Amat Gotchi
Well-known member
You also need to make sure your V5 is old enough (72 hours after evolving to adulthood I believe). And connect the two Tamas as many times as you can while selecting "others" on your Music Star and "Game" on the V5. When the friendship level is high enough (2 faces right up close to one another on V5 and 4 SMILING faces on the Music Star) select "Marry" then "Give" on the V5. On the Music Star, select "Others" as usual.I tried it but they didn't get marriedI had Uhyotchi and Makiko on my V5 and I tried to marry Uhyotchi and my Chantotchi but hey didn't do it D: I guess theri relationship wasn't level up all the way. but this helped me a lot
Thank you very much!
As OsuMesu21 stated in this thread,
Hope this helps! Please ask if this is still confusing!~Music Star/Family Pet Marriage Glitch~Please be careful when marrying your V6 with the Family pets.
Music Star will take about twice as long to build the friendship level
than the V5 (or all Family-style pets in general). The Music Star's
Friendship Meter consists of 8 stages: four static faces, and then four
smiling faces. Be sure to have all four smiling faces before deciding to
marry the V5.
If you don't do this properly, your Music Star will
refuse to marry, but the V5 will accept - sending a character away and
leaving you with one less character and no way of getting it back.