My Tamagotchi Logs


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Mar 21, 2006
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I have four tamagotchis and I'm making logs of them. Well, I have a two V2's, one V1, and one V3. Let's start with my V1 up.


Character: Oniontchi


Gender: Girl

Weight: 89LB (hehe kinda chubby)

Hungry hearts: All full

Happy hearts: All full

Age: 2 (teen)

Tamagotchi Container: Purple with pink and purple thin circles


Charcter: Nikatchi

Name: Bella

Gender: Girl

Weight: 44LB

Hungry Hearts: All Full

Happy Hearts: All full

Age: 1 (teen)

Tamagotchi Container: White with life savers on it

Other V2

Character: :furawatchi:

Name: July

Gender: Girl

Weight: 57LB

Hungry Hearts: All Full

Happy Hearts: All Full

Age: 7 (adult)

Tamagotchi Container: Pink, purple, dark purple, dark pink


Character: Obotchi

Name: Tammy

Gender: Girl

Weight: 28LB

Age: 1 (teen)

Hungry Hearts: All Full

Happy Hearts: All Full

Tamagotchi Container: Blue Army

Okay!!! They are my adorable baby girls!!! Oh yeah...July (don't say the month July, say it like the name Juli) had a baby boy today! She got married to...oh I'm not sure. The matchmaker picked July's partner. It's kinda said though..I wanted another girl. I am going to name the baby boy Cutie!!

Kelly is sooooo cute! I just love Oniontchis. It's been a slow day for her. She's very needy though. I feed her alot because I don't like playing games bcz I have three other tamagotchis to look after.

Bella is a cute tamagotchi. I havn't connected with anybody yet. Bella is the shy type. Seriously, she hides her face from me all the time. I bought her alot pf things though!

Tammy is ym V3 and I love her. I just got my V3 two nights ago. I want her to be an adult!!!!! I wonder what she'll turn out to be? She's very skinny, but she gets hungry easily. So I play the weight off. I'm being extra good to her to try to get a very great charcter.

I have to go now but I will post again soon. Sorry if my logs are boring. Oh well!! Also...I WON'T ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS!! :eek:

Nothings really happened today. I still have three teenagers and one adult with a baby. Gosh, onotchis are REALLY needy. But I still love little Kelly. Bella is doing fine (she LOVES to sleep!) and last night I caught Tammy and July taking baths! I didn't scan them though. Too bad! I'll post tomrrows log tomrrow. I'm busy right now! BYE! :mellow:

Noooooooooo July left last night!! I miss her soo much! :) :chohimetchi: :chohimetchi: :chohimetchi: :chohimetchi: :chohimetchi: :chohimetchi: :ichigotchi: I have Cutie now (he's a boy!) and I have him on pause because I'm going to school. Kelly is still very needy! Bella hasn't been needy, and Tammy is 3 today1 I hope she'll change today! :pochitchi: :p :p


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