My Tamagotchi Log <333


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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
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New York; United States
Here is a Tamagotchi log for all my active Tamas. You may have read my V1 and V4 log that's right below this one. So tomorrow, I'll just start posting about them. I recommend you read my V1 log that I just turned into a V1 and V4 log. Yeah, so, come back tomorrow.

EDIT: Here's the link to my old log. Please read it before reading on in this log.

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I'm going to post stats for both my Tamagotchis.


Name: Nessy

Age: 4

Gender: Girl

Generation: 7

Character: Mametchi


Name: Lizzy

Age: 4

Gender: Girl

Generation: 15

Intelligence: 117

Style: 12

Kindness: 10

Points: 99,999

Username: Tama

Character: Pyonkotchi

I got all my skill points for Lizzy last night. She graduated from school and got a job as a newsreader. Lizzy and Nessy are good friends. I connect them a lot. They love giving each other presents. I'll let Nessy and Lizzy talk now.

:) Hi everyone! It's Nessy! I had a great time connecting last night with Lizzy. We are now at the good friend level and we got lots of presents and gave lots of presents. I'll let Lizzy post now.

:eek: Hi everyone! This is Lizzy! I'm so glad I finally got a job! We had to work really hard to get all those skills. Because I'm universal I didn't have any skills when I evolved. But GotchiGirl and I worked really hard and we played lots of games and I got a really good job. I got payed just under 1300 points for working! Yay!

I just spotted Nessy doing a cute closeup on the screen. She's so adorable. I love her. Well, I love them both but right now Nessy's doing something cute. I like that I can make Lizzy do a cute closeup anytime I want. She's really cute too. Up! She stopped the closeup.

Both of my Tamas have taken their baths and now Lizzy is brushing her teeth. Very cute. I think Nessy already did that. Her bedtime is earlier so I guess that's why. I'll post later. ;)

Lizzy's matchmaker came today! She mated with an Androtchi and they had a baby girl. Lizzy wants to talk about it. Here she is.

:ichigotchi: Hey everyone! It's Lizzy! I'm so psyched that I'm finally a mom! It's so much fun taking care of my baby, and when I leave tomorrow night, I know Emma will be in good hands with GotchiGirl. Emma already knows about it, and she'll be really upset when I leave but she will also know that she can come visit me anytime and that GotchiGirl will take good care of her and let her call me when she grows up. Plus I already told her that our houses will be right next to eachother in TamaTown when she has a baby and leaves it for GotchiGirl to take care of. So we will reunite very soon after I leave if you wanna put it that way. Only 6-8 Tama years after I leave. Which is only about a week of earth time.

I took out Nessy's battery and put it in my V3. I have a 21st generation Kuchitamatchi girl named Lexi. I have 1934 points and she is 86 pounds. I hope she evolves into a Patapatatchi. Lizzy and the baby are asleep. Lexi is awake because I haven't fixed the time yet.

Today Lexi evolved into a Young Mametchi. Probably because I stayed up until 1:30am playing with her to get her weight down. I made Lizzy leave her baby today. I named the baby Emma, and she is now a Harutchi. She just got accepted into preschool. She really wants to talk about it, so here's Emma.

:) Hello! My name is Emma! My mommy left me today when I was just a little baby. I was very upset, but I knew that GotchiGirl would take me to visit her and she would take good care of me as if she were my real mother. I just got accepted into preschool. I want to tell you about it. The postman Nazotchi came and he brought and [!] mail. We opened it and out popped Miss Frill. She started talking to me. She told me her name, and why she was here. I told her I was very excited! Then she took us to the preschool I was going to be attending and gave me a backpack that I had to take with me whenever I went to preschool. I can't wait until GotchiGirl takes me to preschool. Then she can also take me on TamaTown! I can't wait. YAY! GotchiGirl just took me to my first day of preschool! Miss Frill taught the class a dance. I got it the first time but the second time I got the wrong notes on the song and the wrong moves for the dance. She told me to keep practicing. So I'm gonna go back now! Bye!$

:) Yay! I just got back from my second time at preschool! I mastered the song and dance both times! Miss Frill was very proud of me and so was GotchiGirl! I just love Miss Frill! She is such a nice teacher! I can't until I go back again and again and again for more fun!
My Tamas are all decorating! Hoorah for decorating kits! Lolz, both my Tamas are asleep right now. Lexi is still a young Mametchi and today Emma evolved into a Ringotchi.

