My lil' Tama Nest


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Hello again! So today mari and pete got married! They had a small but elegant wedding and soon mari birthed two babies they are faternal twin boys, i named them ian (P's) and anthony (idl) because 1. Nobody gave me any suggestions :( and 2. Smosh is my new obsession! I have a slight crush on ian ;) and so i gave my two tamas some boringish names but oh well! Then when they were born i left them because i hate the baby stage so i leave them alone for an hour because they cant die or leave as babies then i came back right before becoming children/toddlers and i made their stats all better! Ian is now a turtletchi and anthony is now a kaubotchi! They will become teens tomorrow and i want specific characters for them so i took poor care of anthony and made ians personality the food one :) so know you can guess what they will be tomorrow but dont spoil it for others! Now for a piece about us! Our favorite type of food mine is mexican or italian ians is pizza! And anthony likes american food. And the last info on us is our favorite shape mine is an octagon ians is an oval and anthony likes stars! The last thing i want to say is a question for you all, have any of you read enders game? I have like two chapters left and a movie is being made of it so i just wanted to hear your guys/gals point of view on it, comment on my profile or pm me your thoughts about the book or anything really!


Just a quick update cause its really late here cause i got sucked into youtube for hours! Anyway ian and anthony became teens ian is maisutatchi and anthony is bokuhoshitchi thanks for reading!

(Ill have a real post tomorrow)


Hello! It's time for an update, so ian and anthony became adults today! WOOP WOOP! However my plans went arry with anthony he became a kuishinbotchi instead of a kutchipatchi I guess I gave him too good of care :/ o well there's always next time! However I'm super happy with ian cause he's the character I wanted he's super cute(just like in real life JK;) and he's a new tama for me! He is mogumogutchi which kind of looks like a chipmunk with a hat on and I really like its chubby cheeks! Anywho we didn't do much per usual and I went to the beach today :) (but I got sunburnt;( ) however we did start watching our first anime!! I thought it was time I watched an anime cause I've heard good things about them all over the nets! I started watching death note and OH MY GOD!! I love it!! Maybe it's me but I thought it was such a good way to show the sides of life and death and who chooses what and is it fair and stuff! I'm probs gonna make a form on my first impressions and stuff so stay tuned for that! But I watched like 8 episodes today and I was wondering if anyone else watched it? And if anyone had any other suggestions for an anime for me to watch? Also my favorite character is Ryuk the shinigami because he's funny and clever and evil > :) hahahahah!!

Anyway byyyyeee! Feel free to message me and talk about whatever!

Hey hey what's up my lovely lady lumps? Well today was boring cause I volunteered all day so my babies were asleep all day... But when I did get home we had a romantic picnic in Times Square... Oh wait that was me hallucinating... Oh well it's all the same. In all seriousness I want to get some pics up early tomorrow but if I can't Thursday for sure 100% I promise and it will be awesome. With that in mind we have a photo shoot tomorrow when I plan to marry ian and anthony off to some big booty hoes or maybe a respectable girl... We will just have to wait and see. Then they will have coitus and then have some offspring and I will capture all the beauty except the intercourse cause that may or may not be illegal... Then I will log about my next generation where I hopefully will get a new character on my idl :3 anyways be sure to check me out everyday, and send me a message or hit me up in the chatroom so we can talk cause I like to be antisocially social if you know what I mean


Hello hello hello! So today my two boys got married! Yayy! They lived a happy life here and I'm blessed to have had them in my life but they need to continue their lives else where so they left me with their kids! First off ian married a very beautiful kiramotchi and they looked so cute together(ill show pics tomorrow!) they had a lovely daughter named kitty-cat who is currently a terubotchi, I felt she could use some color so I brought her to the painting place and had her color scheme made pastel... I think...(again there will be pics tomorrow) next anthony married a giragiratchi and they also had a daughter and I named her m'n'et, yes they are both based off of candy! Don't judge me! And right now m'n'et is a paletchi who is very cute and cuddly! As I mentioned before there will be pictures up tomorrow documenting ian and Anthony's relationships and the beginning of kitty-cat and m'n'et's lives with me! So stay tuned


here are the photos I promised enjoy...

Lets start with Ian


and his wedding...


Now him and his daughter...


next is Anthony...


And his wedding...


Now him and his daughter...


thanks for reading stay tuned for more!!!

ok my current tamas!



