My Tama Jinsei plus+ log!


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Nov 2, 2007
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:furawatchi: HELLO!

Hiya everyone welcome to my tama jinsei plus+ log. I got my new tama yesterday 1st November from a shop called Toywizz in town. Straight away i reset it and it hatched into a girl which i named WIZZ! which i got the name from the shop. Anyway about an hour later she evolved into a child, i dont know what type of child she was but she looked a little bit like a duck. Anyway she played climb and tug-of-war loads and loads so she has lots of money and has lost lots of weight. At about 8:00pm WIZZ! fell asleep which i was not surprised about because she was probably so tired after playing loads of games. Anyway she woke up at 9:00am and evolved into a... urayoungmemetchi. She now looks so sweet and i have managed to get the hang of playing the game apple, but i dont really know how to play shapes and man-hole just yet, but i am pretty sure i will find out soon enough. At about 12:00pm WIZZ! got mail and said good bye to the pre-school teacher and said hello to Mr. Canvas. WIZZ! is now studying love with Mr. Canvas and currently has 120 love points so hopefully by the time she is an adult she will have about 200 love points.

Ill probably reply tomorrow.

Good Bye


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:lol: MORNING!

Hello, good morning everyone. Today WIZZ! woke up at 9:00am which was about 30 minutes ago. Since then she has played loads more games and she now has 17230gp, 105 humour, 73 beauty and 132 love points! But i am still gonna play loads more games and take her to school with Mr. Canvas loads so that she will have lots more money and loads more skill points. Anyway i forgot to say on my last post... when WIZZ! wants to talk to you all the writing will be in PURPLE. So because on the last post WIZZ! wasnt talking, she is going to do it now. Over to you WIZZ!

"Thanks mummy. Im am a little shy, but i will still talk to you all because my mummy says that i need to build my confidence a little bit. Anyway today is going to be really fun because me and my mummy are going to play loads more games and go to school loads. I hope that we can play apple because i love eating them after i have caught them in my nice new basket. Anyway i had better go now because i need some breakfast. Ill try and talk to you again when i have had my breakfast or later after lunch. Bye!"

Im gonna go now but i will reply later because i need to give WIZZ! her breakfast and need to take her to tamatown to go to school.

Good Bye



Hello, good afternoon. Most of the morning i have been playing loads and loads of games with WIZZ! She hasnt yet been to school because i have decided to take her lots of times later on. We have both been to tamatown and have had a great time playing darts, watching the car racing (memetchi won YAY!!), throwing hoops and catching money with a funny mechanic hand. "Mummy, let me speak about tamatown!" All right. WIZZ! wants to talk to you now, but i dont know how long she will talk to you for. Over to you WIZZ!

"Thanks Mummy. I had such fun at tamatown. First we went to the Cinema and watched fear and Love, i couldnt stop laughing. Then we headed for school and i met Mr. Canvas again and played all the games in the school. Then we went to the arcade and played loads of games. Lastly we went to the Food Court and both got a smoothie. I got raspberry and my mum got strawberry. :( Anyway im gonna go now because i really want to play apple and climb. Bye!"

I will reply later or tomorrow.

Good Bye



Hello, good morning everyone. Today WIZZ! woke up at 9:00am (like always). I am really excited for today though because she is going to finally evolve into a... ADULT!! Yesterday i took WIZZ! to school loads and played loads of games so now this is her skill points:

Humour (funny)- 183

Beauty - 73

Love - 212

I think WIZZ! wants to talk to you all now...

"Hello everyone. Today is so cool because i am going to evolve into a adult! I had a huge lay in today because i was so tired as i was playing so many games yesterday. Mummy says that i will get a good job because i have so many skill points. Anyway i had better go now because i am hungry and i want my breakfast. Speak to you in the next post. Bye!"

Ill reply later or tomorrow or when WIZZ! evolves into an adult.

Good Bye


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Hello everyone. Guess what... WIZZ! evolved into an adult. Now she looks really weird. She is now a... Ura Zukyutchi. She looks realy funny and i am really happy that she evolved into that. I am going to go to tamatown in a minute so i can see what she looks like in colour. I think she will look sweet. Anyway i have been playing loads of games again, so hopefully by the time the job letter comes she will have loads more skill points. WIZZ! wants to talk to you now about her evolving into a great tama character...

"Hello again. I have finally evolved into an adult. I look so funny and i am really excited to go to tamatown. Im gonna go now because i want to have another look at myself. Ill talk to you on the next post. Bye!"

I will reply probably when i get back from tamatown.

Good Bye



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