My V3 log!


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*tear* *tear* *cry* *cry*


Tamai and his baby (Mario), they died!! This morning when I woke up, I looked at my tamas. I peeked through my see-through bag, and the first thing I saw was the V1. TAMAI WAS DEAD!! I couldn't believe it. My new one is a sleeping Marutchi named Toad.

That concludes the V1 updates.

Happy, happy, HAPPY!!


Well, Luigi evolved today. He's a Young Mametchi. Since when did I become a great tama carer?

Food: empty

Item: tools

That concludes the V2 updates.



Tami died. The new one is a girl. I named it Luigi because I thought it was a boy :ph34r: . Luigi the girl is a Kuchitamatchi.

Star DID get a baby. It... was... a... boy.

Cuti and her baby are fine. New names needed!!

That concludes the V3 updates.



Nothing really with them, I returned Yoshi to my friend.

That concludes the Entama updates.



Guess what?? This morning I heard the evolving sound. It was Tamai, and he turned into an :rolleyes: !!! YAY! I got Ichigotchi, oh yeah, oh yeah! He has 4 training.

That concludes the V1 updates.

Dum-de-dum, nothing!!


Luigi is still bobbing around, now he has 5 training.

I bought a shovel at the shop this morning, I'm using it when he's an adult.

Also just now I bought a sandwich, I'll give it to him, then I'll get points for the bow I want to get at the shop.

I gave it to him, and he's all happy now. Time for a couple games...

That concludes the V2 updates.

Good and bad


Luigi turned into Obotchi, she's very cute. She has 6 training. And also, I hope to get Mametchi when she grows up!! If not I want Pyonkotchi or Furawatchi :) .

Cuti's (A) button fell out today!! I can't believe it. Unless I find a way to keep the button in, you won't be hearing about her anymore.

Cuti :D left!! I named her baby Mimi. She's a Mohitamatchi, already she has 3 training! Well, this morning I did kinda wake up and find her crying so... I thought up a name and that's the first one that came into my head.

That concludes the V3 updates.

No Entamas >.<


Again, one of my friends borrowed an Entama, so I have none to update on. I won't update that much on the Entamas anymore. All I know is that the Cafe Brown one is a Kuchipetchi and the green one a Young Robotchi.

That concludes the Entama updates.

I'm adding my other Entama, my other V3, and my UraTama to this log, because 2 logs was a bit too much.

Entama: as you know it, Hotpink

V3: as you know it, pink

UraTama: orange



So, Toad (not Tamai, I made a mistake), well, he's fine. I want a ^_^ , :D , or a Hanatchi as an adult.

That concludes the V1 updates.

Yay!! I bought the item!


I DID manage to get that bow for Luigi, because he wanted it. Badly. I played and played with him until I had enough points!! Right now we have 246p. That's a lot, considering it's hard to get points on a V2.

That concludes the V2 updates.



I made a mistake. It was Tami who had her button falling out!! She left her baby... I named him Noa. As in "No A button". He's a Kuchitamatchi :D .

Cuti's baby, Mimi, turned into Hinatchi. Hmmph!!

Luigi the girl Obotchi is bobbing around happily. She's 3, meaning she will evolve tomorrow.

My green with flowers V3 is being added to this log. She's a Young Mametchi named Daisy. She's cute!!

That concludes the V3 updates (I guess).



My Entama is a yellow with hotpink stars one. It's a Togetchi named Shimagotchi. He has a baby Kuchizoku boy. I will name the baby Tsuna.

That concludes the Entama updates.

Ura time!!


My UraTama is yellow with cities on it. She's so cute. Her name is Memego*! and she's a Young Memetchi. UraYoungMemetchi, to be exact.

GUTS points:

UraKashikosa: 104

UraOshare: 109

UraYasashii: 209

That concludes the UraTama updates.

This post will be all stats.

V1 updates

Toad's statistics!!

Name: Toad

Hungry: ♥

Happy: ♥

Training: {||||||---} 6 bars

Age: 2yrs

Weight: 32lbs

Gender: boy

Generation: 1gen

Type: Ichigotchi :p

That concludes the V1 updates.

V2 updates

Name: Luigi

Hungry: ♥♥

Happy: ♥

Training: {||||||---} 6 bars

Age: 2yrs

Weight: 22lbs

Gender: boy

Generation: 1gen

Point: 246p

Type: Young Mametchi

That concludes the V2 updates.

