yes to the mate and Lizzy gave birth to a bouncing baby boy. I was playing around with the items earlier today, and I found a costume for Lizzy to put on. Now, why didn't I think of that back when I was afraid of her??? :angry:

Lizzy is due to leave tomorrow night. I've been taking pretty good care of her. I'm still sick and I managed to keep her hearts entirely filled. Now I'm just thinking of names for the baby. I have a few picked out, but I'll have to narrow it down by tomorrow.

On an entirely different note, I'm getting my mother to get me an original Tamagotchi off eBay. I'm trying to see how different they are from the new ones. I had one when they were still selling them, but I didn't get the whole concept so I just kept killing them all or getting the bad characters. Well, I know better now, so I'll give it a try.


Now, go to the character chart and look at it. Doesn't it creep you out at first? No? Very well, then. I'm crazy.

Lizzy left her son Monty in my care as of today. I intend to take PERFECT CARE of him. But I'm feeding him too many snacks, so I need to work on that a little.

He is a Tamatchi. How cute. I think I'll have a pretty good experience taking care of Monty. That is, if everything goes right...

I am no longer sick so it should be easy. I just have to do what I promised myself to do. Easy enough.

So much for perfect care. Two mornings ago, I woke up to the sound of Monty beeping. He was asking for praise, so I gave it to him, but when I checked his meters, they were only one heart full. I filled them up, but he got a toothache. I took care of that, then continued to make him happy. He's already 99 pounds, and he's only 2.

He became a Piroriroritchi (ARGH tongue-twister) the other day. Tomorrow is his last day of being a teenager. I know for sure that there's no chance of me getting a Mametchi. But I might get some kind of well-disciplined character. I beat the bump and flag games yesterday. I hope for the best with this little guy.

Well, Monty evolved. He is a Tarakotchi. I will never be perfect. I'll always be mediocre.

Really, I could never take perfect care even if I tried. I have before, but I can't now. Maybe when I was younger I had some magic touch that helped me take perfect care of my Tama's. Now I've basically lost it.

Don't get me wrong. Tarakotchi is cute. I just wish I were a better caretaker.

Happy Groundhog Day! I forgot to say that yesterday, so I'm saying it today! But let's get to the point here...

Monty and I are having fun. He's starting to get cute. Yesterday and today he was sitting in the snow by a snowman. Hopefully it's not a sign that the groundhog saw his shadow...whatever. It probably isn't.

I've been playing with Monty constantly to keep his weight down. I got him as low as 71 pounds, but he gained it back when he dropped 3 hungry hearts on me. That's really my only problem with Tarakotchi. Otherwise, I really like him.

Monty's history. I'm taking care of his baby girl Suzie. She was born this morning and she is a Mizutamatchi. Kind of like Ivan was. I'm starting to miss Ivan. I can't even visit him at TamaTown anymore :(

Hopefully things will go better with Suzie than they did with Monty or Lizzy. I think I'm on the right track. I'm really trying to keep a Warusotchi out of the running, but I don't know how long it will last. I mean, this is ME we're talking about.

Hinotamatchi. Not exactly "perfect" in terms of how I cared for her, but it's definitely "perfect" based on my taste in characters. Fire is cool! I mean to look at. Don't get any ideas.

So far today Suzie has asked for a time out and a praise. I have half the training bars I need. I missed a discipline yesterday, and I let her sleep with poop next to her bed, so that's probably why she became a Hinotamatchi. But that's not really my concern.

I beat the flag game twice today and tried my luck at the bump game. Monty was 99 lbs. by the time he was Suzie's age, and I have played enough games that Suzie only weighs 57 lbs!!!!!! I'm finally beginning to get the hang of Tamagotchi Weight Management.

I'll be a bit sad when Suzie changes, but no biggie.

Yesterday was Discipline Day for Suzie. She has a full training bar now. But she did go to sleep with two empty on both hunger and happiness, and poop next to her bed. When I woke up this morning she was down 3 happy hearts, so I gave her a snack and played with her. She weighs 53 lbs. YAY!

She changes tomorrow. I'm not thrilled, but I know it has to happen. I'll miss my little fireball :blink:

I was extremely upset when Suzie changed. She became...a Warusotchi. EXACTLY what I was trying to avoid. I'm ignoring her a lot, but it's because Milton, my P1, is very needy. He is a Marutchi, and I haven't been able to let him out of my sight. But mostly I just don't want to look at Suzie, realizing that my mediocrity as a caretaker is reflected upon her.

The matchmaker's coming tomorrow. What an exciting day for Suzie and me! Perhaps more for me than for Suzie. Yeah, it's not right, but I kind of want her to leave. A LOT.

It was a Valentine's Day baby, folks! Suzie had a baby girl yesterday. It kept alternating so I had a perfect name for a boy, so now I have to think of something else. Kind of a hassle, but oh well.

Milton is doing fine. I disciplined him all the way today. He's apt to turn into a Tamatchi because he got sick last night. Usually if it gets sick they day before it changes, you're going to get the best character possible. That's what I've read, anyway.

Suzie and baby were enjoying the snow today. The baby probably built the snowman on the screen. It was really cute.


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