Today Lexi evolved into a Mametchi!!! Yeehaw!!! She's so adorable!! She should be asleep in about 39 seconds. Emma is still a Ringotchi. And now Lexi's asleep! Better go turn out the lights. Well, both are asleep for the night! I'll update tomorrow!

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Sorry I haven't been posting. Yesterday Emma evolved into a Mimitchi and got a job as a doctor. Here are her stats.

Name: Emma

Age: 3

Gender: Girl

Generation: 16

Points: 99,999

Username: Tama

INtelligence: 361

Style: 85

Kindness: 37

Training: Full

Hungry/Happy: Full/Full

Yay! I got Emma up to 402 skill points for intelligence! That's the highest I've ever gotten! And something special happened to Lexi too. I'll let her tell you about it.

:) Hey everyone! I'm so happy right now! This is like the greatest day of my young life!! The matchmaker came today! I fell in love with a Memetchi, and together we had a beautiful baby boy! I am so excited I can't stand it! His name is Jack. He's a very sweet little boy. I can't wait to have lots of funny fun fun with him!! BYE!

Aww, isn't that wonderful! Little Jack is my 22nd generation Tama! If I hadn't of stopped playing with my V3 for like 5 months I probably would've been closer to 50 generations right now. But, whatever. It doesn't really matter!! I'm happy too becuase the baby is just so adorable!! We all love him including Aunt Emma. She said she's really happy to be an Aunt and that she's so happy that Lexi's a mother. I love my Tamas!!

I paused my Tamas for the most part today because we had to go grocery shopping. I don't think that Lexi will be leaving tonight because the baby hasn't been sick yet. Both of them are asleep with poops and hearts missing, but I'll fix that later.

Well it turns out Lexi did leave last night because when I went to bed, I picked up my Tama and since it was 12am I saw Lexi leaving the poor sleeping Jack.

Also, today I awoke after hearing my V4 Emma beep. It was the matchmaker!!! She mated with a Togetchi, and they had a beautiful baby girl.

Now I just have to get some love potion from Jack (I can't get it on my V4. It won't let me do codes because I have my food list full of balls) and when I set the time so that Emma leaves tomorrow, Jack and Cayla (the baby) can mate when they get older! BTW, Jack is now a Kuchitamatchi. He wants to talk to you.

B) Hewwo! My name is Jack!! My mommy, Lexi, left for TamaTown last night. I woke up and stawted cwying because Mommy was gone. I was scawed because I was all alone. Then GotchiGirl saw me, named me, and stawted pwaying wif me. I felt better then, becuase I had someone to take cawe of me, but I still miss my Mommy. Right now, I'm hanging out. I feel really happy right now. You know why?? Because GotchiGirl told me I'm a Kuchitamatchi and that when my Mommy was a toddler, she was a Kuchitamatchi. I'm just like her when she was my age! GotchiGirl is going to take me to visit her so she can see me! GotchiGirl said Mommy will be vewy pwoud of me! Well, I'm going to give the computer to Emma now, I think she wants to tell evwyone about her baby.

:lol: Hey everyone! it's Emma! A few hours ago, I had the most wonderful experience of my life. What every toddler and teen Tamagotchi girl dreams of! This morning, the matchmaker came! She paired me up with the love of my life, a very handsome Togetchi called Leo. It was like love at first sight. We married and had a beautiful baby girl. Her name is Cayla. I love her more than I've ever loved anything before in my life. You never know how much you can love something until you find that special someone and have children. This whole day has changed my life. I love taking care of my baby, and now I appreciate my mom, Lizzy a lot more. Everyone can love their mom, but once they have their own baby they know what their mom wen through, and they appreciate them so much more. I called my Mom and told her she has a grandbaby. She's ecstatic. Cayla is so beautiful. I'm going to go bond with her now, here's GotchiGirl.

