My Tama Log :)


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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2006
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I just started my log today. I'm so far on my second generation but I'll start from the beginning...

I started my first gen. on March 13. I reseted that day so it's not like this is my first time.

Egg cracked open. It's a girl! I named her Eli. She was a babitchi (I think).

Hour later... turned into a toddler. Forgot what it was called. It looked like a triangle with bumps underneath.

March 14: Turned into a Young Mametchi!

March 17: [SIZE=14pt]Turned into a Mametchi! [/SIZE] <_< I took perfect care of her. Just kept feeding her meals and some snacks and played games. Discipline when it asks for attention (I think you all know that). That's it. Ellie went to China and Chile. She looks so cute in her pictures! I really recommend this tama. It's well behaved. Didn't ask for attention or got mad or sad. She didn't even have full training! Just needed one more bar. She also had one friend. Kenny the Whaletchi from my sister (Ewww! No offense! It's just plain ugly!). I just made them best friends because I didn't really want them to mate.

March 20: Matchmaker came! Ellie mated with a Mimitchi. Perfect match! Had a baby girl. She was a Teletchi.

March 21: Ellie left. :D Named baby Bella.

Hour later...turned into a Mohitamatchi. Not the kind of toddler that matched for a girl in my opinion.

March 22: Bella turned into a Hinatchi. Cool :unsure:

March 26: Today Bella turned into a [SIZE=14pt]Hidatchi![/SIZE] She's sooo cute! She smiles all the time! Even when she loses a game! It's funny! This is funny how I got her. When I brought her to school, I forgot to change the time to bedtime. At my last period, I saw her with 0 hunger and happy hearts and three poops. I made her quickly flush the toilet and fed her right away and gave her snacks until she was back to perfect health. After that, I took really good care. Probably accidently left one happy heart slip down about 3 or 4 times but that was it. After that she turned into a Hidatchi. Well, more news will hopefully come tomorrow so I'll let you know by then. Ooh, Bella went to China. Looks so cute with her smile that like never frowns (Ouch that must hurt). Well I'll write soon :D

Today has been a boring ordinary day. Nothing new happened. She turned 5 years today. Hopefully tomorrow the Matchmaker will come. Anyways that's all for my tama. Oh, and what about TamaTown? It needs it's new features. Me and my Tama are suffering from boredom playing the Claw Game or Ring Toss over and over again. :lol: I want to see something new. Well anyways more coming soon. Oh, and my log will get better. Hopefully I won't get a boring message like this again. *Talks to Tama* "Jump, roll, sing, get sick, do SOMETHING! Ahh great you pooped...again." :furawatchi: Well, I'll write soon enough tomorrow so see ya.


I'm waiting for the Matchmaker right now. She came at 6 P.M. when me and my sister's tamas were 6 years old. I just have to wait about 6 minutes...

...and she didn't come :D Oh well. Hopefully tomorrow. Something interesting will happen tomorrow. I just hope. Well, I'm out so see you tomorrow :p

Good news! :lol: [SIZE=14pt]The matchmaker came[/SIZE] at 3:00 P.M. today and [SIZE=14pt]I got a girl.[/SIZE] I wanted a boy so that he can mate with my sister's tama but a girl's fine. Bella's mate was a Teketchi.

I had just used the shovel and all I got was a tart. Oh well. :D

The news wasn't too bad today. Hopefully tomorrow it will be better. :)

Bella's going to leave tonight :mimitchi: *Sniff* I'm going to miss you! Yay! So now I get to start with her baby tomorrow! All I just need to think of is a name. I'll let you guys know tomorrow because my mood is weird right now. I'm happy and sad at the same time. :mimitchi: Tootles. :mimitchi:

here is a hand with some names - Mandy , Maddy , Aqai , Demi , Haley , Wink , Wish , Nat or Jema .. they are just some ideas ;]

Thanks Tama girl for the names :( I already named mine this morning but I'll keep some of those in mind :eek:

Anyways I named my Teletchi Tori. An hour later she grew up into a Tamatchi. I'll let you know what she turns into tomorrow so see ya :D

Tori turned in Nikatchi :) I just have to wait about 2 or 3 more days :)

I can't wait to go to K-Mart! Hopefully the Pink Tama with Ribbons is there still! My sister wants to get it and I think we're going there today! :D I'll let you know if we do tomorrow. I can't wait! Then I can connect with a V3 instead of a V2 :) That would be awesome! Well, see ya! B)

Thanks Tama girl! Your so nice :( pm me sometime :(

My sister got the Pink Tama with Ribbons! :lol: It's so pretty! Now I have the Blue Waves one and she has the Pink one with Ribbons! Since she got hers I decided to reset mine again. We both got girls. It's funny because they [SIZE=14pt]both became Mizutamatchis[/SIZE]. Maybe it's because they became good friends when they were both babies. Cool! Well that's the news today. Maybe something better will happen tomorrow.

I used the shovel today and found a snake :lol:

Hopefully I'll be here later to say what Ellie turned into so see ya :)

Ellie turned into [SIZE=14pt]Young Mametchi[/SIZE] yesterday! Yay! I hope I get Mametchi again! Hopefully this time I won't reset again. I don't like reseting. :p

Just one more week till Spring Break! I can't wait! I get to spend more time with my tama! :D

Well, that's the news for today. See you tomorrow for more news :huh:

OMG! TamaTown has cool updates! The movie theater is cool and the cafe is neat too. Only whenever you buy something you get maracas :chohimetchi: At least I have that. I can't wait until the school comes! It seems so cool. Also the site has a cool new makeover :ichigotchi:

My tama will turn into an adult tomorrow! Can't wait. Hope it turns into Mametchi :D again. Well, let you know what Ellie turns into tomorrow. Bye :kuribotchi:

I'm waiting for Ellie to turn into an adult. I guess I'll let you know what she turns into tomorrow.

I like the new TamaTown. I can't wait for the new updates! :p

My sister's had just turned into... :eek: Memetchi! :D She's so cute! That means my tama will turn into an adult in about 5 minutes! I'll reply back when she turns into an adult :eek:

I got... :p Furawatchi! Ellie's so cute! I've wanted a Furawatchi. She's one of my favorites! I did the same care as I would do for a Mimitchi/Mametchi but probably left the Happy hearts down once three times. Well, see you tomorrow! :eek:

No new news. I'm just happy with my Furawatchi :) Well, hopefully something interesting will happen tomorrow so see ya :ichigotchi:

Thanks tama22! That's very nice :)

My Furawatchi is 5 years old. I hope the matchmaker will bring her a new mate. ;)

I'm hoping to get the Light Blue Tamagotchi with Circles. That one is my favorite. :)

Spring Break! I can finally talk about more news and have more time with my tama. :ph34r:

You should see my sister's tamagotchi! It's so cute! I love the color. It looks so new! I'm jealous. :ph34r: Oh well. I'll get a newer one. B)

I'll see if I can go to Target tomorrow. Hopefully it will still be there. Well I'll write tomorrow so good-bye :)

I hope to go to Target today! I really want that tamagotchi! It's so prettyful!

Ellie's 6 years old! I'm waiting for the matchmaker to come. Maybe I'll change the time before the matchmaker comes. Hmm...I'll do that!

Just have to wait 4 more minutes...

Now just 3...

Now 2...

1 and...

No matchmaker. Oh well I'll change it 10 before 7! That's going to be a long wait! :eek: :lol:

Just have to wait 5 minutes...

Now just wait 4 minutes...

Now just 3...

Now 2...

1 and...

Again no matchmaker. I'll just have to wait the normal time now. I'll let you guys know today or tomorrow. :lol:


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