My Tamagotchi Log <333


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Cayla got a job as a balloon catcher person. I tried to mate them by using the love potion but it wouldn't work. I really don't understand what I did wrong. I made a topic about it in what happened to my tama if you wanna check it out. Anyway, I just put Jack to bed. Cayla should be asleep in about 10 minutes. Nighty night ;)

It seems as if Cayla's character goes to bed at 10 because it's 9:30 right now and she's still awake. I left her in my room last night at like 8:50 thinking she's be asleep at 9. Obviously I really wouldn't be able to tell because I came in at 11, but now I see that Violetchis on the V4 sleep at 10, not 9.

Wowzers. ;)

I haven't posted in this log in forever!

I couldn't get Cayla and Jack to mate so they had to use the matchmaker. They both had baby girls and left last night. But I haven't named the babies yet.

Oh boy! The return of Tama Log! I finally got to playing with the babies last night. I named them on September 10th so they're names are Cele and Brate because they were born on my 1 year TamaTalk anniversery. Cele is my V4 and Brate is my V3. Cele is a mitzutamatchi and Brate is a mohitamatchi. They are quite the adorableness too. More later. ;)

I just played a few games with Cele to get her life points up. I didn't play with her much as a baby. I played a game of Jump Rope, which we won, and also a game of Mimic, her very first game of Mimic. I found it to be very enjoyable. We lost on Round 5 against an Otokitchi. Right now her life points are 19/17/18

I think I am going to take Cele to TamaTown. She loves her preschool, she has visited the maximum of 10 times for the day, and I'm going to take her to preschool with other toddlers, and plus, I need to get some souvenirs. Well, I'm off to TamaTown!

I took Cele to TamaTown and got her 10 new souvenirs. Not all of them that I could get, but after my first visit TamaTown didn't show me my logout password, so I just X-ed out of it. I took her to play at preschool. She got an organ and a coloring book, and got to play with children her own age. She had lots of fun playing. She got some other souvenirs from the different cities too. She had a pretty good time there, too. XD

I just took a breif look at Cele to find a surprise left for me to clean up. Of course, she was hungry after letting out, so I fed her the very first ball of her life. My glitch can be fun sometimes too... :D I wanted to see if anything would happen like the name glitch or crazy skill points, but nothing. Just like all my other times the Tamas have eaten balls. Too bad the balls don't decrease by one each time you eat them. It would be nice to be able to buy meals again. :)

Seeing as feeding the ball made her go up a pound, she was now at the right weight for me to play a game with her. Jump Rope, I could use the easy win. So I won. Skill points are now at 19/17/23. When she got back to the regular screen after playing her game, I saw the mail icon blinking. The post man has delivered! Time to go check the mail.

A fortune cookie.... 2 stars for every category. Boring post, but hey, it's something. Just to let you guys know, my Tamas should be evolving at about 7:15 tonight.

I paused my V3 Brate yesterday, so she isn't active anymore, for now anyways, I could unpause her at any time. Anyways, yesterday Cele evolved into an Ichigotchi!!!! :rolleyes: She is just like her mom when she was younger!! I am going to aim for a Memetchi. :rolleyes: Her teacher is Miss Flower. Her skill points are 42/55/32. And she is 6 pounds. XD I love how Ichis can go down to 0 pounds. That way I can play more games with her.

I unpaused Brate and she just evolved into an Obotchi!!! She's very cute. But as soon as she evolved, she did the peepee potty dance so I sat her down on the toilet and she did her business. I'm going to let the Tamas talk now.

Hi!! It's Cele!! I'm an ichigotchi!! Yay! They are so lovable!

Hi!! I'm Brate!!!! I just went peepee on the toilet!!! I am an Obotchi!! Those are so cool!!! My hair is even cooler now!! When I was a toddler I had a mohawk, now I have a tuft of hair in the front!! Cool! Hey! Whoah! Oh, GotchiGirl just picked me up. She hugged me and gave me a kiss. Cool! I sneezed as she put me down. I don't know why I just said that. It's not really important, but every last detail counts, am I right? Anyways, that's all!!

Love GotchiGirl, Cele, and Brate. :wacko:

Today, Cele evolved into a Mametchi!!!! I'm lucky my Tamas are even alive today, though. I feel so stupid. I forgot to pause them when I left for school today. Good thing my mom knows how to pause. So, they were okay when I got home.

Brate is doing fine too. She's a little cutie. Cele's life points are 56/105/41 I would like to get her to be a Makiko but I've got quite a long way to go. But once she gets a job I think I'll be able to handle it. Maybe a rock star, because it's just like the newsreader job and that job is really easy. So a good way to earn skill points. She won't get the mail until tomorrow though. Oh well.

