My Tamagotchi Super Log


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Now on Thursday I was trying my hardest but failed to get a job for them. We went to go see Disney on Ice Monsters Inc. so I didn;t have alot of time. So they ended up leaving without a job. Bye Cho and Naomi. We will miss you and your baby will be in good care and we will try to visit you, and we will call you, and.. and Bye! :p

We hope you get a job up there in TamaTown somewhere. Go visit your fathers, ok.

Have a good time up there. :blink:

Ok today they were born! At around 12:00 pm. :huh:

My blue swirl design was named John.

My transluscent white design was named Jenny.

I had to wrack my brain all morning for some good names. And I found some. :angry:

So I promised their parents I would take good care of them so I am. Though one exception. Letting two hearts drop before filling them up because I am trying to get a Kuchi group character. :p

John later turned into a Mizutamatchi. :lol:

Jenny later evolved into a Mohitamatchi. :angry:

So I am hoping for a Kuchi character. If they both turn into Kuchi teens I will go for Kuchipatchi and Sebiretchi, if only Jenny, Yattathi.

If only John, Kuchipatchi.

So those are my plans. They got into pre-school. One of them got an RC Helicopter and another got an RC UFO. Can't remember which and I don't really want to check right now.

This may be the first decent entry in a while.

So let's hope we have good luck in the seventh generation.

Because it's lucky number seven. :blink:

Grr! I hate when I miss days in my log! :rolleyes:

Anyway, this is for uh, last Saturday.

Anyway I reached my goal of getting a Kuchi character. Jenny turned into a Young Dorotchi. However, John turned into a Hinotamatchi.

So as I said earlier I will go for Yattatchi.

I think they are cool. In a way. A weird way. :eek:

Anyway, I guess that's it. Of course that's it. But yea. See ya.

So on Sunday my tamas remembered my birthday! How nice! Yes, Sunday and April Fools Day is my birthday. Some people would doubt it but I think it's good luck. And I'm not playing an April Fools joke on you because it is already past that and it would be bad luck if I did. So there. :eek:

Anyway, not much except that they told me Happy Birthday and all. I started raising John to be a Togetchi. Anyway, they got teachers. Jenny got Mr. Canvas and John got Ms. Flower. So yea that was 'bout it. I went to my favorite restaraunt for my birthday and they got to come along. :rolleyes:

Ok, so on Monday they evolved into adults.

Jenny evolved into a Yattatchi! Yay! :D Just what I wanted!

Ok and John turned into a Togetchi! :D Just as expected.

So anyway, that would be it. :eek:

I hate it when there isn't much to talk about.

Anyway, I said that I liked Yattatchis a lot. That may be because they are always in cheerful moods. I also seem to like how they are always sticking they arms up in the air! :rolleyes:

Tuesday - Nothing!

So sad isn't it. :rolleyes:

Sad. :eek:

Anyway, all I really did was connect them a couple times to higher their relationships. They are to get married after getting jobs. So yea that's it. again. Sad that there is usually nothing to talk about. I sometimes wish I could just talk and talk and talk on my log. Oh well.

And Wednesday. Nothing again. Sigh sigh sigh. :rolleyes:

Basicly kept a close eye on them waiting for hearts to go down, and promptly filling them back up. I still love Yattatchis mood. And I also love Togetchis close up.

But yea that's it. I wish something interesting could happen every day!!

Well yea, that may never happen. :eek:

Yargh! Yet another group of days in which I have missed posting. :(

Anyway, on Thursday nothing much. I have been thinking about a Topic I made regarding universal characters, but yea. I kind of left them alone for a while. I've been getting a little lazy lately. About watching they're every move. I usually check on them when they have two hearts each or something like that. I should probably break this bad habit. Now.

Anyway, today I did let them watch me play The Sims 2 though. I love that game. :D

Anyway, I'm trying to raise they're other skill points besides they're needed ones. What I mean is for example, I have been keeping the skill points like this. 20/48/26. Like that. So yea..

