My new V5s came in! Yippee!<3


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May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Well,..Hi! I got my new 2 V5s awhile back...well not THAT long ago..And I luv them! :kuribotchi:

My familys are----

The Kaia &amp; the Chia family

They are kids at this point. Jackie(ahiruku-tchi), Flower(Tororo-tchi), and Mickey(Mouse-tchi) are the kaia family. And Cherry(Tororo-tchi), Breadan(Mouse-tchi) and Bella(bell-tchi) are the Chia family.

Alright! I write in purple!

Jakie writes in Dark Blue!Flower writes in Green!

Mickey writes in Orange!

Cherry wrties in Red!

breadan writes in Grey!

and Bella writes in Yellow!

See U later!


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Yo guys! I'm Back! here's A little Biz of Both tama clicks of familys!

Hey! breadan! stop stealing MY lunch!

Big sis! make him Stop!! :) NOW!!!

Breadan stop making everybody SO mad. K?Yes Sissy. :)

Hey guys...


*Cry* I'm just...Hungry...*whimper*


how could U be sooo Mean!? and to your dang baby sister!!

come here bella...It's all right...there there

thnx micks

no prob

see U guys laters!! :)

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Alright, I'm waiting for them 2's taking 2 long...but whaever! :D

Screw it, I'll just hav 2 wait. Oh well! :D :D :D

Tell U guys when somethin awesomee happens!!

Chow! :) :blink: B) :eek: :) :) :mametchi: :mimitchi: :) :nazotchi: :)

Okay, I

1:took them to tama town

2:gave them some food and snacks

3:playied tea time


Sup! I am soooo bored! :( whyyyyyyy? :huh: because I want my tamas to evolve!

well, here's the Buzz of My TAMAS-----

aren't bees beautifully asociatted with nature? :D

Yea, right :rolleyes:

I'm scared..(My sis is a freak!! Flower! the freak!) AHHHH!

what the HECK are u yellin bout?

Oh...NOTHIN whatso ever...(EEEEKKKK!!!!)

well, Big sis, I'm bored. Lets go to tamatown!!!


Yea!! (everybody)

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Ssssh! You know If Big Sis finds out we're on, we're in Deep-Doo-Doo!


Yea, Bella turn down the volume control will ya?


Well hello, I am Flower of the kaia family. We wanted to tell U that----WE ROCK!!!!!!!



STOP INTERUPTING!!!!! :rolleyes: :huh: :(

PFH! Screw U Flower!! :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:


Bye. :D :blink: ;)

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Alright! I got the Chia family's bonding up 2 40%! and they do a little walk thing where they fall at the end, It's 2 cute! :) And I got the Kaia family 0% bonding...My others Died.... :( But Now i the exact same tamas again! woohoo! -_- so yea I'm trying to get the 2 tama familys 2 b pure familys..But I'm not THAT far for one with the chia family!

That's about it! :lol:

Yo! I got the chia family from 40% 2 60%!! ;) yippee! :D at the moment, I ACTUALLY got the Kaia bonding up! to 20% though...but whaever! That's better than ZIPPO! I'm steppin closer and closer to a "PURE" Familia! YEA!! B) Also, a tribute to my NEW friend---TAMAFAMiLY08--for EVEN asking me to be friends. THNX!!

Here's the Buzz on the 2 tama families!

I'm bored!!! (Everyone)

I know all ready! :angry: GEEZ!!

Oh, Big sister tama, stop being such a angry devil! :D :p

Jackie...(WHOA...) :eek:

Yes, sister Flower? :huh:

Well, big sister Tama is well, busy at these times...and you may have made her upset..and that could hurt us all...and yea.

Nonsense! Sister Flower, believe me! I'm doing the right thing! Not her at this point!

Geez, Jacks take a chill pill would ya?!

Oh Sister Cherry, MYOBYAT.

WTF?! what the heck does that mean?!?!

Simple Sister Cherry, ---Mind-Your---Own--Business--You--Annoying---Twit. Easy as that. Hm?

OMG! U don't tell me of all people to chill out and mind my own buisness, but to call me a TWIT?! Oh, believe me, It's on like popcorn and cheese! Hii-ya!


I got this feelin, Sombody watchin me...and don't know what 2 do! oh oh! I got this feelin somebody watchin me...and i'm scared! oh oh!(bella singing)

Bella? :huh: what the heck are U doin?! :eek:

EEEEEEEKKK! How----l--l--ong were U standing t--h--ere?

