My Tama Log!


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I cant believe it.

Zip, Nada, Zilch, Nothing. They are being boring!

A couple of convos with the fridges are going on but other than that nothing!

They are having a go at me saying they do not want there convosations with the fridge to be public news so i cant tell you what they are saying, except that Ducky's is about Potatoes and Mousey's is about Cheese Pie. I dont really get it. :)


The only interesting thing that has happened is that Soph got mail and it was the King there to give her a Present,

Lets open it: Uhhh, a chest, now lets open that: well that wasnt good! She turned into one of those old tama's but now she is back to normal! Few.


The Ele family now have 40% bonding. I am not that good at bonding and i dont have much free time to do it as i have lots of tama's to care for. I think or hope that i wil get the Tama Music star on monday or tuesday.


Awhhhhh, geb got a heart through the post!

Probably from Soph (or atleast i hope so) :S

I am deffinatly going to marry those two. I have had a few more suggestions as to who should marry out of the two families.



Tip just[SIZE=14pt] EVOLVED[/SIZE]!

He is the same as Soph :S :)

He is a Pyonkotchi! Atleast those two arn't going to get married, We will have to see what End and Geb turn into.


Still no evolution. I am getting bored of there Teen selves, i know that is being a bad tama parent but it is true. I still love them no matter what. I am so going to miss them when they have kids.


Time for Soph to get a job! Post later when i know what she gets, hold on EVOLUTION! WOOOOOWWWW End is a beautiful Mametchi! You ok post when Sopha has her job, It is just Geb that needs to evolve now!


She nearly doesnt qualify for ANYTHING, but she now warks as a chief! Cool, well or whatever that thing is that you get the hat from the King, Post later.


P.S i am sorry they havent talked today, they will later

Lets just make it 90 posts then shall we, not as good as 100 but it will do (for now). No evoltutions yet, i will expect it to be at around 7 maybe i dont really know but they havent been on pause so ... i will post later.



Finally! Geb evolved into a Pyontitchi, i cant understand why i got the male and female versions of that Tamagotchi! Is it the way i take care of them or something? Oh well i will post later.

Tamanug :p

They wont be going to bed for a while now, since they are adults they go to sleep at like 9 or 10 so i will be here for a while folks. Any queries: Aj will answer.


Hey guess what! No you'll never guess, i will just tell you.

Ok, Soph and Geb are the only ones up now and they just went on a lovely late date. and well they umm......

Soph: WE KISSED! It was wonderful

Geb: Yeah it was! -gazes into Sophs eyes-

Tamanug: Ok guys no more lovey duvey stuff.

Soph and Geb: -walk away holding hands-

Tamanug: Anyway i deffinatly think they will be getting marries tomorrow or saturday! Tip and End are doing well as well so in 2 days they will be wed aswell. I cant wait!!!! Oh i am so buzzed (excited) lol.

Well post when they are asleep.


I wont be able to post as much as i have been tomorrow as we are doing things as a family so i wont be on the laptop alot. When ever i can i will post though.


Ok, Tama's are all asleep now, i will be off.

Post in the morning.


Tamanug: They were really tired. Well, night TT. :)


I am really hoping for the two families (Ele and Candy) to evolve today. I still think i will be waiting for tomorrow before any of them get married but i can dream cant i. Post when theywake up.


Well they are all up now so i wont be able to post again till the afternoon. I will make the next post the best i can just for you viewers out there keep reading. Thank you, the Tama's are going to miss you.

Tamanug ^_^


i have just got a break from playing games with my family to come and write to you. I just wish you to know that geb has stared a story and in one of the next post i will put on, a sample will be included. The res of it will be parted into parts of chapters and then posted for you to read. Please feel free to suggest changes or comments.

Got to go again (cooking).

