My super amazing awesome tama log :P


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Good morning everyone! Funky will be turning 5 today, and we all know what that means... MATCH MAKER! Whoo hoo! I just checked up on him and he had one happy heart gone. Being the lazy person I am, I just gave him a snack to be happy :D He is still only 4, but hopefully he will age by 12:30, so the match maker will show up. If not, he better age by 4:30.Funky and I really haven't been up to much today. I woke up sort of late... 9 o'clock. I did wake up at 7 so I could pause him, but the little lazy butt was still sleeping! I had intended on staying up until he woke, so I could pause him, but I sort of dozed off.... I fell asleep around 12-1 last night, so give me some credit for waking up at 7 at all!! Funky is practicing gutair, like the good little boy that he is, and he just looks so adorable the way he holds his gutair. Oh, I forgot to mention that Funky won an award yesterday. 1st star ranking award!! That's 2 awards now, both 1st place!! His son/ daughter will be so proud!! ;) *Yawn* I am so tired. ZzZz... *head snaps up* I WASN'T SLEEPING! I SWEAR!! Anways... I don't think Funky and Penny will marry, because I am just too impatient to wait until 8 o'clock :p As you might have noticed, I am NOT good at waiting. Funky is STILL practicing gutair... I wanted to play a game but I don't want to disturb him... >.< On a side note, I will be obtaining a new Tamagotchi this weekend. And we ALL know what the Tamagotchi's name will be... MJ.. or Mike. Or maybe even Jack.. THE POINT IS, is that it will be dedicated to michael jackson. may he rest in peace. U.U That is all for right now... I will update when he gets the match maker... LATER!

Funky got the match maker at 12:30!! Omg I am so excited!! He should be leaving tomorrow, and I should be able to name lil MJ. Funky mated with a Onputchi, and they had a son, which I didnt expect. I expected a girl!! The baby is so cute!! He is haning out with his parents... fun.Other then the match maker coming, nothing much has happened for funky. He got paid agian today, and he also got mail... Nothing else. I hope that MJ evolves into Kuromametchi! that would be sooo cool! :D well more later... BYE!

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Hola agian! XD Funky and his child and his wife are all just chilling. I un-paused my v5's, becuase i felt back for neglecting them. They were paused... but I still feel bad. Anyway, I will be watching my tama at 12 tonight to see if he and his wife leave little MJ. I wonder if they still leave at 12 am on music stars... I wouldnt know. OH BTW i cant get the new tama until the 2 week of august. we sort of went to the library and i have 40$ worth of late fees, and well, that is 4 weeks of allowence. And I have to pay for it... so... yeah. I dont personally think that a FREE library card is worth friken 40 bucks >< that is 2 tamagotchis, and one tamagotchi accsesory!! Gosh, I dont like late fees!!!!!! Grr. Oh well, at least now I can finish the harry potter series... MJ is just bouncing happily around the screen. Weirdly, he and his parents dont normally fall asleep until 8:45, and it is currently 8:15. Thirty more minutes of quality time with poor lil Funky... Then he goes to sleep, and leaves!! Ugh... why?! Why cant funky just stay?! Why did michael jackson die?!?!?! WHY?!! *ahem* sorry i got ahead of myself. (FOCOUS!!!) Im cool, im cool. Anyway, school has been on my mind lately. It starts in a month and a half were i live... and well it is coming on quickly... too quickly, might i add. I have to try my best to get good grades, and keep my tamagotchis alive... GOSH SO MUCH HARD WORK!!! *ahem* sorry for all of the spazz attacks. Maybe i need meds (kidding). Point, I will have a lot to do once the school year starts, and I may not have time for the tama log as much. So i may not post everyday when school starts... sorry to say. UGH! 4 weeks with out a new tamagotchi... I might go insane!! that is a probable might thank you... anyway i am rambling now, and that is always a sign that i need to log off...