V3 updates

Name: Luigi

Hungry: ♥

Happy: ♥

Training: {||||||||-} 8 bars

Age: 3yrs

Weight: 22lbs

Gender: girl

Generation: 1gen

Points: 3790p

Username: Aaaah

Type: Obotchi


Name: Mimi

Hungry: ♥

Happy: ♥

Training: {||||-----} 4 bars

Age: 1yr

Weight: 28lbs

Gender: girl

Generation: 2gen

Points: 5210p

Username: Hama

Type: Hinatchi


Name: Daisy

Hungry: ♥

Happy: ♥♥

Training: {||||||||-} 8 bars

Age: 2yrs

Weight: 22lbs

Gender: girl

Generation: 1gen

Points: 3525p

Username: Hama

Type: Young Mametchi

That concludes the V3 updates.

Entama updates

Name: Shimagotchi

Hungry: ♥♥

Happy: ♥

Intelligence: 51

Style: 230

Kindness: 48

Family: Memezoku boy

Stars: *

Money: 40860G

Age: 12yrs

Weight: 99lbs

Gender: boy/osu

Generation: 5gen

Type: Togetchi

That concludes the Entama updates.

Uratama updates

Name: Memego*!

Hungry: ♥♥

Happy: ♥♥

Intelligence: 104

Style: 109

Kindness: 210

Family: UraMemezoku girl/Gorgeous-zoku

Money: 17050G

Age: 6yrs

Weight: 43lbs

Gender: girl/mesu

Generation: 1gen

Type: UraYoungMemetchi

That concludes the Uratama updates.

Okay, so lots of tamas evolved, why don't you read below for more?

V1 updates

Okay, so Toad evolved this morning!!








Yahoo! They're SO cute!!

V2 updates

Guess what?! Luigi has evolved!!








Wow :unsure: .

V3 updates

Okay, so Luigi evolved.







Mimi is still the same, a bouncing Hinatchi. She should be evolving tomorrow, though.


Daisy was having battery problems, but all the same, she is now a Billotchi!!

What a strange tama.

Entama updates

My little Shimagotchi left his beautiful Kuchizoku baby boy. I named it Tsunami.

But today, Tsunami died!!

My new one *sigh* is a Mamebotchi called Otamatsu.

Uratama updates

Guess what? Meme evolved!! (Memego*!'s nickname is Meme, in case I haven't told you.)

She's a UraFurawatchi, which is SO cute!!! :blink:

Okay, I'm going to stop with this colour code thing, because I like it a different way better :unsure: . I might go back to colour codes, though!! (!)

Well, not much to say, except that my little Luigi the Takotchi was found brushing his teeth.

Luigi the Takotchi started to die. Oh no.

Also, I reset my Entama. I got a Mamezoku girl after 5 resets or something. Her name is Tokyo (To-ke-yo).

Guess what Mimi evolved into. A Sekitoritchi. Sekitoritchis are UGLY!!

Meme got a job!! She's now a bird-watcher or something. She has binoculars.

Maybe she's a Kuchipatchi-watcher!! Hmm...

:( :( o=| :( "Ho-hum, very interesting. Kuchipatchis are very cheerful and lovey"

The o=| are Meme's binoculars, and she's commenting on Kuchipatchis.

Daisy passed away!! My new one is a Mohitamatchi named Mario.

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Now, in case anyone's forgotten, I will make a chart/post of all the characters I've had on my tamas.

Plain pink V1

Gen1 (Toad): Babyitchi --> Marutchi --> Ichigotchi :( --> Hanatchi

Pink with hearts V2

Gen1 (Luigi): Petitchi --> Kinakomotchi --> Young Mametchi --> Takotchi

Pink with icecream cones V3

Gen1 (Luigi): Shiroteletchi --> Kuchitamatchi --> Obotchi --> Mimiyoritchi

Pink with ribbons V3

Gen1 (Cuti): Shiroteletchi --> Tamatchi --> Young Mametchi --> Memetchi :kusatchi:

Gen2 (Mimi): Shiroteletchi --> Mohitamatchi --> Hinatchi --> Sekitoritchi

Green with flowers V3

Gen1 (Mario): Teletchi --> Mohitamatchi --> ??? --> ???

Yellow with stars Entama

Gen1 (Tokyo): Mamekotchi --> Mamepetchi --> ??? --> ???

