My sunflower v4 tamagotchi log


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Hi it's me again,

Devon just evolved into a Androtchi. He's moving around the screen now.

Aaron's not doing much right now except moving around the screen. He should be getting job offers soon. I'll post as soon as that happens. That's all for now. Until next time.

Hi it's me again,

Aaron just graduated from elementary school. After that he got 5 job offers. He got a job as a travel agent. I'm so happy for him.

Devon's just moving around the screen as usual. Both he and Aaron went to tama town. Aaron used the ticket to Canada that the king gave him and got a maple leaf as a souvenier. Devon went first to see his Dad Carl and got a chest as a present from his Dad. He was really happy after that. Both Devon and Aaron went to the arcade and elementary school to play some games. Aaron got 9,900 gotchi points and Devon got 9,700 gotchi points. That's all for now. Until next time.

Hi it's me again,

I have some sad news. Aaron passed away this evening while I was working a four hour shift at work tonight. I didn't want to pause Aaron and Devon as so to not delay the matchmaker or their growth but after tonight I might have to. Devon's still very much alive and moving around the screen as usual. Here are Devon's stats. He has 4 hearts filled in on his hungry meter and 4 hearts filled in on his happy meter, he has 8 bars filled in on his training meter, he has 22 intelligence points, 51 arts points, 27 social points and he is 3 years old and 26 lbs. I'll probably restart my orange circles tamagotchi tomorrow morning and start all over again. I hope I get a girl this time. I always get stuck with boys. That's all for now. Until next time.

Hi it's me again,

I hatched my orange circles tamagotchi about 35 minutes ago. It's a boy and his name is Ben. Ugh! Another boy. Oh well. I just fed Ben and played jump rope with him. I'll post as soon as Ben turns into a toddler.

Devon is still sleeping. He should wake up soon and graduate from regular school and get some job offers. I'll post as soon as that happens. That's all for now. Until next time.

Hi it's me again,

Ben just evolved into a Puchitchi. He's so cute. Right now he's moving around the screen.

Devon just graduated from regular school and then got 5 job offers. He got rejected for the first one which was the bakery then he got accepted for the next one which was the florist so now he is a florist. I'm so happy for him and proud of him. That's all for now. Until next time.

Hi it's me again,

Ben just evolved into a Hawainotchi, one of the universal teens. I wonder which adult I'll get in two days. Anyway, Ben went back to sleep after evolving so he should wake up in an half an hour, then he'll probably graduate from pre-school and get accepted into regular school. I'll post again as soon as that happens.

Devon went to work twice today so far. First the mailman brought Devon his wages. He got 1,200 gotchi points. Not bad. Then he actually worked. Well that's all for now. Until next time.

Hi it's me again,

Ben just graduated from pre-school and got accepted into regular school. Mr. Canvas is his teacher. He didn't guess the right present and got poo instead of skill points.

Devon isn't doing much right now except moving around the screen. He went to work again. He got a score of 10 on the flower mini game. That's all for now. Until next time.

Hi it's me again,

The matchmaker just came for Devon and brought a lovely Masktchi for Devon to mate with. They mated and then became the proud parents of two baby boys. One went with the Masktchi and the other one stayed with Devon. I'm going to name the baby boy Eddie. Another boy. Sheesh. When will I ever get a girl?

Anyways Ben is just moving around the screen now. I'm going to send him to school again. That's all for now. Until next time.

Hi it's me again,

After a lot of thinking I decided to restart both of my v4 tamagotchis to see if I could get a girl. Well I did get a girl after all on my orange circles v4 and a boy on my sunflowers v4 so when they're older i'm going to mate them. I named the boy Eddie and the girl Abby. I'll post as soon as they evolve into toddlers. That's all for now. Until next time.

Hi it's me again,

Abby evolved into a Harutchi and Eddie evolved into a Puchitchi. They're both so cute. Here are their stats. Abby's stats are: She has 4 hearts filled in on her hungry meter, 4 hearts filled in on her happy meter, she has 1 bar filled in on her training meter, she has 10 intelligence points, 0 arts points and 6 social points and she is 0 years old and 17lbs.

