My Tama Log


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Well-known member
Jul 12, 2010
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Hiya everyone and welcome to my new tama blog here i will be focusing on my 5 tamagotchi :unsure: (ya i know 5!!! and my sisters v3 Anyway i have a v2, v3(x3) v4 and a v5.All of them are kind of rudes so i warn you they will butt in at any moment. and i havnt just started some are adultes some are children

so for now i will be showing the stats :p :p

First SARA ( v2 )

Hungry 4/4

Happy 3/4 (going to play a game)

Full training

Age 4

69 lb


Gender : Girl

First generation

Points 2240p

Character : Whaletchi

Wearing a costume

Second Steph ( v3 )

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Full Training

age 4

99 lb


Gender Girl

First Generation

Points 1700p

Character : Megatchi

Wearing a Costume

Third Ronny ( v3 )

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Training 6 Bars

0 Years old

28 lb

Name: Ronny

Gender Boy

First generation

Points 25p

Character Mizutamatchi

Not wearing anything

Fourth Roger (Sister's V3)

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Training 2 Bars

0 years old

42 lb

Name : Roger

Gender Boy

First Generation

Points 540p

Character Mizutamachi

Not wearing anything

Fifth Becca (V4)

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Training 8 Bars

Intelligent points 7

Fashion points 60

Social Points 11

4 Years old

99 lb :unsure: :eek: :eek:

Name : Becca

Gender Girl

First Generation

Points 3810p

Character Memetchi

Not Wearing Anything

Sixth The tama Family ( v5 )

Hungry 5/5

Happy 5/5

bonding 80% 9 Blended family

Family Name Tama

Genders Boy, Boy Girl

Generation 1

Points 30p

Characters Stan (Nemutchi), Muffy (YonePatchi) and Skye(Mumutchi)

All Adults


Becca: HEY why is my weight 99 lb. :lol: :mimitchi:

Skye: Cus your a Fatty :p

Sara:Hey Hey break it up

Mudkipchi: Yeah Sara is right

Ronny: Guys me and Roger are goin 2 sleep so SHUT UP !!!

Roger: G'night

Ronny Ya night

Everyone Else: G'night

Muffy : Were all gonna get along fine here LOL B) B) B)


well I Will post Again Later


bye C YA:wacko: :(

Oh and PLease don't post anything if you want to ask me anything PM me (Please also pm me to say what pm is lol :(

HI you all out there Roger and Ronny are asleep beside a pile of POOP :( and so are Stan Muffy and Skye except they three are no where near poo

short post ssssooo bye


Sara: C ya

Steph : yup g'bye

Ronny: zzzz Bye Bye zzzzzz...

Roger: ZZZ :SNORE: ZZZZZZZ!!!!!!


Mudkipchi: BYE BYE BYE :lol: :mimitchi:

Becca Just woke up for a second and saw that she had a letter but she went back to sleep i will update 2moro about it. and plz read my friend MissBerry<3 log its great

Hii everyone Ronny and Roger evolved they are great and awsome and im just up and hyper (Pizza and dr pepper not a great breakfast) and im kinda jitteryy...

:Roger: ya and im a Teddy bear thing and i just made everyone co cof coffee

: Ronny yep yep and were all hyper aswelll and i this stupid bird thing

time for some stats

First SARA ( v2 )

Hungry 4/4

Happy 3/4 (going to play a game)

Full training

Age 4

69 lb


Gender : Girl

First generation

Points 2240p

Character : Whaletchi

Wearing a costume

Second Steph ( v3 )

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Full Training

age 4

99 lb


Gender Girl

First Generation

Points 1700p

Character : Megatchi

Wearing a Costume

Third Ronny ( v3 )

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Training 6 Bars

0 Years old

28 lb

Name: Ronny

Gender Boy

First generation

Points 25p

Character patopatachi

Fourth Roger (Sister's V3)

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Training 2 Bars

1 years old

42 lb

Name : Roger

Gender Boy

First Generation

Points 540p

Character young mametchi

Fifth Becca (V4)

