My V3 Log ^_^


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Just donated 5001 gp to the king. At first I donated 5000 and got nothing and I was a bit scared that there was a glitch or something, but I donated 1 more gp and he said Thankyou very much and gave me a password :ichigotchi: Now I have a huge beautiful ring on my souvenair list, yay! :ichigotchi:


Something weird happened today. I went into my souvernaires list and almost half of them were gone?! I still had all the stuff I got from travelling and the ring I got from the king, and I had the bicycle from Tammy (Tarras grandma) and the passport from tamatown, but everything else was missing! My teddy, Skates, balloon, and stuff like that, ALL GONE! :D Now Ill have to try and get them back again *sigh* Oh well :gozarutchi:

Just waiting for the matchmaker to come for Tarra :furawatchi: Hopefully soon, because I have school starting next week :D

I mistreated Tarra a bit last night, letting her sleep with poo since I forgot where I left my Tama and it took me nearly an hour to find it. (It was squished inside the couch, in a gap I couldnt see, and I only managed to find it when my brother put his hand inside the couch and felt something xD I must have sat on it by accident and it fell in the couch)

To make up for that I gave Tarra plenty of Treats to keep her happy :furawatchi:


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