My Tama Log!


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OMG i got a Violetchi and a Mumutchi! I cant believe it, it is my very first! I cant remember the other but it the clock faced one, but i will will post the name tomorrow. By the way it is the Ele family that evolved! I think i want to try and get the flower family.

I wil have to post tomorrow because i am buissy tonight.


WOW, loads has happened today so far.

End and Tip have grown up enough to have kids and they had to girls (PM me name suggestions) and Soph and Geb had two girls aswell! I cant believe it, they 2nd generation has begun! There is also the smallest possibility of my Music star getting here aswell today! I cant wait to get hold of it and have yet an other Tama! Post later.


[SIZE=21pt]PAGE 6[/SIZE]! Woooooo

I am going to take my violetchi (Torrie) to the Dating sevice tomorrow! I dont know what to call the 4 baby girls but i hope that torrie has a couple of boys. PM me some names. Sorry if you wanted different Tama's of mine to get married but i think i wnt to try for the Smart family now.

I will deffinatly let te tama' talk very soon.


Geb: Hi Tamatalkers! I cant believe i have a little girl! Yes, getting marries was deffinatly the right thing to do.

Soph: I hope you do think that! These little monkeys are the best thing that has ever happened to us! I hope that when they are adults they can find the love that we did and continue the family name on.

Geb: Yes, i also hope that. Have youg uys heard! I am making a book! It wont be posted untill it is finnish and then it will be put on in parts.

-End enters the room-

End: Have you guys seen my little girl? She is adorable!

Soph: -Looks at baby- Awwhhh your right she sooo is.

-Tip enters the room-

Tip: I cant even begin to imagine what these sweeties will turn out to be!

Geb: I hope mine will be a beautiful Memetchi! I remember you were a Young Memetchi when you were a teen, weren't you Soph.

Soph: Yes i was. That didn't mean i would be a Memetchi so even if these girls turn into young Memetchi's they might not be Memetchi's when they are Adults.

Geb: I know... we will talk later, i have to feed my sugarplumb.

-every one- Bye!


I am relly stuck for names, i have never been great at naming things so i will ask you to choose for me, i will pick the 4 names that i like the most and give the credit to the person who thought of the name to them. I am hoping to get a boy from the V5's but i dont know what i will call them ether. :eek:

Tamanug (please PM me)

Geb has allowed us to read the first part of his book. I hope you like it and would appreciate any comments and questions.

Geb's Story:

Part 1:

The harsh, icy wind battered against Tamanug as she strived to get my and my friends into the safety of her house. She pushed her way through the walls of wind so we would stay safe, such a brave mother. I glanced over quickly to see how my family was doing. Seeing my gorgeous wife holding the tiniest balls of love (babies) I have ever seen made my heart skip a beat, knowing that my life had gotten that good was something I would have never even dreamt about. I rushed over to be at their side and to know that what ever happened, I was with my family. A wave of heat crashed into me as we entered the homely place our Mother calls home. It is a wonderful place this house and all I have ever known here was happiness and joy.

Ahhhhh, back in bed at last, as the stars shine on what would have been one of the greatest days of my life I remember back to when I was a little baby, 6 days ago. The screams of my bundle of joy sent me crashing back from dream land and back to the wonderful land of truth and reality. I couldn’t wait to see what my girl would grow into. Soph can in at that point and said we had to talk about the children. I solemnly agreed and sat down on the bed with her, she said: “ You realize we have to leave them soon don’t you?” My heart stopped and I felt my world smash on the ground. “ No, I thought we could stay, w-www-why do we have to go? I mean they wouldn’t mind sharing a house with us would they?” I replied with a hint of sorrow and panic in my voice. “ They have to learn on their own, we will be available to them at any time if they miss us, our mother have even picked out a lovely little house in tama town for us.”

“ Ok then, but I need to be able to see them every day---”

“ It might not be that often, but I am sure Mother would try her best to get them to the new house as often as possible.”

My heart sank for a second time. “ Ok dear, I will have to go check on them now thought, did you hear crying a minute ago, it was as loud as a megaphone.” I told her, just to get away and not have to face the hurt any longer. “ Yes I did hear it actually, I will come with you.”