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Training 9 Bars

Intelligent points 7

Fashion points 60

Social Points 11

5 Years old

99 lb :( :p :p

Name : Becca

Gender Girl

First Generation

Points 3810p

Character Memetchi

Sixth The tama Family ( v5 )

Hungry 5/5

Happy 5/5

bonding 80% Blended family

Family Name Tama

Genders Boy, Boy Girl

Generation 1

Points 30p

Characters Stan (Nemutchi), Muffy (YonePatchi) and Skye(Mumutchi)

All Adults


Becca: OMG i have a Love letter from some guy named Reece:

Muffy: No way:

Becca : Yup its also say that i have to meet him tommorow at 5pm :

Ronny : are you going:

Becca : Ya i guess :

Roger :im a teddy im a teddy:

Skye: ya :cough: well good luck on you D-A-T-E

Becca: Shut it Skye


Bye everyone updates in a while :angry: :( :(

OMG my Mother said i will be getting another tama (another mouth to feed) this time it will be my very first MUSIC STAR Finnaly. and can some one pm me all about the matchmaker on v4, v3 and v2 :angry: :( :( :(

I have tidyed my room and the living room and my pool table room ( people think im rich but i dont) and my mother says that shes going to buy me and my sister a music star each maybe even two for me if i have enough money wish me uck so i find it

Stan: Yes another brother or sister whoop-te-doo ( sarccastum)

Skye: Finnaly a new girl :p

Muffy: could be a boy: :angry:

Becca: or twins :p

Sara: Or both :( :( :(

Stan: :Mutters: HeHE hope shes cute

hey im back and i have my new music stars and guess what there bothe boys ( gah ) heres some stats about them two

First Fred

Character Petitchi

Generation 1

Points 3030p

Gender boy

0 years old

5 lb

name fred

hungry 4/4

happy 4/4

stress 15

Tone 69

Rhythm 34

oringinal 34

Asian music

Toy dinosaure

Instument Drums

Second Liam JR

Character kutchitamatchi

Generation 1

Points 3000p

Gender Boy

0 years old

15 lb

Liam Jr

Hungry 4/4

Happy 3/4

Stress 15

Tone 0

Rhythm 0

Original 0

classical music

Toy dinosaure

instument ????

my tama v6s evolved into a cute kuribochi and a kutchitamachi (have i loged about that yet) oh and Becca has recieved another love letter from again Reece this time it said "Can't wait for tomorrow will C YA at the Park.

Becca: (reading) hhhmmmm

Sara: Aww how Romantic :( :(

Becca: Personal space

Steph: (Sneaks a peak) ya privicy

Skye : hm So got another letter from your B-O-Y-F-R-I-E-N-D :lol:

Stan: shes not going out with him yet (whispers) hope not anyway :)

Becca: He sounds sweet :D :wub:

Stan : OH well (cough) (Angrily) Good for you then :storms out:

Becca: Whats up with him

Skye : dunno but im going upstairs

Steph : ya me too

In the Garage

Stan: I hate that stupid girl I thought i loved her just because of her eyes and her smile and her curles and...

Fred: so you love her

Stan: wah oh you heard that

Fred : well you were shouting

Stan : oh well don't tell anyone

Fred : ok well im away to bed so night

Stan: G'night

Aww Stan has a crush and how will becca's date turn out you will have to read tomorrow to find out

Becca: OMGOSH i have another love letter from Reece

Sara: Oh whats it say

Becca: Its says I have To meet him at 8:45am

Muffy: Thats in 3 minutes

Skye: Good Luck

Stan: Hmm Yeh Good luck ;) :p

Hmm oh I have to go now bye

Sara: bye

At the Park

Becca:Hmm he said he would be at the big tree

Hmm There you are

Becca: Oh you must be Reece

Reece:Yes, Hmm You don't reconise me

Becca: No should I

Reece: Maybe not but in Pre School we used to date remember i was a young kutchipatchi well now im al grown up into a kutchipatchi

