Mutant Moon


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"Alright," Amaya set the berries down,"Let's start!"

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"Let's see... First of all, where do you keep your flour?" Amaya asked.

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"okay... What else...." Amaya tried to think of the rest of the recipe. "Oh! Do you have some eggs, milk, and butter?"

Vaiz opened up the fridge. "Yeah, all right here." He got them out and put them on the counter.

"I think I can take it from here..." Amaya spotted a bowl on the counter, "Can I use this?"

Amaya grabbed the bowl. "Alright, thanks." Amaya then got to work. She first opened the carton of eggs and grabbed one, she then cracked the egg on the edge of the bowl and dumped it in.Then she set the shell on the counter. "Fork?" Amaya asked.

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Vaiz passed her a fork, watching her cook.

Ze got up and smiled, stretching his arms.

"Thanks." Amaya smiled at Vaiz. Amaya began to gently beat the egg. When she was finished, she grabbed the bag of flour and opened it. Amaya carefully poured the flour into the bowl. She scooped some butter up with the fork and set it in the bowl. She opened the milk and poured a little in. Amaya looked at Vaiz,"You wanna stir?"

Amaya looked into the bowl. "Perfect! Do you have a pan I can use?" Amaya took the bowl over to the stove.

"Yeah, a lot better then the night before." Ze told her.

Vaiz got out a pan. "Yeah, here."

"Thank you." Amaya placed the pan onto the stove and turned it on. She poured the pancake batter into the pan. She grabbed the pouch of berries and picked out all of the blueberries. "Hah, do you like a little bit of blueberries, or a LOT?" Amaya put a bunch of empahsis on 'lot' and smiled at Vaiz.

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