“ Ok”. I put my arms around her and held her like I had never held her before. She looked up and we gazed into each others eyes for a second and then shared a passionate kiss. I knew that as long as I had her I was going to be fine.

I have had one suggestion for names: Candy.

Tell me what you think but remember one of the Version 5's are called the Candy Family.


The Ele family and the Candy family are practiclly in sequence! They have like 40 seconds between them. One calls for training then a few seconds after that one finnishes, the next one calls.

Hope you liked the story Geb wrote so far.



I love your log, it's awesome! It's so good- please check out mine! Keep going with your log, it is amazing!
Woow i got more fan mail. I will deffo keep posting as long as people show interest. I think i enjoy it more than you guys anyway. I cant wait for my V6 aswell. Sorry you havent heard from some of the tama's in a while, they will all talk soon for you, including the babies as soon as they have names (got suggestions? PM me)


Hey, i have just posted the story on Tamagotchi Fan Fiction but i am waiting for the Admin to do something.


All of them are asleep except Geb and his baby and Soph and hers. I think they go to sleep at 10 (half an hour) On End and Tip's i can see a big Z and a little z floating next to it. It is so cute. I dont know how i feel about them having to leave. I think i will miss them but i cant wait to see what the babies will be. Tomorrow i will get someone from the Ele family, ether Torrie or Mousey, to get married and begin their own families. Again, i cant wait to see what they turn into. The Candy family will follow on after them the day after, and then the day after they have theirs i will hopfully have the Music Star! I was pondering whether or not to get a lanyard earlier and i could really use some advice if they are worth it or not. Pm me with comments. Thank you i will post when Soph and Geb fall asleep.


Well they are all asleep now. I will post tomorrow morning when they are all awake. I cant wait for Gene. 2 on the Ele family!


Tamanug :rolleyes:

Well today is the day one of the Ele family will get married. I cant wait! I will miss the others though :D .


Well i still cant get the Ele family married :D i wil keep checking because it hasnt offically been 2 days.


Here is the second part to Geb's story so far, hope you enjoy and please Pm me comments:

Geb’s Story:

Part 2:

Well after last nights talk about leaving I decided it was the best thing for them as the time was drawing closer for us to leave and let them lead their lives. I hope that one day the family will be reunited as a whole and two grand children and son in-laws will be in our midst. Seeing them sleep, so peaceful and calm I thought to myself how much they remind me of Soph when she was a little Tama. Those big brown bowls of pudding we call eyes and those cherry rose lips. So beautiful. I wish we had began our lives earlier so we may have had more time together. The son was rising beyond the horizon and a single strand shone through the curtains and lit up the very crib were the babies lay. They twitched and stirred as the fiery rays of the sun shone in the eyes of angels.

Breakfast was the best time of the day, when the days sun is at its peek and the newly awoken children played for hours entertaining not only themselves but us as well. Precious time was ticking by when we were washing up, knowing that in a matter of hours we would have to leave to the serenity of Tama Town to begin out new lives. Any way enough of the depressing stuff. I have to go to work today so I will have to go and pack my things. I didn’t really qualify for anything, I just have enough skills to get a job catching balloons that had escaped. I am sure that would amuse the kids, me jumping up and down trying to catch balloons. I know that if only I had spent more time at school and less time flirting with Soph I would be able to get a better job, but I am very happy with the life I have and wouldn’t give it up for all the money in the world. I have to go to the store and get some more food for the twins soon. The go through twice as much as we do and they have the same portions as we do now. They are going to need some serious playing with to get their weight back to normal. Oh mail…….The KING! He gave me a spade! I will use it later to try and get some more money, I think I know where some is buried. My life was defiantly going the right way.

I hope you liked Geb's story, he is really proud of it, comments? Pm me.

The Ele family cant have babies today, i will have to try tomorrow.


Does any one know when the dating show can be used? it has been 2 days since they turned into adults so they should be able to shouldnt they? Well PM me your answers