Becca: Wah hmm I think I remember

Reece: Well i have asked you to come her


Recce:Would You Do me the honour of being my Bride

Becca: Yes of course I will ;)


At the house


Becca:Hey Everyone this is Reece

Stan: Yeh Soo :angry:

Becca:Well Were getting Married


Becca:were getting married in a few moments

Stan well Good for you :eek:


and now Becca has gotten married to Reece the Kutchipatchi and has a beutiful baby girl pm me for good girl names tanks i will post stats later I will get sara, steph and Stan Muffy or Skye MARRIED bye

Well here are the stats

First SARA ( v2 )

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Full training

Age 6

99 lb


Gender : Girl

First generation

Points 1880p

Character : Whaletchi

Second Steph ( v3 )

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Full Training

age 6

99 lb


Gender Girl

First Generation

Points 0p

Character : Megatchi

Third Ronny ( v3 )

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Training 9 Bars

2 Years old

45 lb

Name: Ronny

Gender Boy

First generation

Points 270p

Character patopatachi

Fourth Roger (Sister's V3)

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Training 2 Bars

2 years old

42 lb

Name : Roger

Gender Boy

First Generation

Points 540p

Character young mametchi

Fifth Becca (V4)

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Training 9 Bars

Intelligent points 7

Fashion points 60

Social Points 11

5 Years old

99 lb

Name : Becca

Gender Girl

Second Generation

Points 3810p

Character Memetchi

Husband : Kutchipatchi

Daughter: Unknow yet

Sixth The tama Family ( v5 )

Hungry 5/5

Happy 5/5

bonding 0% Blended family

Family Name Tama

Genders Girl

Generation 2

Points 30p

Characters Jenny(Iwatchi)



seventh Fred


Character Kuribochi

Generation 1

Points 3030p

Gender boy

0 years old

10 lb

name fred

hungry 3/4

happy 3/4

stress 25

Tone 122

Rhythm 83

oringinal 128


Toy Rocket

Instument Drums


Second Liam JR


Character kutchitamatchi

Generation 1

Points 3000p

Gender Boy

0 years old

15 lb

Liam Jr

Hungry 3/4

Happy 4/4

Stress 20

Tone 53

Rhythm 4

Original 19

pop music

Toy bear

instument ???? (don't know name)

Hey Everyone im back i had some coffee andd imm suupper hypeeer anywway i will try to keep it down

Well here are some stats

First SARA ( v2 )

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Full training

Age 6

99 lb


Gender : Girl

First generation

Points 1880p

Character : Whaletchi

Second Steph ( v3 )

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Full Training

age 6

99 lb


Gender Girl

First Generation

Points 0p

Character : Megatchi

Third Ronny ( v3 )

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Full Training

3 Years old

45 lb

Name: Ronny

Gender Boy

First generation

Points 150p

Character patopatachi

Fourth Roger (Sister's V3)

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Training 6 Bars

2 years old

59 lb

Name : Roger

Gender Boy

First Generation

Points 42p

Character young mametchi

Fifth Becca (V4)

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Training 9 Bars

Intelligent points 7

Fashion points 65

Social Points 11

6 Years old

99 lb

Name : Becca

Gender Girl

First Generation

Points 4670p

Character Memetchi

Husband : Kutchipatchi

Daughter: Unknow yet

Sixth The tama Family ( v5 )

Hungry 5/5

Happy 5/5

bonding 0% Blended family

Family Name Tama

Genders Girl

Generation 2

Points 120p

Characters Jenny(Hoshitchi)

seventh Fred

Character Kikitchi

Generation 1

Points 4630p

Gender boy

1 years old

20 lb

name fred

hungry 3/4 ( Help cant feed them HELP)

happy 4/4

stress 27

Tone 161

Rhythm 208

oringinal 277


Toy Rocket

Instument Drums

Eighth Liam JR

Character Nonopotchi

Generation 1

Points 3000p

Gender Boy

1 years old

30 lb

Liam Jr

Hungry 2/4

Happy 2/4

Stress 41

Tone 69

Rhythm 57

Original 103

atin Music

Toy Dinosaure

instument ???? (don't know name

hi Im sad cus Becca left her daughter but I named her Lucy after my other sister.But Sara and Steph got married . Steph got married to a shepp tama and Sara got married to a mouse tama. and they both had boys. :) ;)

