My Tamagotchi V3 Log


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Jun 12, 2006
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Stats of my first 2 Tamagotchi.....

Name: Fe Fe

Weight:9 lbs

Years Old: 0

Type: Shirotelechi

Gender: Girl

Name: Moe

Weight:10 lbs

Years Old: 0

Type: Teletchi

Gender: Boy

These tama's are my very first Tamagotchi and they are very special and get alot of attention. Plz pm me if you have comments or questions on my log. Thanks!

This is me again. Fe Fe and Moe just evolved into a cone head thing and a round one. DOES ANYONE KNOW WHAT THESE ARE CALLED?!?!?!?!?!?! Plz pm me if you know!

They are doing fine, and Walmart is SOLD OUT of tama's! I checked Target too, but they are SOLD OUT too! Well, I will just have to wait....

I left my tama's alone and my dog got them! I got them right before he started to chew on them.....THANK THE TAMA GOD! :p I thought they would be tramatized, but they were ok....Then Fe Fe was acting funning and I found out that she had ate too much and she was dizzy! I quickly exercized her and she was alot better......As for Moe, he hasn't changed a bit. He is just more rebellious! I tryed to play Get with him, but he wouldnt! I quickly punished him for being naughty, then he was in a bad mood till I connected him and Fe Fe. Then, he was in a great mood. I cant wait till they are adults!!! Well, ive got an appointment with Dr. Bed, and he's expecting me to be there, so ive G2G.......Talk Back L8tr!

This morning was quite interesting. My tama's wouldn't get up from bed until 8:00......Thye usually get up at 7:00! But anyway they are very happy. They are best friends, and they enjoy visiting each other.

Sorry I changed usernames........ My tama's are behaving well they have evolved into Young Mametchi and an Obotchi....YAY!!! I am expecting them to evolve during the next twenty-four hours...... Fe Fe and Moe are best friends so i expect they will mate when they are adults.....I cant wait!

:eek: :unsure: :mellow: :blink: I LOVE TAMAGOTCHI'S!!!!!!!

Hey its me sooooo bored....hey thats cute Fe Fe is dancing! lets just give her a little praise..........ok im done......if you want to talk to me about tamagotchi, email me at [email protected] ok? :D :wacko: :blink: :wub: :lol: :D

Hello again.....Anyone reading this I have to tell you.......You should definently make a written down log of your tama's status and generations. Ive started doing this so I can remeber all the good times......I ADVISE YOU TO DO THE SAME!!! :mellow: :blink: :blink: :mellow:

Hey I hvae a question and if you know the answer, plz pm me emmediantly.......WHEN DO ADULT TAMA'S MATE?!?!?!?!! I have 2 adults, and it says they are partners, but they wont mate! ;) :( :angry: HELP :huh: :huh: :huh: :angry: :angry: :angry: :huh: :huh: :huh: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Yay! my tamagotchi's evolved! i now have a young mimitchi and ther space ship thing (if u kno what this is called plz pm me!) They are very well behaved :D

Hey i havent been able to post because i was hunting for another tamagotchi! I finnaly found one! ^_^ It is the pink with ice cream cones!!! Im really exited! I restarted all my tama's so they can grow up 2gether. Ill post back soon!

Hey guess what? My brother is getting a tamagotchi, so my tama's can CONNECT!!! YAY!! I'll post more l8tr today.

My brother and sister are both getting tamagotchi's! im soooo happy! We can have ours mate and give presents and do a bunch of stuff! :blink: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: IM SO HAPPY!!

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Hey i had 2 restart my tama's so they would grow up 2gether with my brothers and sisters........So ill update on those! :) :D B) :lol:

Today my tama's woke up at 8:00. They were really hungry ( 2 hearts down) so i fed them. They havent been needy since they evolved...Im bored so if u want 2 pm me this is a good time 2! :angry: :blink: :rolleyes: :lol:

Sorry i havent been tama's are great exept 2day they almost died because i thought i put them on pause but i didnt so they were sick, had 2 poops, and all their hearts down! im so sorry! :( but anyway now they are great so ill keep posting!

My babies have evolved! i had 2 reset them becasue they were so they are now very healthy! :) :ph34r: :huh: :huh:

Hi my tama's have evolved into teens not much has been going on so ill justy read the other logs! :huh: :huh: :p :kusatchi:
