~My Flower Log~


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May 12, 2007
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PlAnEt EaRtH!
:unsure: WELCOME!

Hello everyone welcome to my new tamagotchi log. It is all about my tamagotchi. I have a white tamagotchi with green leaves and pink flowers. I am currently on generation 1 and i have a baby girl named LUCY! she has only just hatched so she is still very very young. I have not yet got the 5 shop cheat codes and the playhouse and slide but i will get them later. I am probably going to go on tamatown soon because in the Gotchi Station you can now go to GuruGuru and Mame city! I might go on that now. Ill reply when we get back!

Good Bye


:unsure: TAMATOWN!

Hello everyone! Me and LUCY! just got back from tamatown and we had a great time. First we got the Passport, Brochue and Poster2 from in the town. Then we went into the Gotchi Station and got 2 tickets for GuruGuru and Mame City! First we went to GuruGuru. It was lovely. We went into the convience store and got a Smoothie and a Jug Of Milk then we got back on the train and went to Mame City. It was very big. There were loads of buildings everywhere. We ended up going into the Hardware store and got a Ladder, Drill and a Hammer! Then we went back to Tamatown. On the way home LUCY! had an orange and as soon as we got home she fell asleep. Im gonna go now so when LUCY! wakes up we can play Jumping Rope! Ill post when LUCY! evolves. By the way i forgot to say... when LUCY! is talking the writing is PURPLE.Before i go LUCY! wants to talk...

Hello everyone. I had a great time at tamatown, GuruGuru and Mame city today. I hope we can go tomorrow as well. I have to go now because it is nearly nap time. Bye x

Good Bye



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