Not very long..(but FAR TOO LONG! :eek: )

Anywho...Were's Big sis tama?

She left...2 her room...because of "You know who". &lt;_&lt;

*Sigh* Jakie "Again"? :huh:

Yep. -_-

oh, Gawd. What he do "this time"?

Called her a "angry devil".

Oh GAWD! that little loonatic! geez.

go see if she's fine, Please Flower.

Well, Alright.

*Walks up 2 door* ------CREAK------

Sis Tama? U alright?

Oh, Flower! hello! whats goin on in the living room?


Jakie called Cherry a twit, and know there fighting in a big dust cloud like in cartoons.

Interesting....They'll tire themselves out soon enough.

K, so..Just let them fight?


Okay, but wat are u doin?

Buying stuff for U guys.


*Close* Ca-Click!


She's fine she's buyin us stuff

ahh, from the internet?



*4 Hours Later*

Fwew! (both cherry and jackie)

I forgive you(they both say again and hug)

Come on guys! were going to the tamacafe!

Yea! (everyone)

See U next time! B)

We are real lucky! big sis got our bonding to lv 60%!^-^(kaia)

And between you and me, Cherry from the Chia family is pretty cute...and were really good friends...maybe she'll go...*gulp*out with me....

*Whistle* Flower!


g--o-- check what type of tama ch--err--y l--l-ikes...Plz...

Why loverboy?

Stop It! *Blushing so hard*

Ha..Okay..Hmph...*giggles still noticable while walking up 2 cherry*[/COLOR]


Wats so funnie?

A joke i heard, so wat type of tama do u like?

Well that's out of the blue but if you must know, probally a...Oh! Memetchi! they are SO dreamy! OMG!

Just pretend, that lets say jakie like-liked U, and wanted 2 ask U out...Would U like him??


*Chuckles so hard that dimples show*&lt;/b&gt;that's a cute question flower! just adorable!


Maybe, If he asked me in real life, like a gentlemen or somethin. Why?


Do U like him?No!!!! Yuck!


Oh, Okay! ^-^


*sniff* She'll never date me because... I'll never be a Memetchi!!! Waaaaa! :D


Aww! 2 bad! will she date him? or not?

Who knows...Beside me?

No one! See U later!

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My fav tama is memetchi! just in case U were wonderin.... :D &lt;_&lt; :angry: :huh:



Sorry bout my other Tama talk scene...It got screwed up...But anyway, The Chia family....Drum role Plz!.....duhdundun!...EVOLVED! YEA!! :mellow: Name changes!

Cherry's a Ichigo-tchi---Instead of a torotchi!

Breadan's a bakutchi-----Instead of a mouse-tchi!

And Bella's a--SHELL-TCHI?! Well! i suppose we have to change her name 2....Shelli!!

Alright! Now were all aquainted...Tama-Chat!!

Chia family:We evolved! yippe!

I know! It's perfect! My dreams are coming true!


That's a nice dream! well, what is it anyway?

Well my dream is 2 become a Makiko, Memetchi, or a Violetchi. huh, I'd be 2 happy, But 2 marry a handsome tama like mametchi or sunnytchi or another cute Tama, my life would rock!

Wow! what a nice dream!!

Bella? Was that U??

No not bella, Shelli.

Wow Shelli! You're so Hot! :p

*Akward Silence*

Um, Excuse me?

D---i-d I say that out lou--d?


I hav--e 2, um go ge--t som--e pun--c--h...Bye! *runs away*

Wait! Mickey! *Chases After*

Wow...Would that happen to me if i said that 2 cherry?

Said what 2 cherry?

EEP! Plz tell me you didnt hear what I just said!

I....Didn't... :( okay....

Why do You act so akward around me? do U like me? or somethin?

Well..It's just you're so pretty and sweet...and fit...and adorable...and kind...and the perfect girl for me... ;)

*Shocked* (inner thoughts---Yipes! so many things that are true and scary and out of his mouth so fast...How long has he been crushing on me?? *Long Heavy gulp* I've liked him for a little bit...but never like he does...CRAP! man wat 2 do!?)

I understand If you feel akward or shocked...I crushed on you since you hatched...So cute and innocent....Huh. Well, I told you. that's why...

U liar! I saw that Smirk!!Grrr! ;)

(inner thoughts---Crap! she read me like a book! she knew i was faking! but how? I tried not 2 show my Smirk! but that's hard!! my lips are so BIG!!!)