Ugh! im mad because when i edited it on another website it worked but when i transfered it here it undid my editing... i tried many times but it will just have to stay this way sorry...



and now for one last photo that had to be cut in my first picture post...


this is anthony with M'n'et as an egg :)


Hey! I hope you liked the pics I posted earlier!! Anyways this will be shorter cause I'm really tired :( so kitty-cat is now a neotchi, we visited the painting place and she's now different colors... I don't know which ones cause I can't read Japanese :( also m'n'et became a sabosabotchi who I really like, she's so friggin adorable I can't handle it!! And yeah so see you tomorrow! Also I wanted to say love all of you no matter who you are if you are a good person and don't hurt people intentionally you are important to me lol goodnight/day :)


Ok so I'm a bit mad... I worked super hard to get Makiko on my id l but after giving it exactly 4 attention call misses things it decides to become perotchi, which don't get me wrong she's cute and all I just had a bad experience with her cause she wanted the toy from the seed and it took like 4 days to get! So I guess I fed her too many snacks but I'm pretty sad and stuff... So know you know m'n'et is perotchi, kitty-cat became exactly what I wanted.... Drum roll..... She's a kiramotchi who I think was her mother... But I kind of like I mean she's not bade but she isn't the cutest, but I also haven't had her before so that's fun.... So know I've had three gens in a row of no new characters on my idl so it's pissing me off... Anyway...


Hello again! So not much happened with m'n'et and kitty-cat they just hung out... But I felt like starting up a connection so I got out my v6 music star and started it up! I started with a girl named Callie and she then turned into a hitodetchi (may have spelled that wrong) and her stats are currently 106-tone 122-rhythm 119-original and is doing Latin music... Then my friends came over and we did some dancing on the wii and it was awesome and super fun! Then I put my tamas to bed and told them some bed time stories and that's about it thanks for reading sorry it's not too eventful


Hello! So today i stopped using my idl because I can't get any new male characters! But other than that things went well! First off my v6 music star became a teen!! She is an ichigotchi who I really like, which is weird cause I hate strawberries in real life... Maybe that's why because I like ichigotchi I don't like strawberries... Anyways she's in a band now and I named them pokemans and she is in it with two boys ;) named daniel and dino...and they play Latin music, two play trumpet and one plays accordion... Anyways her stats are 305-tone 299-rhythm and 307-original. Anywho kitty-cat has all four happy puzzle pieces but I'm waiting until tomorrow for her to get married and have a baby! But until then stay happy stay healthy and live well!


Ok so I realized that I forgot to log last night... Sorry :( but quite a bit happened!! Let's start with my p's so kitty-cat got married... I don't remember to whom but none the less she got married and had a beautiful baby girl!! That girl then became a toddler and is currently a teen, nokobotchi, and she is painted in pinks and reds to be girlier I guess? Oh and her names is Cleo like the girl in Clifford I think... So that's not super exciting I guess... But she'll be an adult early tomorrow morning! Now onto my v6, I just have to say I'm really liking this right now, don't get me wrong i love my color tamas its just after a while going back to the gray scale connections is nice :) I also really like the characters on it... I was hesitant because I played with it so much when it was my only tama for a while that I got super bored but that was two years ago-ish? But Callie my ichigotchi turned into a mimitchi who is super cute and makes me feel super nostalgic because back when I first got into tamas I would always play with my bestest friend ever (back then, now we aren't close at all...) and I only remember one generation and it was when I got androtchi and she got mimitchi and we played all the time and it was great! But anyways... Her band mates became mametchi and kuromametchi in other words she's rocking out with some serious man candy ;) and then the pokemans took off and made pro debut!! It only took like two tries! But yeah I'm having loads of fun with Callie and can't wait for more! Anyways her stats are.... 622-tone 646-rhythm 623-original so that about wraps up tonight's log but if you guys are lucky I'll post some pics tomorrow afternoon so stay tuned!


So.... here are some pictures!!!! lets start cleo and the P's, her pictures are of just her and a slight outfit change... take a look...


^Original ^Changed

Next lets see Callie on my v6....


here she is... something else i liked about the connections and such was that there were different color schemes and patterns so that you and your friends could have the same version but completely different looking tamas...

Now the Pokemans...


and there they are :) they are currently ranked 33rd(on the tama it says 33th xD) Anyways thanks for reading stay tuned for more and have a good day/afternoon/night!


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So I've decided to log every other day from now on... So there will be less posts I'm sorry :( and pics will come and go per the usual! Anywho let's start with Cleo... So as my previous post showed she became an adult, amiamitchi, and I really like her sprite but when she's enlarged her hair looks a bit creepy... Anywho she's awesome and poppin and yeah... Well tomorrow she will have a child and leave me :( but life will go on! She has two of her four happy puzzle pieces so far from the crown and the sewing machine, I'll keep you updated on my p's next time. Now for Callie, she's now five years old, I don't know how old they are when the match maker comes... We'll just wait and see... But the pokemans are doing pretty good they are ranked 10th overall in jazz music so that's good! All her stats are now at 999 yayy that's normally where they are before they have pro debute at least all the times I've raised a v6 so I was a little slow in doing that :/ but I guess we'll see you next time!