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Hello agian! I have been posting everyday, so be proud :mametchi: Anyway, I am still extremely angry that I can't get my tamagotchi this week. I could have gotten it today if it were not for that stupid library > :mametchi: Yuck. Funky, to my intense delight, decided to stay another day. It makes me so happy to say that he will be here alllll day. I really don't have much for updates... so please please PM me, every last one of my readers. Even if you hate my log, PM ME!!! thanks for reading!!♥♥♥

Funky and wife left last night at 12. I glanced at my tamagotchi and they were watching lil MJ sleep. They stared quietly at him for about 5 mins. before they rose into the night, up and away from their son. When I woke up at 9 (and I was smart and set the clock back 2hours so he wouldnt wake) Mj was sitting alone crying his poor little heart out. I watched as he cried and pushed the B button. It asked me to name him. I named him MJ, and then paused him... because i had gotten great newz last night. MY MOM ISNT TAKING ALL OF MY ALLOWENCE! She let me have 10$ so I would have enough for a tamagotchi, and then she said that she would only take 5$ out of my 10$ allowence for the next 4 weeks. I was sooooo happy!! So I went out and bought another tamagotchi, hatched it, and on the first try I got a girl. I named her Amiee. Cute, huh? Anyway, Amiee and MJ have 3 lil smilies for each otehr. :lol: they are still little babies, because i have been pausing them alot... To the point, now I have 2 wonderful music stars instead of 1!! I will post some pictures, if one of you would PLEASE explain how. Um... Amiee's shell is black with silver head phones. Very cute. It was the only one left, and I HAD to have a tamagotchi TODAY. So i just decided on the black one ^-^ I have already gone to tama town with them both, and they both got some points. Added some furniture to the room.... and all that... we played games and my CD level went up!! Awesome... awesome. Anyway, I will update when my little lovelies evolve!!♥♥♥


Quick update. Amiee and MJ evolved into children!! So cute! Amiee is a tamatchi, and MJ is kitchitamatchi!! Whoo hoo! Now Amiee just has ato be a chamametchi and MJ had to become a kikitchi, :angry: if they dont then i have now hope of getting my beloved mimitchi, and with MJ i am shooting for a kuromametchi!! I love Kuromametchi, becuase he is the cool dark side if mametchi :D amazing!! Amiee would be sooo cute as mimitchi.... but if she cant be mimitchi then i want a memtchi!! really bad... XD I paused the v5's agian... :p anyway, and i cannot stress this enough, PLEASE PM ME WITH YOUR OPINION WITH MY LOG!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!! PLAEESEEEE!!! thanks! i will write more tomorrow, and i will make sure to update a lot!! :D thanks for readin!!


Amiee, MJ, and Bella

Good morning all!! I woke up at 9:40, and as always I set the clock back 2 hours so I could sleep in. Amiee and MJ had all happy hearts full, so no worries. They will probably children alll day today, and then when i wake up tomorrow they will have changed. hopefully. I decided that when they mate, and if they have 2 boys i will name one prince and one mike. If they have both grils, then one will be paris, and the other one jackie. I love figuring out cute names!! Amiee is just bouncing around the screen, same with MJ. Oh i was wondering if you are supposed to be able to connect v5's and v6's?? Because some how, i did. All you have to do is get the v5 to the connect screen first and then say connect on the v6. easy. sometimes it doesnt work, other times it does. I would take a pic of them connecting, if someone would explain how to post pictures!! Nothing else has happpened today. I will update later.




*yawn* i am so tired. I have been watching harry potter movies alllllll day, so you know how movies make you tired. Amiee and MJ watched Harry potter with me, and they enjoyed it. They fell asleep half way thru the 4th one XD *shrugs* no BD. they can watch it tomorrow :lol: Wow I am barley awake and yet it is only 9:30. I think i will watch order of the phoniex before I go to bed tonight. I haven't set the clock back on amiee and MJ yet cuz then they would wake up. Dont want that. *yawns* garsh i am tired. yea i said garsh. XD i am listening to random music... rambler!!! ill log off before i start telling you about my 1st grade year and how it tramatized me and how i never got enough attention XD (that was a joke) night every one!