Well here are some stats

First SARA ( v2 )

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Full training

Age 6

99 lb


Gender : Girl

First generation

Points 1880p

Character : Whaletchi

Son: Freddy

Second Steph ( v3 )

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Full Training

age 6

99 lb


Gender Girl

First Generation

Points 0p

Character : Megatchi

Son: Sam

Third Ronny ( v3 )

Hungry 4/4

Happy 3/4

Full Training

3 Years old

93 lb (Wow :) )

Name: Ronny

Gender Boy

First generation

Points 150p

Character patopatachi

Fourth Roger (Sister's V3)

Hungry 1/4

Happy 2/4

Training 6 Bars

3 years old

81 lb

Name : Roger

Gender Boy

First Generation

Points 42p

Character young mametchi

Fifth Lucy (V4)

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Training 0 Bars

Intelligent points 6

Fashion points 0

Social Points 0

17 lb

Name : Lucy

Gender Girl

Second Generation

Points 5970p

Character shirotsunutchi

Sixth The tama Family ( v5 )

Hungry 5/5

Happy 5/5

bonding 0% Blended family

Family Name Tama

Genders Girl

Generation 2

Points 120p

Characters Jenny(Hoshitchi)

seventh Fred

Character Kikitchi

Generation 1

Points 4630p

Gender boy

1 years old

29 lb

name fred

hungry 4/4

happy 2/4

stress 45

Tone 338

Rhythm 429

oringinal 434


Toy Rocket

Instument Drums

Band :Mythic

Fred: Drums


Thu (Ringotchi) Trumbone

Need more instuments

Eighth Liam JR

Character Nonopotchi

Generation 1

Points 1820p

Gender Boy

1 years old

45 lb

Liam Jr

Hungry 2/4

Happy 2/4

Stress 19

Tone 117

Rhythm 89

Original 155

Pop Music

Toy Dinosaure

instument Piano


Liam JR: Piano

Daniel:(Hinotamatchi)brass drums


Fred:Ok Jenny, Louise Lets Practice

Fred starts the song then Louise and jenny join in.

The song ends.

Louise:Hey Jenny can you go get us some snacks

Jenny: Uhh Yeah Sure

Louise: Right I gotta ask Do you like Jenny ??

Fred: Uhh (cough) Um Yeah I guess

Louise:Right okay

Fred: Uh Why???

Jenny: Hey Im back and Iv got Cheetos

Louise: oh i dont like uuhhh Cheetos I'll be back in a minute

Jenny: Uhh Fred can I talk to you

Fred: Yeah sure

Jenny:Umm I was Wondering if ( Heart Beat gets faster ) You would ike to come with me to the cinema

Fred:Yeah sure is Louise coming

Jenny:Uh no i thought it would be better if it was just me and you

Fred:OH Yeah you mean like a D-A-T-E

Uh I guess you could say that so I'l see you tommorow at lets say 11:00 am. ;) ;)

Uh yeah that sounds great oh Louise is coming

Okay im back right lets get back to practicing

OMG Fred has a date i wonder how it will turn out

well bye

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Hiyya so bored

Oh and remember Jenny asked fred on a date well Thu asked him on a date instead ( names mixed up sorry)

so here are some stats

First SARA ( v2 )

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Full training

Age 8

99 lb


Gender : Girl

First generation

Points 1880p

Character : Whaletchi

Son: Freddy

Second Steph ( v3 )

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Full Training

age 8

99 lb


Gender Girl

First Generation

Points 0p

Character : Megatchi

Son: Sam

Third Ronny ( v3 )

