My Tamagotchi V4 log!


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Feb 18, 2007
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Hiya, im new to tamatalk. So you probably dont know about me. Well all you need to know is that i absolutely love tamagotchi's! Anyway you might want to know now what design of V4 i have... Mine has a Dark Blue kind of see through background and has yellow, green and white stars! I am on Generation 4 at the moment. But my tama has a baby so hopefully the mum of it will leave tonight! So then i will be on generation 5 yay!! The baby is a girl so i will probably call it Kenny because my friend has a boy and called it Lenny. tee hee!! Im gonna go on tamatown now! Ill reply later!!

Good Bye

x ;)


Last night the mum left my baby tama!! (The mum was called HONEY) so this morning i woke up the baby and you will never guess what i named it... PIPPA!! She is so sweet at the moment! She has already evolved into a child. She is a... Mizutamatchi!! She now looks so sweet and i am hoping that tomorrow she will evolve into a teenager!! I really want her to evolve into a... Young Kutchipatchi!! Well anyway speak to you later!!

Good Bye

x :(


Well this is the part in my log where i talk about my previous generations on my tama!!

Generation 1=

Name - Star!

Job - School Teacher!!

Character - Memetchi

Generation 2=

Name - Yelow

Job - Fireman!!

Character - Ponitchi

Generation 3=

Name - Rory!

Job - Hospital Doctor

Character - Mametchi

Generation 4=

Name - Honey

Job - Florist

Character - Sebiretchi

At the moment i am generation 5 so when i am on generation 6 i will do another generation update for you all to read!!

Good Bye

x :furawatchi:


Today Pippa evolved into a teenager!! She woke up and about 5 minutes after she evolved into a... YOUNG MEMETCHI! She looks so sweet. But my first and second generation were young memetchi's so i was hoping for something a bit different! Oh well. I dont have anything much else to talk about so im gonna do a health review for Pippa....

Hunger - 4 hearts

Happiness - 4 hearts

Training - 3

Intelligence - 0

Arts - 0

Social - 0

Age - 1

Weight - 94

Name - PIPPA

Gender - Girl

Generation - 5G

Points - 26630

Well im gonna go on tamatown now because i dont have the passport and the Brochure yet!! Ill reply when she does something interesting!!

Good Bye

x :D

:angry: OH DEAR!!

Something really tragic happened last night. I was playing jumping rope on my tama when i decided to sort out my items list! I started to look at my food items list when they all started to disapear!! It was scary and then it would not let me feed Pippa so i had to reset it! :) Now i have a baby boy and it is called Rufus. He has not yet turned into a child, so when he does i will post!!

Good Bye

x :mellow:

P.S thanks for the reply Youngmimitchi07 i am glad that you like my log. I read yours and you should be really pleased that your tama evolved into a Young Androtchi!!

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About 1 hour ago Rufus evolved into a child. I was hoping for a Mohitamatchi, but i got a character that is much cuter!! Rufus evolved into a... HARUTCHI!! He looks so sweet now!! The pre-school teacher has already come so he can go there now!! I think that tomorrow he will evolve into a teenager and i am going to try and get loads of intelligent points so that he can get a good job when he is an adult!!

About 5 minutes ago i went on tamatown and bought a... stereo because i was playing ring toss in the arcade for ages and managed to get enough money for one!! YAY!! Now... because i already have the cell phone i typed in the password again and got a FREE cd3. So now i can play the cd in the stereo! IT IS SO COOL!!! The music on the cd is really funny and i am gonna save up gotchi points to buy another cd!! I hope there not to much money!! Ill reply when something interesting happens!!

Good Bye

x :mellow:

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:blink: BOO HOO!!

Today Rufus died!! :huh: So i reset my tama and it was a girl. I named it Socks because i thought it was sweet! She still hasnt evolved into a child yet, i really want her to evolve into a Hanatchi because they are really cute!! My little sister reset her tama V4 and she named hers Sarah because we were watching hollyoaks when she reset it! tee hee!!

Im gonna go on tamatown soon because i really want to buy the stereo because they are really funky and the cd3 plays really cool music! Actually im gonna go on tamatown now!!!

Good Bye

x :D

Ps. Sorry for the very late update!


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