Bella, amiee, and MJ

Hello all! I apologize for not posting, but our computer has been funky. So so so sorry. Its not brokded anymore, so I can post agian. Amiee and MJ have been on pause so nothing eventful happened. We watched more Harry Potter movies, and they enjoyed them. Thats about all. They have been behaving like good lil children. B) *yawn* i think thats all for today. i will post tomorrow with more deets. L8tr.


Amiee, MJ, and Bella

Hello everyone! The tamas are currently on pause and they are still teens. I havent had much time to care for them. XD but they are at least paused... so.... yea. XD talk more tomorrow, when I have time to unpause. L8tr

Sorry sorry sorry! I still didn't un-pause them for a very long time. I am so so sorry that I have been getting lazy about the log! Sorry. I will be better, I swear. I feel so bad for amiee and MJ. I have really been slacking off with them and I dont think that they will become good healthy characters. So anyway, I will be paying more attention to their babies. Their skill points are really low, so they won't get paid much. Argh I am such a bad tamagotchi caretaker. I have been so lazy with them that it is insane. Stupid pokemon has captured all of my attention latley. I have been trying to raise my pokemons levels to 40 or higher and it really has been making me distracted. Grrr. But really, I can just start paying attention to my tamagotchis now, and they will be fine. I'll go get them from my room. Grr their sleeping schudels are all messed up! They are sleeping right now and it is only 9:30 in the morning. They should be awake!! Argh! Am I going to habve to restart them? But I mean, I already had a generation on MJ's tama.... Should I re-start? Yea I think it would be for the best. Nvm, they were just napping I guess. But I mean, I dont want to have un-healthy characters... but it would be mean to re-start them because they might be ugly. Ok, I will keep them. I will update when they become adults. L8tr

PS. They became teens. Kikitchi, and chamatchi. I guess I forgot to mention that. Lol.

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Great news! Amiee and MJ evolved! MJ is.... *drum roll* a kuromametchi! Yay! and Amiee is... a memetchi!! Whoo hoo. Plus, they connected and they had babies!! Yay! They had 2 sons (of course). One is Prince, and the other is Mike. Cute huh? I am going to log onto tamatown with both of them so i can add them to my character chart. thats all for now!

Hola all! Amiee and MJ didnt leave last night, not that I expected them to. They have all happy hearts full. They should be leaving tonight at 12. I will have to watch and see what they do. I am sort of annoyed that they had both boys because then I have to wait until they are five so that they can have children. Well prince and mike better had one boy and one girl or i migth have to hurt somebody. lol. Anyway, with Prince i am shooting for a Mametchi, and with Mike I am shooting for Togetchi. Then for their children, I want a mimitchi and a kutchipatchi. I love kutchipatchi!! He's so adorable even though you have to neglect the tama to get him. I know christmas is a long time away, but for christmas I want 2 orginal 1997 tamas, and 2 v1's. I miss the v1's. They were cool. and simple. *sigh* now they have all this exta stuff like rockstars and jobs and school... I miss just having a pet to care for. That is the best thing, is to just have a tama to care for.... sigh. I was also thinking of getting a tamagotchi color, but then i thought, i dont read japanese. i know i could figure it out but i dont want to take the time to do that. I remember the v1's pretty clearly. They just had food, games, connection, and training bars. I miss that. They didnt go to school or connect to the computer... they were just SIMPLE. oh well nothing I can do about that now.. I will update tomorrow after Amiee and MJ leave. BYE!

I guess they decided to stay and extra day. Cant blame them, because their sons are amazingly cute! Can someone help me out and tell me the item code for the boy/ girl destiny star, if the item code can be reused of course. If it cant well then I guess I have to wait to get my CD up to 4th gold... which will take A LOT of work. I already have all of the character log in codes, including dazzilitchi and dreamitchi. I will give you dreamitchi because it can be found on the internet but i WONT give out the dazzilitchi one. Sorry. Unless you give me a working code for the destiny star, becuase then you would have dzzilitchi anyway. Back to amiee and mj... they just have been chilling. Both of them got sick today, so i had to give them some meds. They have been pretty easy going. They will probably leave tonight. *sigh* Bye amiee and MJ. :D they always leave too quickly.... way too quickly. Sorry if i am rambling but i just have a lot to talk about. I was thinking about buying ANOTHER music star. I sort of want all of the designs... or is that a waste of money? Well thats all. I will update some more tomorrow when the parents have left. BYE!


