Sorry for the late update! Not yesterday but the day before the matchmaker came and YELOW made love with a really sweet Debatchi and they had baby boys!!
So today when i woke up i named the boy RORY! As a baby he was fine but about a 5 hours ago he evolved into a...
That is just like what YELOW looked like when she was a child. You can easily see the family resemblance! HA HA!! Tomorrow RORY! should evolve into a teenager. I hope he doesnt turn into a Young Memetchi because that is just like what STAR! and YELOW looked like, so i am quite fed up of it now! I would quite like him to turn into a...
Young Mimitchi are really cute and i havent had one of them before so i would quite like one of them. If i cant get that then i would quite like a...
Young Kuchipatchi are really sweet. I had one of them on my first V4 (which broke) and it was really cute! But overall if i cant get any of them then i would quite like RORY! to turn into a...
Hinotamatchi are quite sweet but they are better than nothing. So if i cant get a Young Mimitchi or a Young Kuchipatchi then i would quite like that one!
I think that after a long day im gonna go on tamatown and take RORY! to pre-school!
(Ill probably reply later)