Friday is here and I played Jump Rope with them. And stuff. Still haven't broken this habit of keeping a good close eye on them.

It seems I will have to connect them more,

'cause if I want them to marry each other than they will have to develop BETTER relationships.

There. But yesterday I decided to be lazy again.

I need to stop this madness, before it gets out of hand to the point where..

I Get A Universal Character

BECAUSE of bad care. :huh:

When I raise the next generation (the eighth, by the way someone asked my this and that's when I realised nobody could really tell what generation they are on without flipping through alll the posts and this seems to long of a sentence to be put in between ()s (can't rememeber how to spell those things, pantha something) so I will stop now. :D )

I have really wondered why Jump Rope almost never seems to give me the needed skill points I need.

So many mysteries of the V4s that are yet to be discovered, some which haven't even been pondered upon yet

or even that maybe nobody has even found out something worked a certain way. :(

Oh well. :huh:

Easter is almost here and I suppose I will celebrate with them because I never really got a chance to have some goood fun with them. As in that weird kind of love you find in a Tamagotchi that no ordinary owner would really understand, how you get so attatched to them.

So yea.

That's it.


And this is for today, which something good finally happened which I can talk about.

Drumroll please.....


They got married! I just tried to get their relationships up by connecting them for a while

and it ended up in them shaking their heads. Strangely,

it took me a few seconds to realise that they were getting married because I was in a car sitting in a certain position

that made just kind of doze off a little and balankly stare at the screens.


Anyway they got baby boys.

Lets hope for Japanese Names. I know a website that has a bundle

of them and their meanings.

But it only has 200 for each gender and only a quarter of the

I like. :( SO after those are used up I will have to use American names until I find more, unless maybe I could try another language for once.

I don't know.

I'm just more comfortable with Japanese and American names.

So yea.

Also one weird thing I noticed is that I seem to always end each post with

So yea.

Weird, huh?

Sop that's it for today. Tomorrow is Easter and my tamas will be with me during the party!

Ok, well, they just left a few minutes ago. :angry:

It's so sad! Arrggh! :) So sad.. :D Good-bye John and Jenny! :D

Anyway, at the same time I should be mad at myself for letting them leave without a job. Crud.

<_< Anyway, I think that is happeneing too much. I need to stop it and now.

But anyway, Happy Easter!

I carried them around with me all day. Somehow, Tamagotchis are slightly related to Easter because they are eggs.

As in easter eggs.

Get it? Of course you do. I don't have to explain it now. Great.

Anyway, I'm going to have to cook up some good Japanese boy names for the newest generation.

Number 8, here we come!

Right now the little tiny z's are on the screen, the babies maybe having no real idea that they left.

The parents are probably in a UFO heading straight towards their home planet.

By the way,

in case you were wondering,

I do believe when you give horrendous care to your tamas and tghe winged angel

comes on your screen,

I do believe that they, sadly, have died, but however,

you may know it but I DO believe that

they have returned to their home planet after 24 unpaused hours and the rest of they day

until midnight.

A very sad time indeed.

Ok, so on Monday they left! :(

Good-bye John and Jenny and have a great time way up there in TamaTown!

Don't worry we'll call.

Anyway, on that monday the bouincing babies were named.

And I found some good Japanese names just in time.

I named my blue swirl design Ryo.

The name Tomio goes to my transluscent white design.

Anway an hour after the constantg neediness,

Ryo evolved into Puchitchi,

and Tomio turned into Mohitamatchi.

And then they got into pre-school and met

Ms. Frill.

Later we I managed to be able to take them in the movie theater to see

Meet the Robinsons and I think they enjoyed it.

So that wraps up Monday.

I will tell of Tuesday on the next entry.

Hello! :(

Anyway I am going to tell of Tuesday.

At about noon those toddlers evolved.

Ryo turned into a Gourmetchi,

and Tomio evolved into a Hinotamatachi.

Looks like no new charaters this generation. :D

Oh well.