Amiee, MJ, Prince, Mike, and Bella

Thye left. At 12. Last night. :lol: Amiee and MJ watched their sons sleep, kissed their head, and then left. It was so sad. The son in amiee's old shell is prince and mike is in MJ's old shell. They are babies because I haven't had time yet to play with them. I really don't have much else to say. Sorry for all the short posts but i am running low on time. bye


Prince, Mike, and Bella

I haven't had much time to play with Prince and Mike, so they are still babies. I have a feeling that they will be growing up slowly... More importantly, they have all hearts full, and all happiness full. Prince has a skateboard as a toy and Mike has a computer. Prince sings on the kareoke machine and Mike plays gatuir. They are both so adorable. Nothing more for updates today. Laters.

Its early, so my tamas are asleep. I still haven't had much time to play with them, because I have been busy. For the next week, I am going to go camping, so I won't be able to post. I will, however, post when i get home and tell you all about it. I promise. ;) The tams are still babies but I think if I have time today I will unpause them. I have gotten so busy and normally I get caught up in a movie, so I pause them so they won't beep at me every 5 seconds. I will try to let them run around and play today, whenever I have time. Well I might post later. Bye.


Prince, Mike, and Bella

Okay so they are un-paused. Prince has all hearts full and mike is down by 2 in happiness and hunger. I am trying to get a bad character with Mike. They are still babies, but I have a feeling they will evolve soon. I am taking them camping with me and I hope that we will have a few adventures!! They will probably turn 5 before we get back, so they will either have babies or have left their babies when I get home to post. I just caught Mike making stink lines, so I clicked the toilet so he wouldn't poop on the floor. They are both just blopping around the screen :mellow: For once, Prince would like to talk!!

Prince: Hewwo all. I am Prince. My brodder and I would jus like to say thanks to all who read owr log. :D We like that mamwa keeps a log so we can read about owr birf parwents! Mike don't reawy like to tawlk, to I will tawlk fo' heem. Momwa jus feeded me some babwy food. *eats* Thanks you fo' reawdin!

Thank you Prince for your rather adorable words. Onto more impotant things, they are both in the 100's for their skill points. Good thing, eh? I am going to get them both up to 999 because I didn't do so with their parents. :( Baaaaddddd Bella. Oh well MJ and Amiee didn't mind being bad at music XD I will update when they evolve :) Bye!


Prince, Mike, and Bella

Hey! Camping was fun, but the tams were paused alot and they didn't even turn to teens. Oops! I will post tomorrow when I actually have them un-paused! Sorry for all the short posts :(

Wow I am so sorry every one. I haven't been very good about posting. The tams are still children because I have had very little time to play with them. I am sorry that the posts have been so in-frequent and short. I do have time to un-pause them today, and I will as soon as I am done with this post. I really am truly sorry. Prince has all hearts full and mike has about 2 hearts full in each catagory. I haven't exactly been taking good care of them, at all. I know I must sound like a horrible care taker but I really just am trying to get other things done too. School is coming up and I have to go shopping for supplies and clothes... I really haven't had time for the tams. When school actually starts, I am screwed becuase I will have barely any free time. It's my last year of middle school, and I know that the homework load is going to be un-bareable. :rolleyes: I will try and post everyday till the end of summer, but when summer ends I can't garantee a post everyday. I can't even garantee a post every week. I bet my tams are so mad at me for spending so little time with them, not that I can help it. Sorry for all the excuses. I will post when they change to teens. Agian, I am sorry. :(


Prince, Mike and Bella

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