My two V3


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I have three V3s

Agreen one




type- don`t know

gender-boy :)

camo blue




type-he is a frog

gender-boy ;)

pink icescream





gender-girl :blink:

Good! but, I don't allow posts on my log anymore until I say so, so yeah,now you know....

Ok, tamas news...


Now they are currently sleeping and they can't excercise cuz' they are at the least they can get, 12 lbs, ( I do this to get a mametchi, well, young mametchi for now, tomorrow they will envolve teenagers, I'm so excited, I'ts just that I love my tamas sooo much, aaww, ok..Tomorrow I don't have school, yay!

My life:

So my BFF currently hates me, cause, well, uhm...I exactly don't know why, since she is hanging out with a girl that i hate shes like that, maybe she is telling her bad stuff about me that is not true, so yeah.

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I am waiting for my tamas to envolve teenagers *crosses fingers and starts to say "Young mametchi" "Young mametchi"*

Ok, so my mom said the entama was ok, YES! I finally got the permission, but, my mom says that I have to buy my own tamas batteries, she doesn't want to take care of them while I'm gone and bla, bla, bla....I am so anxious >.<

Choco envolved into a.....




















into a........















Youung mametchi?












No :)













Hashitamatchi, Grrrr, ok I am waiting for Dusty to envolve...

Good news and bad news, ok, what are the good news, yay, as you all know my mom gave me permission to buy an entama, great, just great, when......Here are the bad news, AS my mom was dicovering the V3 is like the Keitai she said that there will maybe come a version like the entama, Gee, GREAT! now she doesnt want to buy me an entama :)

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Dusty en volved into a Hinotamatchi, does life hate me? or what >.< , ok, ok, what happens is that because I have 2 tamas and I need to have 1 to have more possibilities for a mmametchi, because, yes, I remember the time I got a patapatchi and a young mametchi, *´sniff* *sniff*



Pink with Ice cream tama:



Age:1, teen


Stuff:Steak, ball, cuckoo clock, stuffed animal, hair gel, costume.


Tropical flowers tama:



Age:1, teen




Extra Notes:I don't have many stuff cause I am saving money for something

I used the shovel with Dusty and it gave me a snake, I gave him a snack and he had a toothache, I bought Choco a mirror :(

Nothing new now......While I was watching TV they called for attention, now thay both are 8/9 of training bars, good for only one year of a tamagotchi :angry: , well, with excellent care for a toddler, I dont know why they didn't became good characters for teens, I was distracted at anything but my tamas, oh well...

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Now Choco has 9999 GP yay! let's celebrate, ok while playing heading I won tons of points (except when my tamnas didn't jump *rolleyes* oh, and they both have full bars of training, yay! :mellow: :mellow: :mellow:

They envolved.....they are........














a scary.......














big ugly


































They envolved into....






cute little.....










Bunbuntchis, yay!!! They are so cute...Choco is now in his throne...yay!

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Oops... I forgot to post here :lol: , but anyway, Choco had a boy and Dusty had a girl, I didn't pay the best attention to my toddlers because I was taking a bath :) ....ok, so they are now teenagers, they're names are mini (girl) and terry (boy), when they where toddlers they were this characters: Mini was a Kuchitamatchi and Terry was a Mohitamatchi, now they are both Patapatchis (didn't those weere of super good care!? ...I'm confused!!!!)...Here are the stats:


Pink with ice cream tama:

Name: Terry

Age:1, teenager



Stuff:BBQ, Pizza, Cherry, French fries, Ice cream, ball, cuckoo clock, costume, mirror, !! item, throne, wings, pen, rc toy, umbrella.



Tropical flowers tama:


Age:1, teenager



Stuff:hot dog, BBQ, milk, sundae, bananas, energy drink, ball, honey (love potion), rc car 2, cuckoo clock, costume, !! item, pen, wig, roller skate, bow tie.

Last thursday a friend of mine lend me her tama to take care of it for a day, she has the pink andsilver ribbons, on saturday they fell in love, sunday they had two baby girls, and now I'm naming them candy and star.....le's see what happens!!!
