~My Tamagotchi Version 4.5 Log~


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Hello everyone! Today was the last day at school: Woohoo! Christmas break is finally here! Which means...


More quality time for me and you, yay!


That's right! :( A-n-d, Lola had a special visitor today, didn't you Lola? Want to tell them who it was? :(


Yes, please! Well, Mr. Talking Christmas Tree came to me today, it was sooo awesome! We had the most interesting conversation ever! We were talking about what we want for Christmas, and he even told me what it was like being himself! He said he loves visiting loads of Tamas at Christmas time, he says it's a tradition, aww. :(


Hehe, it was really cute to watch. :( I even got a picture! Here is a picture, aww. It's beginning to feel like Christmas. :(


Lola is fine right now. She is happily bobbing around the screen, so there will be more later. :(



Lola just received some mail! It was an envolope. And there was a burglar... No! ;) Why do we always get them? No fair! :furawatchi:


Not once have we had the King, but we've had around 5 burglars. How unfair is that? :angry:


Oh well, he only took 300p, so it's not that bad.



Woah! More mail for Lola! Let's see...


Wow! [!] Important mail! Woohoo! :( Let's open it...


Aww, Lola graduated from school. :furawatchi: She was crying with Mr. Turtlepedia. :angry: I even got a picture of them, here it is.


Then, another [!] important mail came! We opened it... And...


Lola received a job! Yay! :( She got a job at a television studio, how awesome is that?! I got a picture of her celebrating, here it is! Yay! Well done Lola! ;)


Thank you very much, Beth! I actually cannot wait to start working for my job! Can we do it now please? :(


Sure! :(


There'll be more later guys! :(



Wow! The job game is sooo fun! :furawatchi: I love it, totally addictive! Lola loves it too, don't you?


Play it again! Play it again! Play it again! :angry:


Lol, yup, she loves it! We're off to play some more, see ya in a bit with some updates! :(


Remember, PM me with your comments, thanks! ;)



Well, Lola was fine last night and went to bed as she was quite tired! I told her we would have a fun day tomorrow, so she was looking forward to that.


But! It's morning now! And Lola is wide awake. :D Lola told me she wanted to play the job game again, so off we went to work. We had a little surprise on the way, though...


Indeed we did! I got my first pay! Yay! I got 1,356p, how good is that? I can finally earn my own gotchi points, woohoo!


Yeah, Lola is so happy about that. :D Hey, Lola. Would you like to go to TamaTown?


Yes, yes, yes please Beth! :D Yaaay! :D


Well, see you in a little bit with some updates guys! :D



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Hi everyone! We are back from TamaTown. I got a picture of Lola saying hello in TamaTown, and here it is! :D Lola had so much fun, didn't you?


Yeah! Oh my gosh, I had the best time ever!


Glad to hear it! I had a blast too, would you like to tell them what you did and what items you got? :D


Okie dokie! Here we go:


When we arrived, we went straight to Pre-School to see my old teacher again. She is doing great, she said I'd grown! :D Then, we went to School, so I could say hello to Mr. Turtlepedia again. He is doing alright, and since I'd graduated, he gave me a grauation cap and gown, yay!


Then, we went over to the Office to collect my Photo ID from there. It's so awesome there! After we collected it, we played a game! It was so fun, although I forgot the name of it. :D


We went to the Station and visited all 3 towns, and we managed to pick up so many souvieneirs on the way! Afterwards, we were getting a little tired, so we went for a relaxing play at the Arcade. We played ringtoss until I got 9900p! That's a lot of gotchi points! :angry: We then headed over to the Mall, where I bought a CD! I've got 2 CD's now, I just need to buy the stereo!


Well, we got up to a lot! We could visit TamaTown again later so you can pick up a stereo!


Thanks Beth! I'll tell you guys what items we picked up along the way:


o Graduation Cap

o Graduation Gown

o Photo ID

o Laptop PC

o Brochure

o Hammer

o Drill

o Treadmill

o Dumbells

o Music Disc


So, yeah! I've done pretty well! My fingers are hurting now, so I'll write more later! See ya! :blink:


Okie dokie guys, more to come later! :D



Ooh! Envolope mail! Let's take a look... I hope it's the King!




It's the King! Woohoo! :D He gave Lola 200p, how generous! Thanks, King.


That was Lola's first visit from the King. :D



Lola has received 2 mails! Let's see...


A fortune cookie and an envolope. Let's open them. :(


The fortune cookie was good, 3, 2, 2. Woah, 3 in money! Maybe Lola will earn more from games, yay!


The envolope was great! Another heart, that's Lola's 3rd one! She definately has a secret lover! :angry:


That's all for now. :p

Noo! Aww, Lola got some more envolope mail, and guess who we got?


Yup, the burglar. I hate the burglar! :eek: We always get him, grr.



Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! The matchmaker came! Woohoo! :D The matchmaker brought a Ura-Mametchi for Lola to mate with. She had a baby boy: Yay! :D I am sooo happy! What do you think about this fantastic event, Lola?