But this is weird because these are the exact same teenagers I got

on the second generation

on the same eggs. :D ( You know what I mean. )

Anyway, listen,

I'm going on vacation to San Diego for Spring Break and I won't be back until

the end of the week.

I won't be able to post in my log during that time,

so don't expect new entries until Sunday at the most please.

I'm bringing Ryo and Tomio with me ( Well duh ) so I will

have to tell you what heppened and what a great time they had when I get back.

Today is actually Wednesday and I'm writing about Tuesday.

I can't write abouyt today right now because it's only morning and I'm leaving real soon.

Got that?


So don't worry I'll be back.

Good bye.

I'm back from vacation! :(

Anyway, I'm sorry I couln't get to you on Sunday when I should have

but I'm always missing days.

Anyway it was a couple hour drive to San Diego,

to ward off boredom I played games with the two teenage tamas

which also gave them a small handful of skill points.

When we got there I kind of just talked to them ( most people think it's weird but I already know that you think it's weird so don't tell me! :huh: But if your a person who understands than ignore the you. )

SO I just relaxed with them.

Yea, and them I just layed around and talked and relaxed.

Then I went to bed at night like all

normal people do.

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Oh gosh,

right when I was done with Wednesday I got pulled away from the computer for a loooong time. Oh well. So this is Thursday.

Anyway, this particular day

we visited the San Diego Zoo

for the first time.

While we saw a peacock near the entrance,

actually two because one was in a tree.

Anyway while we saw those weird peacocks Ryo and Tomio evolved.

Ryo turned into a Tosakatchi

Tomio turned into a Simasimatchi.

Anyway, I got a little clip from

one of the stores there with a compass where

I could put my tamas and hook it on my

belt loop on my pants. :furawatchi:

So that was it

me looking at well-known animals and animals with really weird

and bizzare names. :furawatchi:

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Today, Friday the 13th :furawatchi:

was the most exciting day of my travels.

Well, I shouldn't say today but yea.

And I meant to say vacation instead of travels but it sounds better

with travels.

Anyway, today I took the Old Town Ghost Tour and I saw a ghost in a haunted building :furawatchi: (duh).

Anyway not much for this day but it was really scary to see a ghost! :wacko:

Maybe not really scary but creepy and cool. :ph34r:

Anyway they enjoyed the ghost tour. :blink:

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Anyway today was soo boring.

Because this was the day that we had to drive all the home from San Diego.

And we had to spend like, 4 hours in an outlet mall. :furawatchi:

If you were me you would be bored out of your mind.

Luckily, I could play some games

with my tamas

to pass some of the time.

And I also read.

But yea. :wacko:

I'm pretty sure Ryo and Tomio were pretty bored also

being suspended by a clip in my belt loop

doing almost nothing. :furawatchi:

SO I was so glad when we finally got home.

Home sweet home. :ph34r:

Well San Diego was fun and

Ryo and Tomio enjoyed it lots. :blink:

Sunday rolling along

with nothing entirely important you should know about.

At least we are home. :furawatchi:

Anyway some of the more minor stuff is that I'm trying to get rid

of all of my one use items like rings, make-up etc.

because their item list is full

at 32. :furawatchi:

So today is Monday you say?

Well no it isn't. It's Saturday in the time of writing and 3 minutes to Sunday.

Thank You.

Well I'm writing about Sunday.

Well some news for you.

On Saturday ( That's today and it's already passed and gone :furawatchi: )

I am going to Disneyland,

which I already did

because I just got home from it at the time of writing. :wacko:

Ryo and Tomio flew to Canada. :ph34r:

So in other news,

that's it.

Now it's time to take a look at our weather map here.. ( :furawatchi: )

Oh, Tuesday.

Er, I don't know what to say here

because nothing happened.

At least nothing important but if you really must know,

I tried to get skill points for their :furawatchi: future :furawatchi: jobs.

Which by the way didn't happen but yea.

Don't worry.

It will stop.

I promise.

SO don't worry.

I promise.

Wait I already said that.
