My Tama Log


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Hi guess what Fred has gotten married not to Thu though to a Violetchi and they had a baby girl call Eliza she has a diary so she has already made a section so here it is

Dear Book Me Dady and Momy went to dadys music place today and he was good and we have lots of moneys so i want a teddy but dady says no i will ask him again tomowo but now I go night night for a nap

Hi guys well If you havent heard Miss Berry <3 is leaving her log so Im going to miss her but back to tama

Dear Diery Mumy told me that a book i rite in is called a diery wierd.

Fred: Hmm so we leave tonight

Lily(Violetchi): Yes

Eliza: Dear Diary i gotten older and guess what my mummy and daddy left me so im all alone. So i was practicing my Singing but now im off to bed.

Miley: Dear Diary I just heard that Eliza's mummy and daddy left her so I have been helping her feel better. My mummy and daddy love me to much to leave me because im really special.

Me: Hi Lucy How Suzie

Lucy:She's ok but she is always hungry

Miley: She's my bestest friend

Eliza: I thought i was your best friend

Me: Your all best friends

Eliza:No were not i don't even know that girl

HI guys (and girls) Short post so im here to ask could you please vote for me on tamatown im a mametchi my id is FK3086 please help please

Hi guys Lucy left suzie last night and Liam Jr left Miley last night so BYE. Oh and Suzie Evolved into Tamatchi ( not so good) yesterday but last night she evolved into a ... Chametchi yes.

So here are some stats

Second Daza ( v3 )

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Full training

age 6

Name Daza

Gender Boy

Second Generation

Points 0p

Character : Warsuotchi

Third Ronny ( v3 )

Hungry 4/4

Happy 3/4

Full Training

1 Years old

29 lb

Name: Harve

Gender Boy

Second generation

Points 150p

Character (can't remember sorry)

Fourth Roger (Sister's V3)

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Training 7 Bars

5 years old

99 lb

Name : Roger

Gender Boy

First Generation

Points 100p

Character (again can't remember sorry)

Fifth Suzie (V4)

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Training 0 Bars

Intelligent points 0

Fashion points 0

Social Points 0

25 lb

Name : Suzie

Gender Girl

Second Generation

Points 2470p

Character Petitchi

Sixth The tama Family ( v5 )

Hungry 5/5

Happy 5/5

bonding 50% Blended family

Family Name Tama

Genders Girl

Generation 3

Points 150p

Characters Skye Jr (Korokotchi) Lanna(Shellechii) Alex (Ichigotchi)

seventh Eliza

Character Chamametchi

Generation 1

Points 12953370p

Gender Girl

1 years old

25 lb

name Eliza

hungry 4/4

happy 4/4

stress 61

Tone 348

Rhythm 386

oringinal 378

Rock'N'Roll music

Car Toy

Instument Microphone

Band : Mythic

Eliza : Microphone

Paul (Kikichi) Karaoke

Ryo (nonopotchi) Drums

Eighth Miley

Character Petichi

Generation 1

Points 1820p

Gender Boy

0 years old

5 lb


Hungry 1/4

Happy 4/4

Stress 15

Tone 192

Rhythm 193

Original 249

Classical Music

Toy Dinosaure

instument Piano

OMg i have not posted in ages so here is a recap :cough: (Ding) OMG Suzie why does your mailbox ding so much any way Cough well i said suzie evolved into a chamametchi well it was eliza not suzie, eliza evolved into a chantotchi ( wierd tamagotchi's have taken over my live cus i had a dream where my uncle was asking questions about tamas) anyway and Ronny's son ( i think it was) died so i started it again and his name is james and Daza left Daff last night ( I was going to call him Daffy so Yeah :nazotchi: ) And my sister v6 evolved into a Kunoitchi and i have noticed that you have voted for me on tamatown thanks cus last when i checked i had 19 votes all yo guys and girls ( i say that just incase some girls don't like being called a guy( huh???) i don't get it either) any way all you guys and girls are awsome even the ones that don't vote for me

Well bye

HI everyone thanks for voting for me 33 votes now and this is so stressful ( is that a word) and im so bored im going to sleep now soo ya its only 5:47 pm ( i live in europe (GB) but firss....t cit... music cit...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

[SIZE=14pt]Eliza:OMG IS HE DEAD!!!!!![/SIZE]

Hi guys its awficualy the 30th ( i live in europe BTW) and does anyone know when the tama-go is coming out in Europe I need one

Hi everyone guess what Eliza got married to a ghost guy and had a baby boy who i will call Fred JR ( ya i know :angry: ) well i need 2 go to my friends house so bye ( my bro is getting married on sunday so they all will be on pause ) ( actually the battery's will be out so yeah

Hi :sniff: miley left this morning but she didnt leave the baby she took her so that means they diedso good bye short post so bye

HI everyone sorry for not posting in a while many generations have passed but i will post about that tomorow

so tired so bye

hi EVERYONE my internet was down just when i was going to do the information so here it is

first Daff

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Full Training

7 yrs


name daff

character: Paparatchi

gender boy

3rd gen


second Burnt

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

3 training

0 yrs


Name Burnt

Character: Tamatchi

Gender: Boy

2 gen


Third Andy

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

2 training

0 yrs

41 lb

Name Andy

Character : Tamatchi

Gender boy

3rd gen


Name Anna

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

full training

0 of all stats

4 yrs

99 lb

Name Anna

Character: Pyonkotchi

Gender girl

4th gen


Fifth Tama

Hungry 5/5

Happy 5/5

Bond 30%

Blended Family

Name Tama

5th gen


Characters: Miss Berry <3 (Ichigochi) BurntSnow (Chamametchi) Monchi (Bakutchi)

Father:papaMamametchi Mother :MamaMetchi

Sixth Fred jr

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Gender Boy

4 yrs


name Fred jr

Sterss 57

Tone 488

Rhythm 999

Original 490


Character ShimaShimatchi

3rd gen


Instument: Drums

Toy: Globe

Star rank 999

Tama Fans 4,619

Seventh Roxy

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Gender Girl

3 yrs


name Roxy

Stress 73

Tone 257

Rhythm 253

Original 265


Character Violetchi

1st gen


Instrument Timpani

Toy U.F.O

Star Ranking 999

Tama fans 589

I havent been taking very much care but they are ok

hi everyone when all of my tamas have had a child and has left i will pause them straight away so the will be in time with my tama go

Almost my bday 28th of august