Hungry 4/4

Happy 3/4

Full Training

4 Years old

93 lb (Wow )

Name: Ronny

Gender Boy

First generation

Points 150p

Character Hanatchi

Fourth Roger (Sister's V3)

Hungry 1/4

Happy 2/4

Training 6 Bars

3 years old

81 lb

Name : Roger

Gender Boy

First Generation

Points 42p

Character Megatchi

Fifth Lucy (V4)

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Training 2 Bars

Intelligent points 6

Fashion points 0

Social Points 0

47 lb

Name : Lucy

Gender Girl

Second Generation

Points 970p

Character mizutamatchi

Sixth The tama Family ( v5 )

Hungry 5/5

Happy 5/5

bonding 30% Blended family

Family Name Tama

Genders Girl

Generation 2

Points 150p

Characters Jenny(Mikazukitchi)

seventh Fred

Character Mametchi

Generation 1

Points 4630p

Gender boy

2 years old

30 lb

name fred

hungry 4/4

happy 2/4

stress 45

Tone 385

Rhythm 603

oringinal 494


Toy Rocket

Instument Drums

Band :Mythic

Fred: Drums


Thu (Maidchi) Mic

Eighth Liam JR

Character Tarakotchi

Generation 1

Points 1820p

Gender Boy

2 years old

46 lb

Liam Jr

Hungry 2/4

Happy 1/4

Stress 35

Tone 154

Rhythm 141

Original 179

Classical Music

Toy Dinosaure

instument Piano


Liam JR: Piano

Daniel:(Mametchi)brass drums


Fred:Wow That was a great movie

Thu:Yeah and it was dark in there wasn't it

Fred:Yeah wait OMG you your a Maidtchi

Thu:Oh yeah oh and your a Mametchi

Fred:Oh your right lets go tell Louis

At Louis's House


Louis: Yes are you here to see my mother

*Whispers to Fred* He has evolved into a Dorotchi

Thu:Don't you reconise us

Louis:No should I

Fred:Louis Its Fred

Thu:and Thu

louis: OH so you two evolved aswell so do you two want to come in

Thu: Yeah I guess

Oh and while they were talking Fred Louis and Thue got a Pro debut

Well see ya l8tr

WWWAaaaaahh :( :( :( :( :( :( :( My nieece was over at my house and guess what she put my v2 and my sisters v6 in the toilet luckily she didnt flush so i have them but they are filled with water but i put them on the Heater so it willl dry but the buttons arnt working so when they are dry i will take them apart

WISH ME LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sniff I cant fix the v2 or v6 so There gone and Roger is dead aswell ( OmG) so i started it again and named it roger well here are some stats

Second Steph ( v3 )

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Full Training

age 0

Name Daza

Gender Boy

First Generation

Points 0p

Character : Teletchi

Third Ronny ( v3 )

Hungry 4/4

Happy 3/4

Full Training

4 Years old

93 lb (Wow )

Name: Ronny

Gender Boy

First generation

Points 150p

Character Hanatchi

Fourth Roger (Sister's V3)

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Training 1 Bars

0 years old

42 lb

Name : Roger

Gender Boy

First Generation

Points 100p

Character Mizutamatchi

Fifth Lucy (V4)

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Training 2 Bars

Intelligent points 6

Fashion points 0

Social Points 0

47 lb

Name : Lucy

Gender Girl

Second Generation

Points 970p

Character Young memetchi

Sixth The tama Family ( v5 )

Hungry 5/5

Happy 5/5

bonding 40% Blended family

Family Name Tama

Genders Girl

Generation 2

Points 150p

Characters Jenny(Mikazukitchi)

seventh Fred

Character Mametchi

Generation 1

Points 10970p

Gender boy

3 years old

35 lb

name fred

hungry 2/4

happy 4/4

stress 33

Tone 547

Rhythm 723

oringinal 530


Toy Rocket

Instument Drums

Band :Mythic

Fred: Drums


Thu (Maidchi) Mic

Hey everyone my v2 and v6 still arn't working so Boo!!!! so here are some stats

Second Daza ( v3 )

