My Tama Dairy


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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2005
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My house ;)
Dear Tama Diary,

This is my first entry! I'm so excited. I just recently got my P1 working again, and a P2 (the screen is messed up, but who cares?) was lent to me by a friend. I have two V4.5s running and two V4s. They are all very cute.... but most of them are not really care-taken adults. How sad. :(

Oops! I gotta go now. Bye! :D



Dear Tama Diary,

Sorry I have not been on lately! Well, anyway, I have 5 Tamagotchis "running" right now (my sunflowers blue V4 just went out of batteries! How sad :( ):

1996 P1: Green with Yellow Buttons and Screen Border

Nickname: Tomathy

Tomathy is currently a Tamatchi. Last night he was a Marutchi until he evolved. He is very sweet. :) But the game is kind of hard.

1997 P2: White with Grey Buttons and Screen Border

Nickname: Cookie

Cookie is currently a Tonjaritchi. (Or however you spell that.) She was a Tomarutchi last night until she evolved! I luff her. <3 The game is easy! Number-guessing is fun. :)

2007/8 V4: Glow In The Dark

Name: Lion

Lion is currently a Gozarutchi, but then again, I haven't played HIM in a while. :D

2008 V4.5: Purple with Puzzle Pieces

Name: Tohru

Tohru is currently a Young Memetchi. I'm trying to get her to be a Memetchi. :) "Tohru" is actually kind of a guy's name, so I can call her Tohru-kun. :D

2008 V4.5: Green with Peacock Feathers

Name: Kisu

Kisu just evolved into a Hitodetchi! Ohh, she's SO cute!!!! :D

That's all for now! Come back later for more! (Oh, and you may post/PM me comments, if you wish.)


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