Yellow with cities Uratama

Gen1 (Memego*!): Uramemeputchi --> Hanekotchi --> UraYoungMemetchi --> UraFurawatchi :(

Maybe next gen on one of my tamas I will aim for Nazotchi! :(

Oops, gotta go now. See you tomorrow! (hopefully)

Tamai the Hanatchi is fine, Luigi the Takotchi is fine, Luigi the Mimiyoritchi is fine, Mimi the Sekitoritchi is fine, and so is Tokyo.

Mario the Mohitamatchi evolved!!

He's an Obotchi!!! YAY!

Meme the Ura :) has two stars in her job!! And also the Matchmaker came!! She brought a Serebutchi (a Memezoku boy adult :) !) and she got another UraMemeputchi. Another Memezoku girl baby. I think I'm going for UraMemetchi (Ura :( ) next time.

Okay, so Toad the Hanatchi left, Luigi the Takotchi left, my sister reset Luigi the Mimiyoritchi and the batteries died, Mimi died and my new one is a Hanatchi named Ketch, and Mario was a Paparatchi but then he broke down so I had to return him to the store, Meme was reset and the new one is a Young Furawatchi named Mema, and Tokyo was reset and the new one is an Ichigotchi named Memi.

So much to say!!

Okay, I will do some colour codes in the next post...






Yup, it's wow alright.


Okay so Toad left... and the new one is currently a Gozarutchi. Her name is Bravo.

Bravo's growth: Shirobabyitchi --> Marutchi --> Oniontchi --> Gozarutchi :D


Luigi left also!! The new one is currently a Zuccitchi. Her name is Mamie.

Mamie's growth: Shiropetitchi --> Hitodetchi :hitodetchi: --> Hinotamatchi --> Zuccitchi


Okay so it's a Hanatchi named Ketch... note my only V3 that actually works is the pink with ribbons, so Ketch is the pink with ribbons tama.

Ketch's growth: Shiroteletchi --> Tamatchi --> Obotchi --> Hanatchi


An Ichigotchi, her name is Memi.

Memi's growth: Memeputchi --> Memepetchi --> Ichigotchi :furawatchi:


She's a Young Furawatchi. They're strange. Her name is Mema.

Mema's growth: UraMemeputchi --> Hanekotchi --> Young Furawatchi (Young :wacko: )

I also forgot to add, that I went on a website that Chocosilver told me about, and it's a Hamagotchi website!! He's currently a baby. I will nickname him HamaChi.

HamaChi hasn't evolved into the toddler stage yet... *taps fingers on keyboard*

Ichigotchi (Memi) was taking a bath!! I don't know about Young Furawatchi (Mema), but I saw her begging! :furawatchi:

I made a new log for my V1 and V2, you should go check it out :furawatchi:

This one is now my V3/Entama/Uratama log.

Also, yesterday I bought my best friend a Pink Angel Hearts Tamagotchi Connection Version 3 with a Pink Violetchi Gotchi Gear lanyard!!

When I gave it to her, she hugged me and said "Thank you SO much!!"

She used to have a Version2 and a Dinky Dino (atleast she said she did, she said it was yellow with butterflies), but one day she put them on her desk (her room was always clean), and... they disappeared!!!

So anyways, she pulled the tab out, put in the needed information, her username: Cam, and a minute later... it hatched!!

It was a baby boy Teletchi whom she named Jeff!. We got Jeff! lots of souvenirs from TamaTown and her little brother was playing with Jeff! when he evolved into a Mizutamatchi!! Woohoo!

Then Jeff! got the rest of possible souvenirs and I had to leave. :wacko: But my friend called me and said Jeff! was doing fine, and that she put him asleep.

Okay, so all my tamas are joining this log!

V1 1: Laura, girl, Marutchi

V2 1: Tami, girl, UFOtchi

V2 2: Kathy, girl, Ringotchi

V3 1: Luigi, boy, Patapatatchi

Entama 1: Chi, girl, Kuchipetchi

Entama 2: Chichichichi, girl, Mamepetchi

Entama 3: Chichi, boy, Kuchipotchi

Uratama 1: Chichichi, boy, Shippotchi

I'm going to make artpad pics of each of them!! Also I'll take pics with my camera!! Well actually my sister's camera.

I WILL make pictures every now and then, or I'll try, if it's a character I've never had before or something, I'll do it. Hm, what should I draw? *looks around* Aha!! My V1!! Off to draw the V1!


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