My super amazing awesome tama log :P


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Hello everyone. I didn't have much time to un-pause them, so they are STILL children. I will un-pause them for most of the day here, and let them go to sleep. That way, when they wake up they will be teenagers. (took long enough, gosh). I know, I know, it is all my fault for being a bad parent and not un-pausing them, trust me I know. I dunno if I should just restart them. I know that I have had 3 generations and all, but maybe I should start over? Would that be a smart thing to do? As if I know!! Do you remember who you are talking to?? Well, I think I will keep them going, but if I keep them paused, I think I may as well get rid of them!! I mean, I hardly ever play with them, and I know I should. So shouldn't I just give them to someone who would care for them? Yes that would be the ideal thing to do, but am I really that self-less? Probably not. Anyway, I know I have been in a rut, but I am going to come out of it. The tams will be taken care of! I promise!! Nothing else to say!!


Prince, Mike, and Bella

OMFG! How horrible am I? Its been what... 2 months since my last post? In case you haven't guessed, yes, the tams died. Ugh. I was going for generation 4!! I am so horrible. I hate myself sometimes. Sorry that you guys had to wait sooo long for a post, and this is assuming that you want to read it after I haven't posted in 2 months. And let my tams die. I am so frusterated with myself. I will post tomorrow, when I actually have my tams started up agian, okay? Talk to you guys later. Agian I am so sorry!!



[SIZE=21pt]HEWWOW![/SIZE]The tams hatched and all that and now I have a baby girl named Bell, and a baby boy named Josh. The tam that Josh was on wasn't dead, but I decided to re-start that tam anywayz. They are on pause right now so I could post. I promise to keep this log going! And that I won't kill Bell and Josh. God I need to take better care of my children. :[ Well I will post tomorrow when they evolve!!




[SIZE=21pt]OH EM GEE!!!!!!![/SIZE] Its been soo long since my last post. In fact, I haven't played with my tams. I got rid of them! I thot i was over playin with them... Im not o_O I need another one, don't i? Yes :blink: I will stop this log if no one reads, cuz what the point? SO SEND ME MESSAGES! otherwise, I'll stop the log. I need to know that peeps are reading ;)

Hey guys! I got a tam going :furawatchi: Its only an old v5, but whatevs. Its a tam, right? I will be obtaining a new music star soon, i hope. =/ i dont particularly enjoy the v5's... and i dunno why lol they are the moon family, cool eh? There is:



and Chris!

I love em already haha

i will post more on em later coz they are needy babies, and they need me to pay attnetion to them haha



Bella! Aaron! Roximi! and Chirs!

Hey yall! The tams are well! Aaron, Chirs and Roximi miss you ^.^ they evolved into tots! yay! they have 20% bonding, and they have like... i dunno... 4000 gotchi points? obsessed with games :furawatchi: you guys are the best fans! Oh roximi wants to say something

Roximi: Howdy! How you been? I loooove my new mommy, and when i found out id be in a log, i could have died of excitment! I cant believe it ^.^ i am famous!! haha.. my brothers like to pick on me >.> those butt nutts

Okay thats enough for one day! *looks embarassed* um other then that, nothing new. ill get a new tam soon, and ill update soon also! tomorrow prolly!!

♥ ya!!!

Bella, Roximi, chris and [SIZE=21pt]AARON[/SIZE] *aaron wanted his name big*

Wow it's been a while! I got rid of all of my tamagotchis, because my friend was feeling down, so I gave them to her. I am so excited that the tama-go is coming out. I am going to check if they are at Toys R Us on Friday. I saw them on the website, which must mean they are coming soon. Right?


Not much has changed, except I got hamsters. 2 of them. Booh:D and Preston. It'll be nice to have a tam to play with during the day, and have the hamsters to play with when the tam is asleep. Plus a tam will give me a reason to get up before noon XD


I've really missed taking care of tamas. I miss the satisfaction I get when I get the character I want, or I have my tam mate.


I have promised myself that this next tam will be a mimitchi, unless it is hatched a boy. Then it will be a Mametchi or Kuromametchi. You all know how much I like him!! He's a ninjaaaa! *ninja glare*


Have you guys heard the tamagotchi song by Daze? here's a link.





Well my life has been pretty boring because of the lack of tams, and there is no school, so I am doing nothing all day. If I get a tam friday, maybe I'll finally have something to do. Maybe I'll feel like I have a life? All I do all day is listen to music. Michael Jackson and Green Day only!!


Well I will update when I get the tam!!


Peace out:)

Hi guys :)

I know its been a reallyyyy long time. The last time I posted regularly was about two years ago o_O But I promise to post more now!


I go through these phases were I really love tamagotchis and phases were I want nothing to do with them, I know, its kind of strange, but whatever.


I was just going through my old posts, and man I couldn't spell! Granted I was twelvish, so my spelling skills wouldn't be that awesome. I'm fifteen now, and I still have tamas! what a loser...



Anyway, I have two tama-gos and my two music stars *dunno what happened to the v5s*

I am still an MJ fan.. and yeah.


So I'll post more tomorrow when I get a chance to play with my tama some more:) ILY guys!!!

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WAIT! I just have to mention how AMAZING my fans are. I just realized I have over 1,000 veiws. Crazy :) Thanks guys!!! ♥

Helllllooooo :)


I just got batteries for my second tama-go O:

So now I can connect the two of them and marry them and whateverrr. And I am also going to start up my music stars next week.

I left them at my mom's house and I have to go get them. Butttt I will have them soon! And I miss them :)


Anywayyy I'll update tomorrow once I've had a chance to get my second tama going! ♥


Love you guys!!



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