My Tamalog


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Jul 4, 2007
Reaction score
Just hatched today my V4 today- I want to log the progress. I would like to have her evolve into Violetchi, but we'll see.

Day 1

Name: Leila


evolution (so far): shirotsubutchi --> mohitamatchi

H/H: 4/4

Training: 2/9

Intelligence: 17

Fashion: 30

Social: 36

Age: 0

Weight: 26 lbs

So far I haven't found her to be too needy. First hatched at about 3pm. Played some jump rope, buf I want to keep the skill areas higher in Social and Fashion... so I've been feeding her sushi, bananas, cherries, and other relevant skill-related foods, until she evolves enough to get Dance and Flag games.

Once she evolved to Mohitomatchi she went to preschool several times, but without fail falls on her face during singing at least once. We keep trying, however.

As for games, Mimic seems to do well at boosting the Social skill points, but from what I know it's supposed to be random.

Sort of unrelated - My kiddo has a V4 as well, and interestingly enough his had a baby via Matchmaker mate on Wednesday (4-July) at about 3pm - but the Ponytchi STILL has not left the baby yet. Maybe she is having too much fun making friends with mine? *shrug* We keep thinking tomorrow (or tomorrow, or tomorrow) but still nothing. He paused it the second day she had the baby - we were on an outing and it ended up paused for at least 6 hours or so. He is hoping she will move on soon so he can start in with the new baby already. Even I am getting impatient now - setting the time to 11:59pm has proven *not* to do anything to help move her along. Nothing to do now but wati, I suppose.

Day 2

Name: Leila


H/H: 4/4

Training: 9/9 (started with 2 this morning - earned the other 7 in one day!)

Intelligence: 27

Fashion: 75

Social: 118

Age: 1

Weight: 26 lbs

Wow - today was so fun! She is brushing her teeth right now (so cute) and earlier she took a bath.

I played a few games and sent some presents to her buddy. I also fed her a few too many bananas and gave her a toothache. :ph34r: But, a little medicine made it all better.

I knew today was the day she would evolve. Sure enough, heard the little beep and TA-DA! She evolved into

:ph34r: YAY! Such a cute little strawberry. That was exactly the character I was hoping for. I'm trying to decide between Violetchi and Makiko. I like them both so it's hard to decide but I'm hoping for at least one of those two. I guess when the time comes either the 350/450 points will be there, or they won't but either way I will be happy.

I have tinkered with the idea of starting a v4.5 as well, eyeing them every time I am in Target (ha ha). At this rate, I have a feeling it won't be long. I love reading the logs about them - and the characters seem pretty interesting too.

I mentioned yesterday that my kiddo's ponytchi has not left her baby yet... I was thinking *maybe* this morning we would have a new baby to name, but nope! she is still there! I think this has sold kiddo on the idea of "do not pause" by now - he's ready for the new baby. So another day goes by and we wonder: "maybe tomorrow..." :ph34r:

**edited to add**

Forgot to update the evolution:

shirotsubutchi --> mohitamatchi --> ichigotchi

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No chance to update yesterday but I can give a quick synopsis. I had to return to work today after a week of vacation, so Leila is home with my kiddo. He told me he felt so grown up when I asked if he would look after her for me today. awwww.

Anyway, yesterday was just plain old day - played games and all. Today I think will be the day for her to evolve (fingers crossed for Violetchi).

Since she isn't here with me and I don't remember exactly I'll give the stats as a recall them:

H/H: 4/4

Training: 9/9

Intelligence: 50-something (I think?)

Fashion: 95(ish) - somewhere around there.

Social: 225

I will try to give another update tonight when I get home - esp if she has evolved. Looking forward to that :) **sigh** Nevermind, I guess allowing or encouraging comments here is encouraging you to break (yet another set of) rules. Moving on...

As for the ponytchi - she did leave her baby the night before last. Finally! She had the baby at 3pm last Wednesday... did not leave until Saturday night.

In my kiddo's excitement the next morning he did not want to wait for the baby to wake up (a mere 15 minutes away), so he tried to hit reset button and then Download. Alas, I think he hit something too soon, or didn't wait for the menu to pop up, so it did in fact RESET.

In a way he got his wish - he was ready for a new baby, but mostly he was excited to have a second generation. Hopefully he will learn to be a little more patient now (or change the clock and not hit reset! hee). anyway he was very excited this morning when his mohitamatchi evolved into a young kutchipatchi.

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Just as I got home tonight, my little Leila ichigotchi evolved into a violetchi. She is so adorable.

Here is her update for today:

H/H: 4/4

Training: 9/9

Intelligence: 38 (I was way off on my guess earlier, oops!)

Fashion: 104

Social: 255

Age: 3 YR

Weight: 50lbs

points: 21480

Since she has evolved, she has had so much fun playing with all of her toys. I don't know if she likes the playhouse too well... she falls on her face every time she plays in it. She does love to play and sing along with her guitar. She tried the makeup on and I'm sure it was cute but she wouldn't come out to show me.

She has made great friends with my kiddo's tama (Mikko). His evolved into a young kutchipatchi this morning. We are going to wait until Friday before trying to have them mate, but in the meantime I guess it will be just games and playing with her toys until the job offers come in (Thursday-ish I think).

Tonight she was so cute taking her bath and brushing her teeth. She even made it to the potty in time (first time I've seen it in time to take care of that). omg - you know you're a tama mama when you start talking about their poop! haha!

Today's stats:

H/H: 4/4

Training: 9/9

Pencil: 65

Sparkle: 147

Flower: 341

Age: 5yr

Weight: 42lbs

points: 29320

Evolution: shirotsubutchi --> mohitamatchi --> ichigotchi --> violetchi

I'm still toying with the idea of trying to get my sparkle points up high enough to get makiko, but it is difficult because I seem to be getting WORSE at dance rather than better if that's possible. ^_^ :p So with another 200 to go I don't know - maybe on the next round I will try for that.

I was at work when the job offers came in on Tuesday night, so my kiddo went through her interviews with her. Leila is now a proud firefighter, although I am less than thrilled with that job. Oh well.

My kiddo's young kutchipatchi (Mikko) evolved this morning into a tarakotchi, and the first time the two visited today they gained all four hearts! Romance on the horizon? Apparently so. In their second visit they were caught smooching. I want to keep Leila until Friday before we have them mate, just to give myself time to make sure I am really resigned to not having makiko. I'll be skipping any matchmaker visits tomorrow as well.

Interesting note as well - Leila seems to have developed quite a fast metabolism! As you can see from yesterday's update compared to today she is DOWN in weight, although she has not been going hungry by any means. Maybe it's all the dancing? I keep forgetting that her favorite food is not cupcakes, so I am feeding her cupcakes and then feeding her apple pie just to see her do her little happy dance afterwards. But overall plenty of snacks even though her hearts are full (trying to gain sparkle points!) and still I notice her weight drops without much effort at all - in fact it seems to drop without even playing games. Maybe that is common, I just don't know it.

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