Music Star!


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Sorry about not posting for seven months.... I hope to start up my Music Star today, because I have to get new batteries. I hope you enjoy it! :mellow:

Ok, I started my Music Star over agian. I got a baby boy and I named him Cross(someone off my favorite anime). He evolved into a Kuchitamatchi, and he is currently in preschool. He plays the drums and his favorite toy is the globe. Thats all for now, I'll post later!

Oh my gosh! I love your log! I really want you too keep replying because I enjoy reading it!  Cross is a really cute name for a baby boy!
Awww thanks

Ok, sorry for not updating for a while. :)

Ok. Cross evolved into Kikitchi on Saturday. He met his band which had the flame teen and I forgot the other one... They are Toby, David, and my Cross.

Last night, LATE last night Cross evolved into Shimashima. Toby is some ghost looking one, and David is Kuromametchi. They went to the tryouts and got 3 x's. :D I was crushed. I played alot of games after that and they had another tryout. This time I got 3 o's! Yay! A few seconds ago they had a concert and nd only a few people came... They are 42nd place. Thats all for now! :angry:

Dear dairy,


Brandon got me a diary! Yay! I'm supposed to be in bed, but I wanted to write in my diary. Today I met up with my band and we got to try out, we did terrible! David was playing his notes all wrong! Anyway, we were soo sad! When I got home Brandon wanted to talk about it, but I really wanted to be alone. Brandon told me I should be practicing, not crying about the past. So I did. I played tons of games and my tone, rythm, and orginallity got better! Then we got another chance!! The judges loved us, and gave us 3 o's! I was really excited! Oops, Brandon is comming. G'night!



Me: Cross, wake up.

Cross: *yawn* I'm up Brandon.

Me: I have breakfest ready downstairs. And your band manager stopped by to drop of your 20,000 for the concert.

Cross: Woo! *runs downstairs*

Me: O_O

Yep, Cross got 20,000 gotchi points for doing his concert. Thats all for now! I hope you enjoy reading this log, and PM me with questions or coments. :(

Er, thankyou. :D

Dear Diary,

I had two concerts today! I had a whole crowd both times!! My star ranking is 4th. I'm so happy. I visted Music City today and met some friends. Oh no! Brandon is comming! Bye!



Does anyone know when Music Stars mate? Cross has been an adult for two days tommorow...

Cross: Thanks so much! I'm glad to hear I have fans!

Me: *rolls eyes*

Anyway, Cross got some more money from the band manager. I still need to know when he will get married. He is 4 now...

On our way to 1000 posts! Woo!

Anyway, Cross fell asleep last night before getting to write in his diary. No... I don't read his dairy or anything.... :(

Well, the band manager came and gave Cross some money. And he should be comming agian today to give Cross a wife. :nyatchi:

Cross: What was that?

Me: Oh nothing! :D

1000 views(thats what I meant to say in my last post)!!! I would like to thank EVERYONE who reads my log! Thankyou so much!

The matchmaker didn't come yesterday. I'm hoping he will come today, seeing as how Cross is 6. I guess we'll just have to see.... Anyway, Cross stayed up late last night in Music City, so he isn't up right now... I'll tell you when/if the matchmaker comes.

Cross: I got married! I married a beautiful Makkiko!

Makkiko: Aw, thanks, dear. Don't forget our perfect litttle baby.

Me: Congratz! Have you decided on a name for the baby?

Cross: Not yet... Soon though!

Makkiko: Mhm. Well I better go put him down for a nap, so he doesn't get cranky.

You heard right! Cross and Makkiko got married! I was actually hoping for a Makkiko! They are so sweet together. They had a baby boy! Well thats all for now. ;)

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Yay! More fanmail!

I love your logs as well. i have 3 music stars and am psyched to get new watch batteries for them since the old ones went dead. But im trying to get back in the games here since i left them alone for a year or two. thanx so much for keeping the log updated.

Your so nice!