My Totally Terrific Tamagotchi Log!


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Apr 19, 2008
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Hi everyone out there reading this!!! Okay so my other name (x_cutie_flutie_x) was hacked and now I don't know the password, so I made a new one and I'm gonna continue my log here!

So what I will do is post whatever I posted before here.


April 18, 2008 11:00 pm

Okay everyone, before I start my log, I want to tell you all that I want to follow the rules of Tama Talk. So if you want to leave a comment, message me and I will post the comment in quote stating the message and saying who sent it so you get credit. Okay so now to my log...

Okay so I have a pink Love My Family Tamagotchi. (As you can tell I am writing in pink so I'm guessing you readers should know what my favorite color is.) I got it on April 13, 2008 as a gift for getting confirmed (it's a religous thing). Okay so I started it today, wel restarted it. Two of my other friends synchronized it with me at the same time today. I got two daughters and one son. I named the family name Ramos,after my real name so then they are part of my family. Although I had to go and play at MPA (a musical thing) so I had to put it on the Travel Show before it was even able to evolve. But it evolved when I got home. I'll name them all:

My Belltchi (First Born, Center & Daughter): Saralee

My Mattaritchi (Second Born, Left & Son): Anthony

My Sakuramotchi (Third Born, Right & Daughter): Anneliese

Okay so that's all for now, I'll update tomorrow. And to let you all know their sleeping so I can't say anything anyways.

April 19, 2008 11:13 am

OOOOHH! Saralee is talking to the fridge!!!


Okay well I'm gonna stop her and do some stats...

OMG!!! When I stopped her they looked constipated and I was able to potty train them! YAY!

Oh and I would like to note that when I put stats up I will type them in Gray




Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Bonding: 0% (Although I wanna keep it low so I can get a Makiko)

Family Name: Ramos

Family Type: Blended Family

Generation: 1

Gotchi Points: 550



Saralee: Belltchi

Anthony: Mattaritchi

Anneliese: Sakuramotchi

April 19, 2008 02:03 pm

Okay so I just wanted to update that the Ramos' got up to 10% bonds!!!

April 19, 2008 03:10 pm

This is REALLY cute! Saralee is talking to the fridge and guess what?!?!? My sister's cotton candy v5 tamagotchi was talking to the fridge at the SAME time!!!

AWW... my tamas where constipated and needed potty training so I trained theem but now my tamas aren't talking to the fridge anymore.

Okay that's all for now!


So that is everything. I will be continuing my log here so read this log for now on!

-Cutie Pie :p

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Okay so I wanna show you all the codes for my tamas.





Mommy! I wanna go out today!!!

Yeah!!! I'm REALLY bored!

YES!!! Mommy let's GO!!!

Okay! i guess we might as well go out to Tamatown!!!!




-Cutie Pie :p

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We're BACK!!!

That was FUN!!!


I wanna go back!!!

Don't worry! We'll go back next time!

Okay so we played Twirl the Coffee Cup, it was fun we won 2 times!!!

That's all for now!

-Cutie Pie :p

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Oh I wanted to add for those tama lovers who don't own a v5 and want to try out Tamatown here is my code:



You can use it as many times as you want! And to tell you this is Saralee. I don't know how to bring the other characters. If anyone knows please PM me.

-Cutie Pie :p

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Stats Check!!!


Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Bonding: 10% (Makiko here I come!)

Family Name: Ramos

Family Type: Blended Family

Generation: 1

Gotchi Points: 580



Saralee: Belltchi

Anthony: Mattaritchi

Anneliese: Sakuramotchi

-Cutie Pie :D

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YAY!!!! The Ramos' called for me and guess what!?!?! The bonding went up to 20%!!!!!! I'm SUPER happy!!!

-Cutie Pie :D

Okay so I was unable to go and catch the Ramos' before they use the bathroom so they ended up pooping. Well I cleaned it up, but then it lost one hungry and happy heart! But I fed them so now no more!

Stats Check!


Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Bonding: 20% (Now I can only let it go up 10% more and I will be able to get a Watatchi to make a Makiko!)

Family Name: Ramos

Family Type: Blended Family

Generation: 1

Gotchi Points: 580



Saralee: Belltchi

Anthony: Mattaritchi

Anneliese: Sakuramotchi

-Cutie Pie :wub:

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Yay! Today is supposed to be the day the Ramos family evovles! But it won't evolve until like 10:30 pm. But I will post when they evolve if I'm still awake. But if I'm not then I will go and try to post tommorow morning, if not then I will certainly post tommorow afternoon. Oh I was bored and I wasthinkning of the many animations, and I noticed that when you potty train your tamagotchis only one uses the ducky toilet and the other two watch. I know that their family but it is kind of gross, right? It is.