Here are Eddie's stats: He has 3 hearts filled in on his hungry meter and 4 hearts filled in on his happy meter, he has 1 bar filled in on his training meter, he has 0 intelligence points, 7 arts points and 5 social points and he is 0 years old and 15lbs.

That's all for now. Until next time.

Hi it's me again,

Abby just evolved into a ringotchi and Eddie evolved into a Young Androtchi. They're so cute. Here are Abby's stats: She has 2 hearts filled in on her hungry meter and 3 hearts filled in on her happy meter, she has 3 bars filled in on her training meter, she has 26 intelligence points, 24 arts points, 22 social points and is 1 year old and 20 lbs.

Here are Eddie's stats: He has 4 hearts filled in on his hungry meter and 3 hearts filled in on his happy meter, he has 3 bars filled in on his training meter, he has 8 intelligence points, 23 arts points and 9 social points and is 1 year old and 24 lbs.

That's all for now. Until next time.

Hi it's me again,

Yesterday evening Abby evolved into a Masktchi and Eddie evolved into a Gozarutchi. Right now they're both moving around the screen. I'll post their stats later tonight. That's all for now. Until next time.

Hi it's me again,

I have some sad news again. Eddie passed away while I was at my Grandma's house. Don't know why but he did. I rehatched my sunflowers v4, it's a girl and her name is Ally. An hour after hatching Ally evolved into a Harutchi. Here are Ally's stats: She has 3 hearts filled in on her hungry meter, 0 hearts filled in on her happy meter, 1 bar filled in on her training meter, 5 intelligence points, 4 arts points and 0 social points and she is 0 yrs. old and 16 lbs.

Abby, meanwhile, just got a job as a bus driver at the travel agency. Tomorrow she'll get paid for the first time. Here are Abby's stats: She has 4 hearts filled in on her hungry meter, 4 hearts filled in on her happy meter, 6 bars filled in on her training meter, she has 37 intelligence points, 28 arts points, 61 social points and she is 3 years old and 24 lbs. That's all for now. Until next time.

Hi it's me again,

Unfortunately I had to restart both my v4 tamas because they both died while I was at work so I rehatched my tamas this morning. On my Sunflower v4 it's a boy and his name is Fred and on my Orange Circles v4 it's a girl and her name is Carly. In about an hour or less they should evolve into toddlers. I'll post when that happens. That's all for now. Until next time.

Hi it's me again,

Carly evolved into a Mohitamatchi and Fred evolved into a Puchitchi. They're both so cute. I'll post their stats later. That's all for now. Until next time.

Hi it's me again,

I had to restart both my v4 tamas because I also just got 2 new v4 tamas. I hatched one after the other. First I hatched my Sunflower v4 tama. It was a boy and his name is Adam. Then I hatched my Orange Circles v4 tama. It's a boy and his name is Alan. Then I hatched my Red with Hearts v4 tama. It's a boy and his name is Alex. Finally I hatched my pink with flowers v4 tama. It's a girl and her name is Abby. I'll post when they all turn into toddlers. That's all for now. Until next time.

Hi it's me again,

Sorry I didn't post last night when my tamas turned into toddlers. I was busy. Well, Adam turned into a Mizutamatchi, Alan turned into a Mohitamatchi, Alex turned into a Mohitamatchi and Abby turned into a puchitchi. All are very cute. Today they should evolve into teens and get accepted into regular school. I'll post when that happens. That's all for now. Until next time.

Hi it's me again,

Last night all my tamas turned into teens. Adam turned into a Young Kuchipatchi, Alan turned into a Hawainotchi, Alex turned into a Hawainotchi and Abby turned into a Ichigotchi. An hour later they got accepted into regular school. Adam has Mr. Canvas as his teacher, Alan and Alex have Mr. Turtle as their teacher and Abby has Mr. Canvas as her teacher. That's all for now. Until next time.


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