Just a Joke! But You are cute though. Just not that cute 2 me.

I know that u lil..Boy. Thnx. *Blushes*

Jakie...Grow into a Mametchi Already! Then i'll marry you when i get older! I promise! Just grow up for me!! You're 2 childish! Oh..and you weren't lieing. I made that up and you took the bait and actually did lie. hmph. im 2 clever for U.

*Clink!* (jakie's mouth hits ground wide open)

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Big Sis Ta--mh!! (Cherry covers shelli's mouth)

Shutup you imbasell!! I'll get busted!! :D

Well! you shouldn't be going on Youtube anyway!! that's Big No No! and U should know that!!

You annoying Twit! Shut up!!!

You actually did it?!

AHHH! Super Naruto Fanflash!!

I know!! Mwa ha ha!! Evil me!!!

that's so idiotic!!! (Twitch)

Yea my other tama family Evolved!!

Flower's a Chamame-tchi!---Instead of a Torotchi!!

Jakie's a Mameka-tchi!---Instead of a Big-mouth thingy!!

and Mickey's a Baku-tchi!-----Instead of a mousetchi!!

YIPPPEEE!!!! :angry: :lol: ^-^

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WOW!!! Flower you're so Hot!! My heart is ka-thumping so fast...(More than i use'd 2 for cherry...) I love U Flower! U're gorgeus!

Cherry? are U crying?


*Sniff* No!! I'm not crying!! Just a hair in my eye...*Whimper*


Cherry? We are still....Friends...Just not that type of friends U want...Sorry.

Huh?! I'd never Cry over You!! I hate U Jakie! I don't cry over people like you!!


Run off then!!! Hpmh!!


I----Don't like you jackie!!! we're from the same family You PERV!!!



PERVERT!(Everyone again)

I'm sorry...It's just...shes sooooooo Perty!!



Fine. It was a trap 2 mak cherry cry...I luv her...Not you, flower.






and that ended Jakie's love life. That is , Until I make him a mametchi! hehehe! *Snicker*

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MY TAMAS EVOLVED!!(AGAIN!) name changes!!

Cherry's a Meme-tchi!(yea!&lt;3)----Instead of a Ichigo-tchi!!

Shelli's a Chanto-tchi!!---Instead of a shell-tchi!!!

Breadan's a Suka-tchi!!---Instead of an Baku-tchi!!


Wow! Cherry! you're dream came true!! and now I do love you!!!


Ahem. anyway. I will, *gulp* be marrying in a couple days...and I didn't know who to marry yet....I wanna marry a....MAMETCHI!!!!XD

I am sooo sorrie!! ^_^

I haven't done a Entery in years!!(days)

a lot went on! Here's the list XD

1. A day before marriage, the Chia family became Petite! (Very small=Petite)

2.The Petite Girl tama married a clock-tama.

3.The Kaia family evolved into a mame-tchi! and a Chanto-tchi! and a Suka-tchi!

and mame-tchi married a lovezwinky!(Or somethin like that..XD).

4.NUMBER OF TAMAS KIDS----Chia=2 Tamas---Kaia=3 tamas

5.they are kids at the point. The chia family are sakura-motchi(LOL-NarutoXD), and ahiruku-tchi. and the Kaia family, sakura-motchi(LOL aginXD), Mouse-tchi, and mattari-tchi.

and last but not least...6. They are on 2nd Generation


Alrighty! Name changes!!:3 2nd Generation! :)

Kaia=Sakura-motchi=Sakura, she will write in red!

mouse-tchi=Rod, he will write in Blue!

and Mattari-Tchi=Curt, and he will write in Green!

Chia=Sakura-motchi=Kayia, she will write in purple!

and ahiruku-tchi =bobble, and he will write in grey!



yes! my tamas evoled again!

Chia=sakura is a shell-tchi---instead of a sakura-motchi!

And bobble is a koroko-tchi---instead of a big mouth thingy!!XD

kaia=Rod is a baku-tchi----Instead of a mouse-tchi!

tell u more late!

Ooo! My tamas want to meet the your tamas. Mine are still children.





Hello! How are you?

;) Why are we here?

*sigh* Shane, can you please stop being so negative?

Well I can't help you taking us everywhere boring.

This place is not boring! We can meet tamas with experiences we can learn.

Oh no. You aren't going to ask about what I didn't tell you!

Fine! I won't!

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