~*My FANTASTIC V5 Log!*~


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Feb 20, 2008
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[SIZE=13pt]Hanatchi Lover's V5 Tamagotchi Log!![/SIZE]


Hello! This is my new and improved V5 log! Currently, I have a House V5. They are babies on their second generation. I will write all about them and their future generations to come here! Let's introduce them:

  • Brendon = Father
  • Chloe = Mother
  • Emma = First Born
  • Mikey = Second Born
  • Ally = Third Born
Here are their characters:

  • Brendon = Papamemetchi
  • Chloe = Mamapatchi
  • Emma = Futabatchi
  • Mikey = Futabatchi
  • Ally = Mimifuwatchi
They're really cute. <_<


Here are their stats:


Family Name: Tweet

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥♥

Brendon; father: Papamemetchi

Chloe; mother: Mamapatchi

Emma; daughter: Futabatchi

Mikey; son: Futabatchi

Ally; Mimifuwatchi

Generation: 2G

Money: 250 g

Bonds: 0%

Family Type: Blended Family

Stage: Babies


Aww, they just used the potty! It was a duck! Too cute. :lol:


Okay, thank you for reading my log! I hope you guys enjoy it! Also, DO NOT POST HERE! ALL POSTS WILL BE DELETED! Thanks again!


xhanachi~lover0 :)

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The Tweet family just grew up to toddlers!

  • Emma = Tororotchi
  • Mikey = Mattaritchi
  • Ally = Sakuramotchi

They're so cute! <_< Okay, I'll update later! Thanks for reading!


Hanatchi Lover :lol:

*Please refer to me as that!*


PS. If you would like to comment my log, PMs are always welcome! And, I will post the mail I recieve here!

Right now, Emma and Brendon are raiding the fridge. Hmm, I hope they don't find Ally's secret stash of ice cream!


Hanatchi Lover <_<

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Hello! Sorry I haven't written in a few days. Last time I posted, the Tweet family was toddlers. Now they're teenagers! Yay.

  • Emma = Chamametchi
  • Mikey = Mamekatchi
  • Ally = Ichigotchi :ph34r: (MY FAVORITE!!!)
They're really cute.




Family Name: Tweet

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥♥

Brendon; father: Papamemetchi

Chloe; mother: Mamapatchi

Emma; daughter: Chamametchi

Mikey; son: Mamekatchi

Ally; Ichigotchi

Generation: 2G

Money: 300 g

Bonds: 0% (got to work on those . . .)

Family Type: Blended Family

Stage: Teenager


They're just hopping about right now. I'll update later. Ciao!


Hanatchi Lover :(

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Aww! Brendon and Chloe were just eating Bananas! It was adorable. The Tweet family is good. :D


Hanatchi Lover :ichigotchi:
