My v3 log c: first one ever ouo


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So I might not be able to update my log cause something went wrong with my comeperter :( so I'll be post poning this when I stop updating :( Bye everyone :( maybe we'll update tomorrow? Yes maybe well bye :( I hope to update tomorrow D: Even for me :L BRO WILL YOU GET OUT OF HERE YOUR BAN FROM TAMA TALK! Even me! Cindy the bird thingie Oh hello mom! >:I Everyone is color related to blue xD until you can always see these pictures :( random well good-bye maybe tomorrow maybe not... BYE! ! BYE! Even The Jess man B) bye :L SHUT UP JESS well bye BYE! EVEN IF I'M BANNED IN HERE! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz BYE!


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YAY!! WIFI! BUT PERhaps not tomorrow :L BUT THE 3Th PAGE Again so today I went to- MY new middle school Bancroft it was fun I also toke Kawaii but she was on pause and well sound off It was soooooo epic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay EWW you were dancing and you suck! like so awkard! BUT NO I HAD TO BE PAUSED!!!!! sorry My MOM didn't want you to beep but I still toke you! WELL OKAY! i like this cause soon ima be 5 :) I hope DA JESSIE leaves he's sooooo weird and I hate him xD Well.... yeah but school was awesome also I fell when I was dancing xD ima end this cause I'm going bye! BYE!!! you and why does this log only have like only freaking 2 stars! rate or DIE!! > :) ) Like and rate stars! bye or else > :) ) also I noticed that there's many logs coming out and new members which makes me feel odd also Tamacass is my firend and I want you to rate her log it's really good and works hard to make it like ME!! Yeah folks also I don't know who Tamacass is who but um.. rate and like her log YO! Tamacass if seeing this I want you to know that your log Rocks! :) bye AGAIN!! BYE AGAIN!

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REMINDER:Since school is starting I might not be able to update alot good news Kawaii will soon be gone MWHA! HAA!!!!!!!!! what... NOTHING!!!! anyway This will be a short update why does only one person follow this log? is my log that of lame cruddy chessey acts?! yes noo... your like rad yeah your like awesome! X_________X WELL IF YOU ASK I THINK THIS LOG IS!- SHUT UP I NEED TO END THIS :eek: BYE DON'T LIKE AND RATE STARS!!

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Matchmaker came and its a BABY GIRL AGAIN it's been a line of girls after Bro UGH!!!! OH WELL! maybe again i'll try to get a Mametchi not a Dawny what's that supose to mean? Nothing Yeah yeah! but now i'm a parent ugh! which means a child BYE!! Wait i'm not finished Kawaii don't press that wait no don't click-


GOOD NEWS MY COMEPERTER WORKS BUT today is Kawaii's last day noooo I wanted her to still be with me in the first day of school! :( WAIT! i'm leaving!?! NO GIGASHYUN! but your in my child which has no name and its a girl Which ima call Misty UGH! POKEMON? REALLY I DON'T LIKE THAT NAME! YOU SHUT YOUR FISH! anyway TODAY IS THE TEENAGE MUANUT NINJA TURTLES THE MOVIE OMG!!!!!! I DON'T CARE! GO away! anyway ima end this to see the new Tamagotchi epsiode bye but I will pause Kawaii MWHAA HAAA!

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Thanks you so much Tinkeepie11 for liking some post it's means so much for me!
And who ever voted it three stars Thanks YOU ROCK HOORAY! now it's time for Loggie log! so Kawaii is still here because well duh I paused her..... YEAH she paused meh why? oh right what should be well MISTY'S name? the color? OH I KNOW BLUE!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah-no it should well pink! NO blue! we'll let her decide what's it gonna be pink? or that nasty color blue? PINK! yes pink! NO! pink is for girly girls like Tamastar I LIKE pink but I hate dresses and skirts! and shorts! I'm a TOMBOY! yeah yeah will be MISTY?! THWIS COWLER me lwike it! NO DAD BLAME IT! well it looks pink-ish or red but yay well I'm ending this cause i'm too lazy to finish this :L MORE THANKS to Tinkeepie11 for liking and that person who voted thanks! BWYE! ONE MORE LOOK AND 600 views! OMG! also that pic omg

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Today I shall say this When life gives you Lemons you make orange juice then the world wonders how you did it. BOO lame also I like Comic Sans :) whee But I should leave today also I don't wanna be with you when school starts. OH thanks I gonna take you be cause you are sooooo nice :eek: YEAH YEAH!!! -_- :rolleyes: Metal head in TMNT also came back In the movie tmnt showdown It was funny that the Kraag was attacking Metal from behind Donnie said "I SEE YOU" *shoots fire* LOL! also when he did something he's like this "ALL HAIL ME!!!" *something bad happens also this one "Because I wanted us to fail.... OVISELY I DIDN'T KNOW!" LOL AGAIN I don't care get a life also CATDOG WHUT!? PLEASE DON'T SAY HI-HO-DIGGITY! >:L Loser Sure I won't say it HI-HO-DIGGITY! :p HI OH Kawaii.YOU.MUST.COME.BACK.TO.TAMAGOTCHI.PLANET!!!! no okay DUDE LEAVE SO I CAN ENJOY TAMAGOTCHI'S AND GRAVITY FALLS AND TMNT!!!! okay bye ALso to hear Made me realise gravity falls theme song whut BYE

Hehe! :)
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LOL I was lazy to update and busy earlier today also this will be small! A VERY SMALL UPDATE!!!! SMALL SMALL! SMALL small small small small... Okay here's Misty everyone CLAP OR ELSE YOU SMELL LIKE FISH!!!

okay veryone good Mametchi guy from Gravity falls BEST SHOW EVER THAN TAMAGOTCHI! shut up HIIII IT's meh Misty!!! yayayayayay! MY MOMMY DITCHED! ME so now I live with this weirdo :eek: who's name is- OHH OKAY THATS IT! you don't need to know Misty's a little weird :p

I AM NOT YOU FEMALE DOG!!! wait I dwont hwave fingerszfn swo hwo coutd me twake whutu nice to hear sooooo I WENT TO YOGURT LAND BUT NO IT WAS 7 PM AND I DIDN'T GET A RAFFLE TICETN NOOOLNHHBHFVIVFIUHVFIVFFBHHBVHBHB SO MAD!!!!

MISTY HELLO fiah fish 0,o i'm leaving byyyyyeyeeee! hi HELLO ACK IT'S BRO THE MEMETCHI!!!! I have photos of him on my ipod :) GET OUT Yes really :D Go away i'm leaving bye well bye :eek: BWYE!!

Small update today I keep on pausing Misty but I feel so tired of taking care because school is starting soon in L.A so if I don't update tomorrow or in the past few days because of SCHOOL!! UGH!!! I HATE YOU SCHOOL!!!!! but soon i'll buy a tamagotchi color a Tamagotchi spacy princess iD L or a Tamagotchi P's well that's soon but hold on I need to un-pause Misty *un-Pause* *GASP* ugh SO HUNGRY FEED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tamastar! WHAA!!!! *feeds Misty* I'M TO FULL!!!! WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO MWE! LIL OLD MWE! UGH YOU SOUND LIKE LIL GIBON anyway TOMORROW SHE WILL GROW i've been so busy lately cause of school bye! BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello fishies who are reading this my name is fishie Mabel what's yours? oh why hello you Who are you twalking two? are we watching Blue's Clues? :D No... my sister is :p i'm doing a random thing fish.... also that photo I posted it's funny FACE IT! Oh DeAR -_- why do I even still live and what tomorrow am I going too? or staying? O n O????????? I don't know dude Uh... fish!

SCHOOL STARTING TOMORROW NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! ALSO i'm not even sure if tomorrow i'll update or not if I don't sorry I was too busy dying of school DAD BLAME IT!!!!!! well Misty's unpaused I think I know how to get a Mametchi potty! okay that's all bye!

Like and rate stars thanks! yes or else the hamster will come for revenge from Tamacass's log

HELLO FISHIES I'M BACK FROM MIDDLE SCHOOL with out Misty it was fine but I made new pals yay! UN-PAUSE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DERP OKAY! *un-pause* so today I have no homework hold on need to go i'll edit this when I can finished bye! for now

*EDIT*: hella people just typing this with no care > :p ! ugh I should change my pink color I do that once in while but UPDATE! MISTY's a blue thing with light on the top
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MAI GOSH there's sooooooooooo much new logs here! like whut is going on!? I mean logs are fun and cool to do but you gotta do do it like everyday! and i'm in middle school blege! also I'm going to change this log a little you know like add hearts and more info this calls for a UPDATIE TO LOGGIE! NOOOO! let me do it you suck and won't take me to middle school! can't do that I will =3=! okay so you shall do this!!!!!!!! *FIX FIX FIXXX! BULID BULID! PICTURES PICTURES!!! FISH STUFFFFF FIX FIX! THROW SOME OLD YEAR MARSHMELLOW!!!!!* okay now phil this will be awesome-er!


Okay as I think I metion Misty's a wellllll a blue thing with a light on her head she looks like a boy :D so she has like 4 happy hearts and oops 3 hungry hearts like these!


<3 <3 <3 <3 happy hearts.... <3 <3 <3 Hungry Hearts


Okay that's all Bye if it's short well sorry i'm busy well bye say bye Misty! Bye :p !

THIS WILL BE SHORT BECAUSE DELETE BUTTON THREW MY FREAKING STATUS UPDATE I HATE YOU KEYBORED GO DIE IN A FREAKING HOLE ARGHBHUIJFURGKJEJNGNBVKJFJNKNVBU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO I reject you I shall not die loser! why you son of a gun *throws tamastar in hole grows and gets evil > :D !!* HAHAHAHHA! you can't throw me and you didn't even grow lier! i'll scare him with MY LIGHT!!! AHHH MY BUTTON DIES OF LIGHT! oh way a go you killed him luckly there was a new keybored also in episode 54 of tamagotchi why did can't belive i'm saying this d THAT LOVe LIN AND MELODYTCHI HAD TO WIN THE RACE I HATE BOTH OF UGH@@!!!!!!! JK I LOVE YOU BUT STILLL WHHHY DID YOU EVEN WIN UGH!!!!! I'm going to end this i'm tired ugh! fine STATUS UPDATE SHE'S ALSEEP AND FULL AND HAPPY THERE! WELL BYE! i'm not alseep? whut no-!

this maybe gonna be a small update cause I have better stuff to do no jk but i wanna see tamagotchi mkay skip skip hearts 4 and 4 sorry for the sucky update i'm really busy! so see this pic

Sup i feel bored with my v3 but the anime is soooo amazing okay nothing new is with Misty EEK! my touth! okay wow this is like No way Mametchi has a Touthahc! (or something) lol. Aren't you gonna help me?! Well see the episode and they will help you :D NO EKK! >M< //// fine! YAY! she will finally like the anime What anime? KAWAII IT'S BEEN AGES! what's up anything new? No but seiroly what anime? Tamagotchi! but yeah IMA END THIS BEFORE MISTY COMES >M<

EVERYONE YOU threw into the girly stage no but i'm in the bottom whut! so much new logs! nothing new about misty she should change soon in tomorrow or so IK THIS UPDATE SUCKS!!! but I want to read Fruits Basket okay? well don't worry i'll update today again ;)

Hi guys luckly tomorrow's a Firday! yayayay which means NO PAUSING FOR YOU KNOW MISTY!!!!!!!!!!! HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but then whut ugh!!! this makes me mad i have to eat mother's cooking @___________@ or IPod is dead you know IPOD I DON'T NEED YOU YES I DO I NEED YOU I LOVE MORE THAN TAMAGOTCHI!!!!! YOUR DEAD TO ME! NO YOUR NOT I LOVE YOU!!! WELL THAT'S TAKEN CARE OF -_- why you pause me? dont answer that but let's have a dinner with everyone! just not Bro I heard he cusses mom said that :D *Tama phone dinner call* HIIII TAMASTAR133 BEEN AGES YO! YAY! I'm back and not in the trash dump wait let me change the blue color way better and better to se :D Hi it's The Jess Man 8) YOU DISGUST ME > :( ( YOU DIRTY MY MEEBAS Hey guys am I still ban? IT'S BRO SO WE MEET AGAIN AND NO LEAVE!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH * Leaves* really? kawaii really? Hey it's cindy here :) is May and BRMG here? who's that? He was my first Tamagotchi I got on my frist v3!!! Hi Tamastar133 I missed you! YAY! sorry gonna have to end this bye!

Hooray! our first follower EMF!!!

thank you :D ! good news for me whee! thanks 47574848775757 times :) so nothing new is up with Misty she's just being derpy i'm sure she's gonna grow soon WHAT REALLY SUCKS THE LIFE OUT OF ME I HATE DANCE!! okay but I wish I had more tamagotchis to play with but I just have a v3 and a tamago and no conneting ugh oh yeah wasn't last update a dinner thing OH YEAH Bmrg! dude it's been ages? OM-GODI WHY DON'T YOU CARE! SHHHHH i'm watching the anime it's funny how Mametchi is mad LOLZ but then it's that weird moment when everyone is awkward "-.- What ever you don't even know who's your GREAT-GREAT-GREAT-GREAT-GREAT-GREAT granmother AAK! it's May the Mimitchi! she was my first great care tama is she here? MAY? MAY? Are you tamastar? like whut? WE'RE OUT OF TIME BYE *egg boom*

GUYS REMINDER TOMORROW AND THAT OTHER DAY I WON'T UPDATE SORRY! cuz my dad will be here and won't let me use wifi sorry so TUSDAY sorry I can't update today i'm depressed -_-


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