Aww, aren't they great? Jack is such a cutie, and Emma is so sweet. Aren't you happy for Emma? Remember her as a little toddler? Remember how she told you that she was so happy because she went to preschool and learned a new dance? Do you remember that little Tama girl? Well here she is, a mother now of a beautiful baby, Cayla. And Jack, I forgot to tell you that he was a very good baby. He actually didn't really need much care. Just a game and a meal every few minutes and he was a happy camper. He got sick once, like all the babies do, then took a nap. A little while later he started crying, as all babies do, and then he evolved. I love them all so much!!

(Yes, I think I've finally gone crazy.)

Today, at 8am Emma and the baby woke me up because they were sick. So I cured them and went back to sleep. Then, when I woke up at 1:17pm (I usually wake up at 12) I saw that little Jack had evolved into a Hinatchi! He's quite the adorableness. :p He wants to talk to you guys about it.

:p Hello! It's Jack! Today, I thought GotchiGirl would keel over when she saw me! But yep, I'm a teenager now. I'm so happy I'm a Hinatchi! Yay, they are so lovable!!

Aww, isn't he cute? He's cute. Anyways, I made Emma leave the baby with me and now Cayla is a Mizutamatchi. She just got accepted into preschool. Here she is.

;) Hewwo! My name is Cayla and I am a Mittenatchi. I mean, well, actually, I can't weally say my chawactew, but I know I am vewy cute! I just got accepted into pweschool! It's so much fun! And Miss Fwill is so nice! I love learning new dances, but sometimes I don't mastew them on my fiwst try. It's still fun, though. I really want to be a Young Memetchi when I'm older because then Jack will fall in love wif me becuase I am so pwetty. I love Jack. He's so handsome. I wonder how he feels about me. Anyway, I going to hand over computer to GotchiGirl. Bye bye!

Aww, isn't she a sweetheart? I'm going to ask Jack what he thinks of her.

Me: So Jack, what do you think of Cayla?

Jack: I love Cayla. She's so pretty!

Me: Really? Cayla will be happy to hear that!

Jack: Why?

Me: Because Cayla feels the same way about you.

Jack: Really!!!! Woohoo!!!!!! *smiles so hard that it hurts his face* Ow! But YAY!!

Me: Let me go tell Cayla.

Cayla: No way!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!! *smiles so hard that it hurts her face* Ow! But YAY!

Me: I think you to were made for eachother.

Jack and Cayla: *making lovey eyes at eachother*

Me: Ugh! Don't make me puke

Cayla just got a visit from our friendly neighborhood post man, Nazotchi. Somebody sent us a letter. But when I opened up her mail, a snake popped out. Cayla didn't like it one bit. She started to cry. :p I felt so bad for her. All her happy hearts went down. Whoever sent that is so coldhearted! How can they make a cute little toddler cry like that? I played a game of Jumprope with her to cheer her up. Now she's happy again. I still regret opening up that letter. ;)

Today Cayla evolved into an Ichigotchi! :D Yay! They are so adorable, and because of the weight twist for the ichis, I can play lots more games of Flag to get her to turn into a Violetchi. Yay! BTW, today I accidently bought a UFO so now I only have 75000 points. (Lucky it was on sale, or I would've been in big trouble XD)

Sorry I haven't been posting. Tuesday I wasn't feeling too good and yesterday I went to the mall. (I got 2 new pairs of jeans, 2 shirts, and 2 new pairs of shoes! Oh yeah, I'm stylin'!) Anyways, both Jack and Cayla are adults now. Jack evolved into a Chomametchi which I absolutely despise, so I put him in his Costume and now he's cute again. And Cayla evolved into a Furawatchi, just as I was hoping. Her skills are 110, 89, 172. As you can see, kindness takes over but she's still pretty smart and somewhat stylin'.

I wanna wait until she gets a job before I mate them. I'll wait until the matchmaker starts coming, that's when I know they're ready and mature enough. (and that I've gotten paid for my job the right amount of times) I really want her to be a bus driver, as it is my favorite job. (and probably the easiest) All you gotta do is steer the bus around the flowers. It's really easy, and really fun. My goal is to try to get her lots and lots of social skill points. Anyways, that's basically it for now. I'll update later I suppose.


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