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

4 bars

age 0

Name Daza

Gender Boy

Second Generation

Points 0p

Character : Teletchi

Third Ronny ( v3 )

Hungry 4/4

Happy 3/4

Full Training

4 Years old

99 lb (Wow )

Name: Ronny

Gender Boy

First generation

Points 150p

Character Hanatchi

Fourth Roger (Sister's V3)

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Training 4 Bars

0 years old

42 lb

Name : Roger

Gender Boy

First Generation

Points 100p

Character Mizutamatchi

Fifth Lucy (V4)

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Training 6 Bars

Intelligent points 6

Fashion points 0

Social Points 6

47 lb

Name : Lucy

Gender Girl

Second Generation

Points 970p

Character Young memetchi

Sixth The tama Family ( v5 )

Hungry 5/5

Happy 5/5

bonding 70% Blended family

Family Name Tama

Genders Girl

Generation 2

Points 150p

Characters Jenny(Sunnytchi)

seventh Fred

Character Mametchi

Generation 1

Points 12953370p

Gender boy

4 years old

13 lb

name fred

hungry 2/4

happy 4/4

stress 33

Tone 685

Rhythm 999

oringinal 734

Pop music

Toy Rocket

Instument Drums

Band :Mythic

Fred: Drums


Thu (Maidchi) Mic

Star Ranking 3rd

Tama Fans 307,875,091

Really bored so bye

My laptop broke so I have to use my sisters laptop so heres sum stats

Second Daza ( v3 )

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

4 bars

age 3

Name Daza

Gender Boy

Second Generation

Points 0p

Character : Teletchi

Third Ronny ( v3 )

Hungry 4/4

Happy 3/4

Full Training

8 Years old

99 lb (Wow )

Name: Ronny

Gender Boy

First generation

Points 150p

Character Hanatchi

Fourth Roger (Sister's V3)

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Training 4 Bars

2 years old

42 lb

Name : Roger

Gender Boy

First Generation

Points 100p

Character Haziutchi

Fifth Lucy (V4)

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Training 6 Bars

Intelligent points 6

Fashion points 0

Social Points 6

47 lb

Name : Lucy

Gender Girl

Second Generation

Points 970p

Character Myongotchi

Sixth The tama Family ( v5 )

Hungry 5/5

Happy 5/5

bonding 10% Blended family

Family Name Tama

Genders Girl

Generation 3

Points 150p

Characters Skye Jr (Mousechi) Lanna(Sakuramotchi) Alex (Tororotchi)

seventh Fred

Character Mametchi

Generation 1

Points 12953370p

Gender boy

7 years old

13 lb

name fred

hungry 4/4

happy 4/4

stress 20

Tone 999

Rhythm 999

oringinal 999

Pop music

Toy Rocket

Instument Drums

Band :Mythic

Fred: Drums


Thu (Maidchi) Mic

Star Ranking 1st

Tama Fans 522,958,591

Eighth Liam JR

Character Tarakotchi

Generation 1

Points 1820p

Gender Boy

4 years old

45 lb

Liam Jr

Hungry 1/4

Happy 4/4

Stress 19

Tone 466

Rhythm 473

Original 674

Classical Music

Toy Dinosaure

instument Piano


Liam JR: Piano

Daniel:(Hinotamatchi)brass drums


Omg Fred has just got married to a androindchi and has had a baby boy and i have set MY music star to 8 pm so it gets married to Thu will post back in a minute

Hi guess what Fred has gotten married not to Thu though to a Violetchi and they had a baby girl call Eliza she has a diary so she has already made a section so here it is

Dear Book Me Dady and Momy went to dadys music place today and he was good and we have lots of moneys so i want a teddy but dady says no :) i will ask him again tomowo but now I go night night for a nap
