~My Tamagotchi Version 4.5 Log~


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I woke up this morning to find the little baby crying. Aww! I need to start caring for him now. :lol:


Right, sets name. Milo! Yay! :angry:




Yay! I'm caring for him now. :angry: He's so adorable. He needs feeding, so I fed him one of everything. No snacks though, I decided to play a game with him instead of feeding him snacks so I can keep an eye on his weight.


We played climb, he got the maximum score! Yay! Go Milo, go Milo.


Googoo, gahgah.


Hehe! Aww, so cute! More soon. :angry:



Yay! Milo evolved into a child! He looks sooo cute. Doesn't that mean... Wait, he can talk now! Take it away, Milo. :angry:


Hello everyone. :angry: It feels great to talk and to be a child. Beth says I look great. We got a new game to play, it's called tug-of-war. I'd like to try and play it soon, but I need to build up my strength. :angry:


Yeah, that's right! I just discovered Milo evolved into a Hitodetchi! Very cute, indeed. :lol:


More later. :angry:



Hello everyone. ^_^


I played a lot of games with Milo today, mostly tug of war, though. He really is getting stronger now! On his first go, he beat everyone. Go Milo! :D


Then, he needed feeding, poopie cleaning, the usual. Milo then got mail, a fortune cookie! He got 2, 2, 2. Not bad, but not that good. Oh, well. :huh:


Hey, Beth?


Yeah, Milo?


Would it be okay if I go to visit Mummy?


You mean in TamaTown? Sure! Oh! I forgot to tell you guys, Milo got accepted into Pre-School!


Oh, yeah! We could visit there, right?


Uh-huh! :(


Awesome. :) My teacher is really nice, she smells like rose and is called Mrs. Flower! Plus, she gave me a really nice back-pack for my classes, yay! I went to a class, and we danced together, it was so much fun! :D


Yeah, see you guys when we come back from TamaTown. :D We'll tell you all about it. :)



Heya, we are back from our visit to TamaTown! I managed to get a picture of Milo there, here it is. He's really cute in colour! :D


First, we went to Pre-School and played 2 games. One was called puzzle, the other dance. It was great fun, Milo did really well in both of them :D


Then, we went over to Lola's house! It was cool, because she gave Milo 100p, however she wasn't actually there, just a speech bubble of what she was saying was all we could see. It was really nice, though. :) I got a picture of her house, it's nice. Here it is. :D


Me and Beth managed to collect 2 souvineirs! :D And Beth got me a Christmas present! Wahoo! :D


Yeah, but I'm not going to tell you what it is yet! Hehe.


Aww, but why?


Because Christmas is tomorrow! You'll just have to wait. ;)


Oh, okay. :D


More later everyone! PM me with comments, thanks. :)



By the way, here are Milo's stats:




Name: Milo

Age: 0 Years

Gender: Boy

Weight: 10 Lbs

Training: 3/9

Hearts: All Full

Generation: 2G

Points: 13740P

Username: BETH


Skill Points:


Smile: 62

Star: 17

Fist: 6



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Hello everyone! I would just like to say sorry, I wasn't able to come on my laptop Christmas Day as I was opening presents, praying, and stuffing my face with turkey, hehe!


Anyway, Milo is doing very, very good and loads happened over Christmas! Mail, playing games and going to school! That's right, Milo got into school, woohoo! We decided that because Lola had Mr. Turtlepedia, Milo can have someone different, so he chose Mrs. Flower.


Yah! She's so awesome, the way she teaches is just so easy to understand, and plus the game we play is fun! She hides a star point in a present, brings two more presents that contain poo, swap them around, and then I need to see which has the star point!


Sounds like you have fun, Milo. That's good, it's always nice to have fun at school, that means you can go back as often as you want!


Yay! :p Thank you. :huh:


Oh my gosh, I almost forgot! Milo...




That's right! He evolved on Christmas! He is now...


A Crackertchi!


Yeah! I love Crackertchi's! They are so awesome, when they come up close to the screen they look like party poppers! So cute! :D I'll get some piccys for you tomorrow, my camera is out of batteries, sorry! ^_^


I shall also post his stats tomorrow. :D



Hi everyone! Awesome news:


I evolved into a Ura-Mametchi! Yay! :( Wow, my evolutions have been sooo great, but thank goodness this one is the last one. The tingly feeling I get when I evolve isn't too pleasant. :D


Well, at least you won't have to go through that again. :D Milo looks sooo great! I always wanted a Ura-Mametchi, they are incredibly adorable. :mellow: Also, Milo got 2 visits from the King! 2! One time, he bought a chest, the other, a shovel. We used them, something good came out of both of them. :D


Mail! A fortune cookie, 1, 2, 2. Not too bad. I discovered all the meanings of the fortune cookie readings, so it has all become clear how bad fortune cookies and burglars link! Hehe.


Here are Milo's stats, sorry I haven't posted them in a little while:




Name: Milo

Age: 2 Years

Gender: Boy

Weight: 30 Lbs

Training: 6/9

Hearts: All Full

Generation: 2G

Points: 16990P

Username: BETH


Skill Points:


Smile: 126

Star: 71

Fist: 16


Thanks! An update shall be coming in a little while. ;)



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