-Cutie Pie :)

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Stats Check!!!


Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Bonding: 30% (Makiko you are mine!)

Family Name: Ramos

Family Type: Blended Family

Generation: 1

Gotchi Points: 720



Saralee: Belltchi

Anthony: Mattaritchi

Anneliese: Sakuramotchi

-Cutie Pie :p

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Mommy!!! How come everytime I talk to the fridge and he opens there is nothing in it?

Saralee you shouldn't ask mom silly questions! *thinks he's the smartes one in the family*

No I think that she should ask that question because I don't know either!

*Giggles* Sweety I don't really know why you don't see food.


Okay so I was wrong and my tamagotchi evolved this morning at 7:00 am right before it woke up then after it evolved it woke up and I saw the good morning animation. Okay so back to my tamagotchis evolving.


Saralee: Ichigotchi

Anthony: Bakutchi

Anneliese: Chamametchi

They are SOOOO adorable!

-Cutie Pie :D

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So you wanna find out about what's happening with the Ramos family?

OMG!!! I love the way I look! I look exactly like a strawberry, and I look SOOOO cute!!!!!

Sara! Stop being conceided! You are just lucky you were born the right character!

Eya Right, this is really who I am meant to be not just because I was born a certain character right mommy?

*Walks away from argument*

Okay so right noe the Ramos' are sleeping. And hopefully they should evolve tommorow! I will post everything that happens tommorow morning and/or afternoon. Talk to you all tommorow!

-Cutie Pie :)

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OMG!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it they evolved!!!!!!!!! Okay here is the info:


Saralee: Watatchi (YAY!!!)


Anneliese: Potetchi

Okay so when I saw them evolve I got a code to get the girl's dresser and I used it. Then right after using it I got a...


MAKIKO!!!! Yay! I got what I wanted!!!

Okay so that's all for now!

-Cutie Pie :p

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OMG!!! I have 100+ views!!! Yay! Thank you everyone for reading my log! And don't forget you can leave me comments on my log by PMing me and I will personally post it here.

-Cutie Pie :p

Okay sorry I haven't been able to posted in a long time. So nothing happened today. Although my tamagotchi is now ready to marry. My friend who I synchronized with who had to reset is who I'm gonna marry my tamagotchi to, but I have to wait until Monday for her tamagotchi to be able to get married so while I wait I will get my bonding up to 100%. Right now I'm only at 80%. I saw many animations like the one where they walk off the screen and then come back trip and fall. I also saw the one were the center tama kisses the side tamas and then side ones kiss the middle one and then a big heart forms above their heads. And the one that I see now is the one where all of the three tamas close up on the screen. It looks SOOO adorable and I finally get to see a close up of all my tamagotchis!

-Cutie Pie :lol:

Okay sorry for not replying for like a week. Okay so to catch up here are the important things that have happened:

Got my bonding up to 100%.

Gave my Makiko away to marry my friend's Kuromametchi.

Then right after I married my Potetchi to a Hatugatchi and they transformed into a Papamametchi and Mamapatchi.

I got three eggs.

The first one was a Mimifuwatchi (Marky)

Second Mimifuwatchi (Claire)

Third Futabatchi (John)

They became:

Marky: Mousetchi

Claire: Sakuramotchi

John: Mattaritchi

Then on Wednesday:

Marky: Mamekatchi

Claire: Chamametchi

John: Korokotchi

Then today:

Marky: Furikotchi

Claire: Violettchi

John: Mumutchi

That's everything!!!



Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Bonds: 40%

Family Type: Blended

Family Name: Ramos

Generation: 2

Gotchi Points: 1630


Marky: Furikotchi

Claire: Violettchi

John: Mumutchi


Anneliese (Hopefully you guys still remembered her name): Mamapatchi

Brandon (I just named him right now): Papamametchi

-Cutie Pie :)

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I looked at the views it says 147 views! Thank you all for viewing my log! I couldn't do this without all of your support!

Oh and don't forget mail me your comments and I will post it here!

-Cutie Pie :)

Ok well I am such a BAD mother! Because my tamagothi family left me! Well I just currently reset my tamagotchi and I got a son, daughter, then another son. Well. Well here are the stats:

My Tamagotchis:

Son: Futabatchi (Robert)

Daughter: Mimifuwatchi (Rosalynn)

Son: Omututchi (Daineal)

-Cutie Pie ^_^

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