My V3 Log ^_^


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And Ill also be pausing Skyan when I go to school tomorow so he should evolve in the morning the day after tomorrow :angry:

More Soon! And Posts are Welcome if anyone wants to say anything!

More News about Skyan :D

He changed this morning at 9:00 from a kuchitamatchi to...







Yay! My favoururite teen! :D

Also I'll be getting another Tamagtochi v3 soon and I need to know if there are any other pretty colours out there?

nd I forgot to mention I visited Tammy the Kuchipatchi again in Tamatown :( Shes doing great, and she even gave me a pencil, how nice! As soon as Skyan has his child Tammy will be a grandmother! :D


Just checked it out. I meant Skyan turned into a young mimitchi :p This one :) :(

Hes only 1 day old but has nearly full disapline, hes got 6 now :D

Ive also got a ticket to china (I think it is) Waiting for him when hes adult! Cant wait! :p

Yay! Skyan the young Mimitchi got another training bar! Now he has 7! Go Skyan! :p

Awww, now hes playing with the ball, balancing on it, its sooo cute! And he made it, he landed on his two feet and is smiling, :p

Skyan also played with the building blocks and he made a small tower, how nice :D

Now the action figure, Hehe, Looks like he loves it :)


Nothing much about Skyan the young Mimitchi :ph34r: Only now he has full training! Yay! <_< Im going to go visit Tammy today :lol: Will post what happens :wacko:


Thankyou sooo much Tamagirl! :D

Anyway Skyan should be changing to morrow, will post what she changes into :p

Yesterday right before I went to my Cello lesson, the sdhop restocked and I found this weird round thing in my shop for 3000 gp. I bought it thinking it was a computer, but when I checked it out in my items list it was a mirror! yay! Now my (girl) tamagotchis can wear makeup when they are an adult. ;)

:p :lol: Tammy also gave me and Skyan a C.D, Yay again! B)

O.k, Its happened! :eek: [SIZE=14pt]Skyan has changed!!![/SIZE]

Skyan changed into a.............






[SIZE=21pt]Chomametchi!!![/SIZE]Gave me a fright. I woke up and got out of bed, and I was watching a bit of T.V when I heard this weird beeping noise, I quickly grabbed my tama from the couch and watched Skyan the adorable young mimitchi change into a Handsome Chomametchi! Hes soooo Cute! I love this character, especially when its happy :D :D :D :D :D

Yes! Chomametchis are so awsome! ive had one before too.. i miss him.. *cough* her.. [her name was Chime]

Chime? Very cute name <_< Im trying to think of another name for the baby Skyan will have soon, something unique and pretty :wacko: Hopefully Ill get a girl this time :ph34r:

I also bought a T.V today, 5000 gp, :unsure: It was fun to play with, there was a kuchipatchi and memetchi on the screen and Skyan seemed to be enjoying it because he watched then turned to me and grinned :mellow:

Skyan also went top Australia. Ive got a picture of a postcard he showed me. Ill post it on here as soon as I get I can, :angry:

Cant say anything happened tosday :eek: Skyan was just his normal self, and was happy too. Took almost perfect care for him, and I think the matchmaker will come tomorrow :lol: Ill be quite sad when he leaves xD

I havent visited tammy lately either :furawatchi: Im going to go visit her now, will post what happens :eek:

I havent been posting lately <_< Dad banned me from the computer for a few days, anyway...

Skyan the Chomametchi left! He got married to a Kurokotchi and had a adorable baby girl teletchi :angry:

The adorable Teletchi changed into a Kuchitamatchi (Not again! Hehe, I was hoping for a different toddler) And now is a Patapatachi, just like Tammy was.

Now Im going to go visit Skyan, will post what happens :eek:

Does Skyan have eye lashes on tama town? just checking,because my Chomametchi chime had eye

He strangely does tama girl B) He looks like a sweet little girl mametchi :mimitchi: Its sooo cute, but...strange *lol*

Tarra the Patapatchi is doing well, just flying around. She lost 2 hearts a few times (One on hunger and happiness) So Im trying to prevent that from happening again. Dont want anoth Kuchipatchi :hitodetchi:

I forgot to write that...

Whwn I went to Tama town and visited Skyan he gave me a mobile. Too bad Tammy already gave me that before so I couldnt get it again :mimitchi: But I visited tammy too in the Grandparents section and she gave me a bike :hitodetchi: Yay!

If you want to visit any of them type these in:

Username: Minni

Go to parents to see Skyan then enter in: 65252 78948

Go to Grandparents to see Tammy then enter in: 55918 02865

Nothing much happened except Tarra is going to evolve today! At around 5:30 pm I think :eek: Ill post as soon as I can what she turns into! I have my fingers crossed for a Mametchi or Furawatchi :p

Tarra changed!!! She changed into something I actually wasnt thinking of but wanted xD :blink:

She changed into a.....












I was amazed mind you. Didnt really think of Pyonkotchis until I saw Tarra the flying Patapatatchi change into one :D Even though I said I wanted a Mametchi or Furawatchi, I wanted a Pyonkotchi as well and just forgot to tell :p Shes a beautiful Pyonkotchi and she is absolutely Adorable! Next time Ill hope for Mametchi and Furawatchi and maybe another Pyonkotchi's since these are definately on my favourites list :eek:

I also used makeup on Tarra after she evolved, and it was...weird. She looked cute with it on (Lipstick and eyeshadow) But it didnt suit her :angry: Ah well

I also bought a ticket to Switzerland right now for 5800 gp :p So Tarra went to Switzerland, showed me a postcard and got skis! So Skyan went to Australia and Tarra went to Switzerland. Ive got 2 more tickets for my two future tamas to use :blink: Poor Tammy, Tarra's Grandmother didnt get to go anywhere :eek:

Tarra has been quite happy and has been given pobably perfect care ever since she evolved. Now to wait for the Matchmaker. Or my friend may bring her Sisters Tamagtochi v3 tomorrow if she comes over and we can mate our tamas. Her sisters is a mimitchi right now :ichigotchi:


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