My Power Palz, which was started up again, is sick. *cures him* There. He's on the 3rd stage of growth, anyway. His name is Macaw. Haha.
My pink V2 is a sick, sleeping, Hitodetchi named Simon.
My purple V2 is a sick, sleeping, Oniontchi named Larai.
My red V2 is a good, awake, Nikatchi named Allie.
My orange V3 is a sick, awake Megatchi named Karia.
My red V3 is a sick, sleeping Nikatchi named Kalyn.
I've cured them all. They're fine, now. I think I'll put them all to sleep, that way they'll grow faster and care is not needed. Except for Tom, the P1. I want to have him feeling fine and awake. He's a new tama, for god's sake!