She likes being in Elementary School, though. I think. XD Miss Flower is very nice and She always has fun when she wins her game. And she gets to earn lots of skills every day. I didn't go to school with her yesterday, though. I regret it, she could have had way more skills. Oh well.

I tried her out on all of her items. She looks very cute. And apparently she is a very skilled musician too. You should see her concentrating so hard playing her guitar, trumpet, and piano. She's lucky too. Those things cost me heaps of points. And she likes her UFO. I can't wait until she has her baby. The baby will have a great time riding in that UFO.

I am going to try to get a Kuchi character next generation, so I'm gonna try to get her to mate with a Kuchipatchi. I'm pretty sure that would make the baby evolve into a Mohitamatchi, and then a kuchi teen. I have never had a kuchi character in all of my V4's 18 generations. They've all been either Meme or Mame. So I've had the same characters a lot too.

So far I have had only 1 secret character. That was my Tensaitchi, Jack. So I'm hoping that Cele can be a Makiko, and that she has a baby boy so I can get him to be a Nonbiritchi. Nonbiritchis are so adorable. They always look so sad though. But if I get one maybe I'd be able to cheer him up.

Well, that was quite a long entry. I guess I'll be writing later. See ya!

(P.S. My friend may be giving me a v4.5 tomorrow, so I may have another addition added to the log soon. I doubt it though. But there is a very slight chance!)

Third page! w00t!

Anyways, today Cele is 4 and I think Brate may be evolving today. I can't wait until Brate gets a job. Urrg, I mean Cele. Brate can't get jobs. :D She's a V3. V4, Cele, can.

[SIZE=12pt]I have a Makiko![/SIZE]

I worked all this morning on Cele and she just turned into a Makiko like 5 minutes ago!!! Yeeees!!! She's so cute!! And that's my second secret character that I've gotten. Jack the Tensaitchi and Cele the Makiko!

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In all the excitement I never told you that Brate evolved into a Mametchi! Yep, she's 5 years old! And my Makiko just mated with a Kuchipatchi. She gave birth to a baby boy!!!! Yay!! Maybe I'll get a mohitamatchi. Hope so. And you know what's wierd? The matchmaker came, but at first she brought a Mizutamatchi! A toddler, that's wierd. I said no and then set the time again and the mm brought a Kuchipatchi. Yeah, it's odd. But she has her baby now. Cele is going to go take her baby for a ride in the UFO now. Byez!!

GotchiGirl, Brate, Cele and baby.

Nothing new with the Tamas, except that today Cele and the baby got sick. The poor baby probably didn't know what was going on. Oh well. I'm sure his mama comforted him until I came with the medicine. I think Brate might be having her baby today. Here, let me try to set the time and I'll let you know. My clock is now at 6:59. We're now just waiting to hear a beep. Maybe she'll come today, or maybe not. I think she will though. It's been a while since she evolved into an adult. And she's 6 years old. Nope. Oh well, I'll try again later. :)

Oh wait, I think Brate wants to talk to you all.

:) *sniff* No fair!!! I wish the matchmaker would come already! I want to have a baby. I want to know what it's like to feed it, play with it, all the stuff that my dad did when my mom had me. I mean, Cele has her baby. She told me that it was the best experience ever to watch her son hatching. I want to feel that same love, and joy.

Aww, she'll have her baby soon. Don't worry Brate!

Brate: Cele, when do you think I will have my baby?

Cele: Don't worry abo- no, baby, don't eat that. Sorry, don''t worry about anything. Your time will come. She'll probably come later today, or tomorrow.

Brate: Ok, I'm nervous though. How did you feel when Leo first hatched?

Cele: Both me and Bill were very nervous, but excited too. Mixed emotions. But when you hold your baby for the first time and start caring for him, it's like an instinct, you just know what tod o.

Brate: I want a baby!

Cele: Your time will come.

Aww, Brate is really taking this baby thing hard. She'll get her baby tomorrow.

Sorry I haven't been posting. Brate had her baby and it was a girl. I just got to naming her yesterday though. Leo is a paused Gourmetchi. So I named Brate's baby Mikey and she is currently a KuchiTamatchi.

My V3 (Mikey) ran out of batteries!!

Crappy 4 dollar batteries that only last a few months. :)

Anyways, I unpaused Leo and he is asleep with a happy and a hungry heart missing.

I woke up my little Leo. And fed him french fries. Turns out Gourmetchi hate french fries. Poor thing didn't know what was coming at him. So I played a game with him to get his weight down because he is very much overweight for a Tamagotchi of his age. Anyways, I happen to like Gourmetchis very much. I think they are very cute, and secretive. I believe all Gourmetchis want is a friend or 2. They look very shy to me. I love my little dude. My little Leokinz.


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