My Tamagotchi Super Log


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Ok, so today is their last day on Earth.

Waah! :blink:

Well, bye Adam and Mark.

You were great.


Besides this memorial,

not much else happened.


Today I named them.

blue swirl is Lukas.

transluscent whiteis Dawn.

Well, after the usual hour of crying and ailments and constant neediness :blink:

They evolved into their child stages.

They, fortunately, both turned into Mohitamatchi,

which gives Lukas a shot at Kuchipatchi.

I will take absolutley pure perfect care until they evolve and see the results.

I hope it ends up with Young Kuchipatchi! ;)

So later on in the day,

their very first [!] letter came.

An invitation to pre-school.

So they went to go meet miss Frill.

And so they got their little napsacks.

And so the day went on with nothing exciting.


Today Lukas evolved into a Young Kuchipatchi! ;)


And Dawn turned into a Young Dorotchi!

That makes [SIZE=14pt]2[/SIZE] Kuchi group characters! :blink:

So this means I can get Kuchipatchi

and Pukatchi!


I know I haven't posted here for several months, well, it's just that my tamas got destroyed. Don't want to say how, but I guess this log is over. I hope you enjoyed reading it.

If I get new tamas, I will post the link to a new log.

By the way, I will not get V4.5s because in my personal opinion, the charcters don't exactly look right to me.

So I guess I will just get V4s if I can.

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