I'm... I'm... I'm... Estatic! I cannot believe it! My own child, it's the best experience ever. :)


Aww. :D That means... I get to take care of the new baby on Christmas Eve! Yay! :D


That's good! :D So that also means... Tomorrow is my last day inside your Tamagotchi? :( Waaah! :(


Yes, but please don't cry! Me and the baby can visit you loads. :D


Well, that's alright then, yay! :D


I was so shocked that I only managed to reach for the camera at the last minute. :p I did get a picture of Lola with the baby, though, here it is! :D


Well, more updates later! And remember:


I am sooo happy for Lola! :D



Oooh! More mail for Lola! Let's see...


An envolope. It better not be a burglar...




It isn't! It's another heart! Aww! :) Maybe it's from the Ura Mametchi Lola mated with? Hmm...


More to come. :D



Lola has gone to sleep now, and the baby sleeps next to her, aww! :D I can't wait to see her in the morning! Tomorrow is her last day. ;) Here are Lola's stats so you know how she is doing:




Name: Lola

Age: 6 Years

Gender: Girl

Weight: 32 Lbs

Training: 3/9

Hearts: All Full

Generation: 1G

Points: 20460P

Username: BETH


Skill Points:


Smile: 162

Star: 30

Fist: 24


Thanks everyone! I hope you like my log! :eek:



Heya guys!


Lola was awake before me, so there were a few poopies, but nothing to worry about. ^_^ I sent her to work to collect her salary, 1200p! That's awesome. Also, I played 2 games of apple with her, she got the maximum (50) on both goes! Go Lola, go Lola, go Lola. :D


Yay! Thanks. :huh: Oh, yeah! Guess what? I bought 2 chests in the shop today! And guess what was in them?




Can't guess? :D Well... In the first one there was 500p! Woot! In the second one, there was a ball! Woohoo! Another item I can play with! Hehe. :huh:


Nothing much happening now. Oh! The baby just pooped, hehe. Cleaned it up. :huh:


More later! :huh:



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Ooh! The talking Christmas tree visited Lola again! ^_^ What was your conversation about this time, Lola?


It was about Santa! He told me that at 10:30pm on 24th December, Santa will appear on your Tamagotchi screen! :D


That's so awesome! Oh, yeah! I read an information sign on TamaTown about that, it's true! How great will that be?!


So awesome! :D


Well, more later guys! Christmas Eve tomorrow, yahoo!



Ooh! Mail for Lola! An envolope, let's see...


Guess what she got? A BURGLAR! Why, why, why? Grr... I really hate him. :D :( :D


Uh-oh, 2 poopies, better clean those up! Why is it that whenever I post, they do a poopie :p


Well, that's all for now!



I took a long shower and cleaned my hamster cage, so when I went to check on Lola one of her happy hearts was down and there was 2 poopies. I cleaned the poopies and played a game of apple with Lola. :angry:


Aaaannnndddd... I can now connect Lola with someone! Yay! My sister restarted her Tamagotchi today, so it is a baby, but they can still connect! :angry: They danced, played games, gave presents and everything! Aww. :D


More on the way. :angry:



Just the usual, I suppose. The talking Christmas tree visited Lola again, cleaned up poops, got the burglar ( :) ) and played some apple. :D






May I please go to TamaTown with you? You know, because I'm going to go in 2 hours (midnight) and plus we need to pick up that stereo! Lol.


Right! Okay! Let's go. :D


More later guys. :D





Well, we are back from TamaTown. We picked up the stereo, and we have 2 CD's to play on it! CD1 and CD3. We managed to play both tracks on CD3, but only one on CD1 because the lights shut off for bed! Which means...


That was Lola's last day! :D Aww, she is leaving at midnight! :D


Well, we can still visit her in TamaTown. :hitodetchi: I'm going to try and stay up to see her leave. :)


Here are her last stats. :furawatchi: Her last ones:




Name: Lola

Age: 7 Years

Gender: Girl

Weight: 31 Lbs

Training: 3/9

Hearts: All Full

Generation: 1G

Points: 213040P

Username: BETH


Skill Points:


Smile: 202

Star: 30

Fist: 24


I still don't know what to call the baby boy! Whoops! I'll think of something. :mametchi:


Well, that's it for tonight guys. I'll post at midnight with a picture of Lola if I can stay up. :D



Hello guys,


Lola just left. :D I watched it and everything, and it was really sad. :D I didn't take a video, I was just staring at the screen, quite upset actually. :D


Well, I can always visit her in TamaTown, right? :D


I got a picture of the baby sleeping on his own, aww. I can't wait for in the morning to begin caring for him! :D Here is a picture. :D


More tomorrow guys, when I start caring for the baby! I need to find a name for him! Grr! I'll come up with one! :D





Ooh! I thought of a name for the baby boy! :D I shall call him...


Milo! How cool is that name? Right, it's settled. That is what I shall call him, yay! :D


I can't wait to care for Milo in the morning, he's going to grow up to be an awesome Tama, just like his mother. He can visit her in TamaTown all the time. :D


See ya tomorrow, log. :D



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